Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) on Eid ul Fitr

on Friday, August 9, 2013

Just like all other aspects of life, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has also set many examples regarding how we should be celebrating Eid ul fitr.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would take a bath, clean his teeth with miswak, wear perfume, and new or the best of his clothes on Eid ul fitr. He would also eat odd number of  dates before setting out towards mosque.

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would go towards mosque via one route and would return from another route. This is because the more the steps taken for this virtue, the more will be the reward; and the more the land that has been traveled on foot, the more will be the reward.

Ibn e Umar (radi Allahu anhu) has also reported that Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would set out for Eid prayer while reciting the following takbeeraat:

“Allah-u Akbar Allah-u Akbar, La ilaha illa-Allah W all Allah-u Akbar w alill -Allah il hamd”.

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) assigned the payment of sadqa e fitr so that the poor can also have a share on this festival. Hadrat ibn ‘Umar said, “The Prophet made incumbent on every male or female, being a free man or a slave, being young or old, the payment of one Sa’(3.828 kg) of dates or barley, or half a sa’ of wheat or an amount equivalent to these as Sadaqat-ul-Fitr. This sadaqah should be paid before one goes to Eid prayer. [Sahih Bukhari]

Umme Atia has reported that: “ the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has also ordered all Muslim women to go to mosque for Eid prayer while covering their satr (all body parts except hands and feet). However, those having menses are prescribed to stay away from the mosque”. (by Muslim)

Eid prayer can be performed any time after sunrise. But Muslims may pray it according to the timings set by the mosque in their town. Eid prayer only comprises of two raka’at Nawafil: during which the ‘Imam’ declares the ‘takbir’ (Allah-o-Akbar) seven times after the opening ‘takbir’ and before the recitation of the Surah Al-Fatehah in the first rakah.  During the second rakah, the ‘takbir’ is to be declared five times before the recitation of the Surah Al-Fatehah. One should raise one’s hands above their shoulders during each pronouncement of the ‘takbir’. After completion of the prayers, the ‘Imam’ leading the prayers faces the believers and declares a short sermon praising and glorifying Allah Ta’ala and exhorting the believers towards the good. It is forbidden to pray Nafl prayer before or after the prayer. It is also a sunnah to perform two rak’at Nafl prayer after reaching home. The Muslims are free to celebrate the festivities of Eid after Eid prayer provided they remain in the circumference of shariah.

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