How UK Muslims are Different from Rest of the Muslims?

on Wednesday, June 12, 2013

From year 1950, a lot of Muslims migrated to the United Kingdom where there were a lot of job opportunities. Most of the Muslims were originated from Pakistan because of unemployment. Muslims are generally very religious and patriotic towards their country. They left their hometown with the notion of returning after making enough money. Due to various reasons, they invited their family over there and settled in Britain.

The first generation Muslims who settled in the UK are very religious, and they sent their children to the mosque every evening to learn their religion, Quran and Allah. Their children who were enrolled in the UK schools were exposed to the western ways of life. They also learnt about Christianity and sing carols during Christmas times. It almost seems like they grew up in a dual life were at school they were exposed to the Western culture and at home they were sent to the mosque to learn their religion.

They do not treat Quran as a religion, it is a way of life for Muslims, but it completely opposes most of the western cultures. The second and third generation of Muslims in the UK, knowing it was forbidden in the Quran, were attracted towards the western culture. They associated with another gender peers, wore short and tight clothes and even went to parties. These are all completely against what the Quran preaches.

The Muslim youth, even though practiced Islamic culture at home, they were pulled towards westernization due to peer pressure, pop culture, movies, etc. There is even certain group of Muslims who drink, smoke and indulge in other activities that are extremely punishable by Allah. Even though many believe in Allah and fear that they will be punished by him for their sins after they die, still continue to follow the western culture. There is another part of Muslims which believes in doing the thing they feel is right. Just because their religion says otherwise, it doesn’t bother them. Everyone has their own point of view and reasons for their actions.

Even today, few percentage of Muslims in the UK still strongly believe in their religion. The youngsters also pray many times a day. They fast during the month of Ramadan. But that accounts for only 33 % of Muslim according to a survey. About 11% pray few times a week, 4% pray when their parents ask them to, 30% whenever they want to, 11% never pray and the remaining 11% rarely.

There were also various views about the saying of the Quran. For instance, the Quran allows abortion under certain cases, but the majority were against it due to their opinion. Homosexuality is another thing that is completely looked down by the Quran, but there were few people who were ok with it. According to the Quran, euthanasia is illegal because Allah is the creator of life and he chooses when to take it. Most Muslims in the UK were fine with euthanasia when the person is in a lot of pain and no medication can help.

These referrals prove that the UK Muslims are not as conservative when compared to the other Muslims around the world. They have a freedom of thought which was induced by the western culture.

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