Restrictions in Islam

on Saturday, August 17, 2013

The word Islam is derived from an Arabic root word means ‘Peace’ and ‘submission’. A true Muslim submits his desires, heart and soul to the will of Allah. A true Muslim should not be astray by worldly temptations. Islam is the complete code of life. Its laws and jurisprudence guide us about etiquette, dietary laws, family life, economy, military and in all spheres of life. People of other religions find it a difficult religion. People complain about so many restrictions in Islam.

People in the west think that the restrictions in Islam are constraints on the modern social concepts. Women can’t freely mingle with men. Restriction on women to cover themselves seem much bounded to non-Muslims. In reality, Islam teaches us to develop a society of harmony and peace where justice prevails.

Islam does not allow a woman to pass in front of man while putting on perfume. It is prohibited for a woman to reveal the jingle of her ornaments by walking or wearing such dresses which seduce a man to commit adultery. She cannot shake hands with strange men. It closes all the doors that lead to promiscuity and possibility of temptation. All these are sins. Islam has defined well the limits of communication and interaction between men and women. It doesn’t allow them to meet whenever and however they like. A woman is not allowed to being soft in speech while taking to a man. Mere presence of men and women is not prohibited in Islam, but it also has limits. A woman cannot come too close to a man except her husband. She is commanded to not meet a man alone because satin accompanies them as a third party. All these restrictions raise the chastity of a woman.

Quran also conducted men to the right path in these words: “Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them.” and says: “And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty.” [Surah al-Noor: 30-31]

All these restrictions purify a society from social evils and ailments. The system of zakat (alms) and justly division of inherited property are the basis of economically strong society. There is no accumulation of wealth in such society, and it is properly distributed among its inhabitants. If eating pork is not allowed, then today science proved that biologically it is quite harmful for a person’s health. We can see the example of destruction caused by drunken people in the western world. So Islam simply prohibits it because it unifies us to create a good society. Hence these commands are not mere restrictions, but they conduct us completely to a righteous path.

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