Importance of Sports: An Islamic Perspective

on Monday, June 17, 2013

When we say Islam is the religion of nature, it applies to every sphere of life equally. Certainly, it isn’t only a set of worship rules and regulations; rather its application extends to every petty issue of our day to day life. Whether it is rules of business or importance of seeking knowledge; dress code or eating habits; bathing rules or government policies; Islam answers each and every question of our typical everyday matters. Sports are one such area which is not much discussed by people, yet Allah has given us very clear rules regarding it.

Does Islam Support Engaging in Sports?

Definitely, yes! Almighty requires from us special care of our health; both physical and spiritual. Involvement in sports not only offers health benefits, but also prepares Muslims to be able to fight for Allah’s cause even in old age.

We can easily find examples of Companions of Holy Prophet (PBUH) regarding their interest in some typical sports like Sword Fighting, Swimming, Horse Riding, Wrestling, Archery, and Spearing.

As reported by Tabarani, Holy Prophet (PBUH) said,

“Any action without the remembrance of Allah is either a distraction or negligence; except for four acts: Walking from target to target [during archery training], training a horse, playing with one’s family, and learning to swim.”

Reason of Importance of Sports in Islam:

Following can be considered as the foremost grounds on which sports and exercises were given much importance.

Self Defense:

Exercise develops stamina. If we do not work out regularly, we won’t be able to defend ourselves against an attacker effectively. To enable ourselves to fight back an aggressor and protect our lives, it is imperative to work out regularly and develop resistance. Martial Arts might be an additional advantage in such circumstances.

Preparedness for Jihad:

Allah requires from His believers to be always ready for fighting in His path. Jihad is extremely misunderstood these days due to the irrationally violent acts of a handful of individuals. In fact, Jihad implies fighting for the right cause; fighting for Allah’s sake; fighting against atrocious ruler; and fighting to eradicate violence.

A Muslim has to be in good shape for being able to fight in the way of his Lord. This is why working out as well as resistance training is important in our religion.

Our Bodies are Gifts from Allah:

Allah has blessed us with good health, perfectly working bodies and active limbs. It is our religious, as well as, moral responsibility to take good care of these gifts. On the Day of Resurrection, we will be answerable for our treatment of our bodies in front of Allah. This is why there is no room for obesity in Islam because it reflects mistreatment of and negligence towards one’s body.

However, it is important to note that there should be no combined exercise areas for men and women, and there should be separate practice areas for both genders.

Sports in Islam and Women:

Nowhere in the history of Islam can we find any example which implies prohibition of sport activities for women. It is as vital for women to take care of their health as it is for men. In fact, we find certain traditions from the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) where he played along with the Mother of Muslims Syeda Ayesha (R.A.).

It is, hence, unambiguous now that Islam lays huge emphasis on the preservation of good health and development of stamina. Allah likes vigilance and abhors languor. We must struggle to actively participate in physical exercises and healthy gaming activities.

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