The West – A society with Patience

on Friday, May 24, 2013

Is the West really a society with patience? When it comes to the 21st century generation, then it is the one that expects fast results. In the past, the west may have experienced patience, but it seems to be missing in today’s era. The generation X and Y are not workaholic than the previous ones. Everything today is being done instantly which sure has reduced the level of patience of people all over the world. Restaurants can deliver food instantly, if you want to do some research, then you can do it online and get the results instantly, if you want to lose weight then you can go out and buy pills for that instead of doing heavy workouts. That’s how the western society moves. They do not wait for anyone, and they have become less patient.

However, it is important to practice patience. There are many programs and therapies going on in the west that preach patience. The young generation particularly requires practicing more and more patience. Benjamin Franklin has wisely said “The one that has patience can have what he will.”

Patience is the best thing that can be found in any individual. There is no one on this earth who cannot get any benefit from patience. It is said that if you wait, you will get the best fruit. Patience can turn failure into success. However, in order to practice, the individual needs to keep himself calm, stress free and cheerful. Positive mind is also necessary because if you are surrounded with negative thoughts then you are not going to think optimistically.

The west is patient in dealing with other countries around this world. That’s the way the leaders of the country deal, but when it comes to the younger generation then lack of patience is the dilemma that the society is facing. Even the scholars say that technology is responsible for making the people of the west impatient. They expect things to happen in a nick of time. It can be healthy if you take it in a sense that certain things won’t take a long time as they usually do. If you can’t wait in line for 2 hours in order to get a ticket, then believe me you need help. Impatience can result in anger and aggression. The attitude of a person in aggression can never be positive.

If you want to achieve something in life then you will have to practice patience because without it, you will take a hard way to succeed. People give up when they face problems. They lose heart in a short span of time, and because of that they are not able to succeed.

The western nation is in need to practice as much patience as it can. It’s not even the westerns, but the people of the whole world need to be patient. It’s the only way the world will become a better place to live in. After all, patience and tolerance can make everyone a better person.

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