Why Are We Pessimist?

on Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pessimism refers to when people start looking at the negatives of life more than the positives. People expect that everything will eventually have a negative outcome. Even when something positive happens, they tend to try and find what the negative side is. At times, this is due to emotional condition of a person’s mind, and at other times, it’s due to what around them.

Nowadays, we are all becoming more and more pessimist. All the negative events that are happening around us on a daily basis can be the main reasons for pessimism. Even people, who once look for positivity, accept that in many cases negative things happen and nothing can stop them. Those unstoppable negatives are robberies, killings, accidents and all similar things around us. All these have a major impact on our lives. Also, they might not be things that happened directly to us to have a significant impact. Our relatives, family, friends, and all the ones around us make an impact and whatever happens to them affect our thinking and our lives.

I was recently planning a visit to India with my family for the summer. You will not believe how many people discouraged me from the visit, and everyone started telling me about kidnapping, diseases and accidents that happen in India. Similarly, if we take a look around and pay attention, you will see people saying things like what if the plane crashes, what if the bus gets into an accident. All these are basically due to pessimism that has gotten into us. If we leave our minds to those things, then we would not leave the house.

In many cases, if not all, it’s fear that causes pessimism in us. Due to fear, we tend to look at the negative ends of everything as we are fearful that the wrong things will happen to us, and we always look out for those. What we do not understand is that since we are always so fearful and looking for the negative things, the positive things always passes us by, and we never realize that they did as we think of them as negative things, as well.

Media has played a very major role in all of this. The media has exposed us to many things that we do not even know. Things that are better hidden are exposed to the normal public and this makes them even more fearful and pessimist. On top of all, the government of every nation around the world has an equal important role in encouraging this form of negative behaviors. If we look around the world, we will see that over the past few decades none of the administrations around the world have actually managed to have a peaceful growing nation. There is recession, internal political fights, and no jobs, killings all over the world in one form or the other. This has made us even more fearful of what is next. The people that we trusted in handling our nations are not able to do so, and then who should we trust?

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