Theories of the Stereotyping Content against Muslims

on Friday, May 24, 2013

The tendency of stereotyping religions and ethnicities is well known. The best explanation in this regard has been offered by Lippman who called it a way to map the world. In other words, stereotypes are used to divide and categorize the world. In lines to this, first of all individuals are tagged into certain groups and then the perceived features of the groups are imposed on all members who are part of the group. The prime reason for these stereotypes that are used against Muslims is for despising them and for the purpose of raising other groups above Muslims. There is a great deal of research that has been made in Psychology and Sociology on the use of stereotyping. But still a number of theorists are still hesitant in doing any form of studies on the use of stereotyping against the Muslims.

All the dimensions of stereotyping are centered on the various group intentions. There are two factors or dimensions which are going to be of the prime focus here including warmth and competence. There is a great deal of evidence that offers a complete account that the perception of traits of various groups, including the Muslims, fall along the factors and dimensions of warmth and competence. Now what do the various theories predict and explain about the use of stereotypes against Muslims in countries like USA, UK, France, Italy, Canada and in other countries. It is an unfortunate fact that most of the citizens of these countries tag and stereotype Muslims quite negatively in the direction of warmth. In other words, the Muslims are stereotyped with violence, hatred and contempt.

The Non-Muslims feel to have no reason for perceiving their goals to be in line to those of the Muslims all over the world. In terms of the historical analysis, it is also evident that the hostile intentions of the citizens of these countries have been expressed in the media, universities and the academic literature that is taught to them. Most of the content analysis that are performed in these countries do not give a complete account about the specific types of stereotypes and beliefs that have been made towards Muslims.

In addition, on analyzing the newspaper coverage in the regions, it is also clear that most of the stories are based on crime, violence and conflict. In other words, it is always depicted that the Muslims are followers of irrational beliefs, do not treat women with respect, use violence on their children and much more. What’s more bizarre is the fact that the readers of those newspapers and magazines, who claim to be the most intellectual and pure race in the world, blindly shape their attitudes in line to these false and illogical stories. Moreover, the Americans also tag Muslims in the dimensions of competence. In other words, they believe that the Muslims are incompetent, which is one of the reasons for which they make use of terrorism in order to acquire what they cannot achieve. In addition, Muslims are also portrayed as being lazy, arrogant, extremist, and chauvinistic. Muslims are also tagged as being indolent. So, it is evident that the use of stereotypes against Muslims are only because of the religion to which they belong.

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