Criticism On Obama Regime Causing Panic

on Monday, May 27, 2013

Last week was very challenging for Obama as he was compelled to deny the number of scandals that can be extremely devastating for his second term that has not yet begun. You don’t often see people getting so much power alone.

With the number of scandals coming up, Obama’s image was damaged as he was seeking a soft corner by the press and the media for him. Obama has already tolerated the number of questions raised by the experts asking if Obama would be able to become 21st-century Richard Nixon. Not only this, the press was asking questions about the second term policy by Obama that seems to have already failed. There are a number of conventional writers who jumped on to the fact that Obama could be listed among those politicians who were forced to leave the office early with a number of scandals upfront. The reports by those writers showed that the internal revenue service have sorted out the conventional groups which clearly showed that Obama government is obsessed of using their power through unfair means.

In reaction to the IRS reports Michael Capuano who is a Liberal Democrat congressman said “it is out of question that I am going to defend this hell. I won’t allow it to happen again because I have seen young individuals denigrating Nixon government who was involved in same practices.” Six months ago, Obama was chose to be the president of the United States after which he promised to the people that he would be bringing a lot of improvements, but it seems to be that Obama government is now derailed.

University of Akron professor David Cohen was of the view that now Obama government is facing downfall as they have not lived up to the expectations of the people. The government is going through very sensitive period of time, he also added. The three scandals that have dominated the headlines this week – the IRS, the spying on AP and the latest Benghazi revelations – have also only added to a series of other problems that the Obama White House has encountered as it seeks to map out a meaningful second term. There have been finger raised on to the polices adopted by Obama government including the drone attack policy on which the standing of USA is not clearly mentioned along with the Guantánamo Bay prisoners strike by the inmates.

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