10 Ways to Get Ready For Ramadan

on Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The holy month of Ramadan is the month of blessings  Some of our Muslim brothers and sisters get afraid of weather, hunger, thirst and long duration of fasting. On the other hand, there is another group of people who misunderstand the concept of fasting. They think they have to pray day and night during the Holy month of Ramadan, but any way both perceptions are not so true.

In the Holy month of Ramadan reward of good deeds and prayers is doubled, so it might be our last chance to get bestowed with the blessings of this holy month. The prophet used to get ready for the holy month of Ramadan.

If in a retail shop daily life commodities are available at a cheaper price, everyone will queue out that shop to grab the daily life commodities as soon as possible, then how a wise man remain unblessed, if Ramadan is available for him.

The following 10 might be the best ways so that we can make ourselves ready for Ramadan:

1. Voluntary Fasts (Other than Ramadan)

To make yourself used to “Fasting” adopt the habit of Prophet (P.B.U.H) of fasting on Monday and Thursday.

Fasting habit can also be adopted by fasting on al-ayaam al-beedh (White Days) i.e. 13th, the 14th and the 15th of every month.

2. Tilawaa’t (Reciting) Qur’an:

Saying of Allah is:

“The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down, a guidance for mankind….” (Surah al-Baqarah 2:185)

The one who recites Holy Quran gets the companionship of Angels according to our Holy Prophet’s Hadiths. The one who recites Holy Quran gets the 10 rewards for every letter but in Ramadan it is multiplied 10 times.

In this manner, it is obligatory for us to learn & recite Quran and for that you should be keen how to learn Quran and transfer it to other so that divine message could be televised through the humanity of the world.

3. Offering Supererogatory (Nafil) Prayers: 
The reward of Nawafil prayer in Ramadan is equivalent to Fard of normal days, and respectively reward of Fard prayer even higher than of normal days.

To take advantage of this Holy month a wise man should not leave any Nafil, Fard, and Sunnah, so one can adopt the habit of offering them in normal days.

By offering increased number of voluntary worship we can gain proximity to Allah as well as the companionship of Prophet (S.A.W) in Jannah.
4. Make Dua In front Of Allah Almighty: 
We must not rush while we are making Dua to Allah, because due to this we could not contact to Allah Almighty smoothly. Thus we loose concentration and sincerity. So it should be kept in mind while praying that humble, lowness and worthlessness in front of Allah should be prime mode. The place of Dua is so honorable to Allah that the Prophet (BPUH)

5. Sincere Forgiveness of Sins from Allah: 
In Ramadan sincere forgiveness of sins from Allah done previously (Taubaa’).

It should be comprised of three steps.

  • In your heart consider that sin as a sin and there should be bad feeling for it.
  • Make a firm promise of not repeating that sin again.
  • Make remedy to the people affected with the sin.

When a person sins and then sincerely turns to Allah for forgiveness, one will find Allah ready to accept his repentance and to forgive him.

Allah loves regret on past misconduct and loves those who turn to him in regret of past misconduct.

6. Kindness and Charity:

Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) always showed more kindness in the month of Ramadan than the normal days.

The Prophet (S.A.W) said, “The best charity is that given in Ramadan.” (At-Tirmithi).

7. Control in the Usage of Tongue:
The Holy month of Ramadan teaches control of desires (Nafs) which also leads to tongue. Those who control their tongues are of the best of Muslims.

8. Civilizing Personal Character and Manners: 
The character of Prophet (S.A.W) is ideal for the whole Ummah.

 The Prophet (S.A.W)used to say: ”The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.” (al-Bukhari)

Positive change in character can never be brought over a night, it is slow and steady process. So it is the time to get ourselves prepared for this change by availing the golden chance of Ramadan.

9. Adopt Etiquette in Eating:

Ibrahim al-Nakha’i, on of the teachers of Imam Abu Hanifa, may Allah have mercy on them both, mentioned: “The people ruined before you were done in by three characteristics: too much talking, too much eating, and too much sleeping.”

There is a common saying “excess of everything is bad” so it is true in case of food. Excess eating may suffer from various diseases and reduces attention towards praying and worship to Allah.

During fast we don’t have food throughout the day, but after Iftaar we glutton ourselves which is against the spirit of Ramadan.

If we bring moderation in the eating pattern during the Ramadan, then we can get fruitful results from this Holy month.

10. Practice Sunnah’s into Daily Life:
Pursuing the Sunnah is the will of Allah. By adopting Sunnah we can make our lives heaven and each and single action of Prophet (S.A.W) should be adopted as He (P.B.U.H) used to practice, for that you have to follow Sunnah. Sunnah is the complete description of Prophet (P.B.U.H) life (USWA HASANA).

We can learn Sunnah either by Hadith or by learning Quran. Being Muslim it is compulsory and obligatory for a Muslim to learn about Sunnah. It is also obligatory for a Muslim to have complete knowledge of Sunnah.

All Muslims should have complete grip on Quran learning, and should learn the meaning of Quran, so that they are able to recite Quran without errors.

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