US drones will not be targeting civilians according to the new policy

on Friday, May 31, 2013


Recently, the US president Barrack Obama had a press conference in Washington in which the major focus was on the foreign policies that the US would follow in the coming years. The US drone attacks have not only killed terrorists, but it has also caused many other precious lives. Obama specifically mentioned the policy of Drone attacks in countries like Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen in which there were many targeted attacks, but now a policy was reviewed by the US government in which the use of drone attacks would be limited from now onwards.

Obama regime was criticized by the media recently on domestic scandals that caused Obama a lot of damage. Soon after the scandals that came up to the scene two weeks before the press conference , Obama thought that he would be limiting the scope of the war on terror which George W Bush has initiated. However, Obama made it clear in the statement during the press conference that he felt that the American nation was threatened by the terrorists. While he was at Washington National defense university, he added that the chances of threats were not limited.

There is a pressure on the Obama regime about the use of unmanned aerial vehicles that were used to kill the terrorist in different countries including Pakistan. Giving the reason behind the attacks, Obama said his government would be using drones against the terrorist when they would be feeling that the risk was high enough, and it could not be neglected. Though it was made clear through Obama’s statement that there would no significant change in the drone policy still there are lots of other issues that Obama has to address. Pointing out the role of the military, Obama also said that he admits that the role of the military should be limited.

On Wednesday, Obama said the Defense Department will take the lead in launching drones, as opposed to the current practice of the CIA taking charge.

The change in policy by Obama has come up with the decision that from now onwards defense department would be handling drone attacks rather than the CIA. While elaborating, he said that the drones would be used if we failed to capture the terrorists. Talking about the sovereignty of the countries in which drones are used, he said that the US defense department would make sure that other civilians would not get killed in the drone attacks.

The reaction against the drones four American soldiers were already killed since 2009. A tribute was also paid by the US president that the Pakistani armed forces have suffered a lot during the war against terrorism.

Talking about the killing of Osama bin Laden Obama, he said that it affected the relationship with Pakistan, and he didn’t want the US military to have the operation on every soil that may bring crises. The relationship with Pakistan is still in the rebuilding phase, he added.

Obama also explained the reason of inability to close down the prison in Guantanamo Bay, in which he said he would be looking forward to the congress on this issue that should be resolved. He also condemned the killing of a British soldier.

One of the journalists interrupted Obama during the speech repeatedly asking the question about the killing of innocent people during the drone attacks.

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