WikiLeaks activists in New York to protest US whistleblowers clampdown

on Friday, April 26, 2013

Birgitta Jonsdottir is the Icelandic MP and belongs to WikiLeaks. Wikileaks consists of a small group of people that dump the secrets of the US state. Three years ago this team started to work. Whenever there is a controversy, Birgitta protests against the irregular crackdown by the US government on internet tattletales.

While designating the third anniversary of the “Collateral Murder” video, Birgitta reflects that the video is enough to draw all attention to the situation of Bradley Manning. It is related to the situation in which a soldier is facing the court martial for being the direct source of WikiLeaks material and knowledge, as well as a huge public speech about the treatment of online tattletales. On 5th April 2010, WikiLeaks was put on the map by showing a shocking and riveting revelation regarding to a chopper attack on a defenseless and under siege civilians in Baghdad. An exhibition was arranged in New York Association of still footages.

The clampdown on Tattletale has gone way beyond reason. In an interview, she said to the Guardian ” Obama is the only US president who has summoned the maximum whistleblowers which was not mentioned in the agreement which he promised at the time of election”.

The rapid activities of whistleblowers, on the internet, show that the American nation has failed in the task of keeping up the pace with the rapid change. “Generally the public doesn’t visualize that keeping our government honest has shifted online.”

She gives the example of an online worker Aaron Swartz, who was facing a summation for being connected to a leak of academic journal articles which were hacked. “How it can be accepted that Swartz is going to be imprisoned for 45 years? How Bradley Manning can be enforced to spend a life of salvation?”

Jhonsdottir was one of the volunteers who joined forces with Julian Assange who is the founder of WikiLeaks, and the one who prepared the Collateral Murder video in Iceland for publication. It had been leaked along with the other secrets of the US State Government. In the year 2009 and 2010, Manning has admitted of passing the secrets to WikiLeaks including other discreet channels throughout the world.

The video contains the most dramatic and impactful data among all releases. It clearly showed a US military crew who were enjoying attacking Iraqis. These Iraqis were considered as militants, but they were actually civilians including children and two Tass journalists who were then killed. The exhibition, which was arranged in New York, showed the footages of helicopter’s attack sites trained on individuals with titles drawn from the audio recorded inside the Apache.

The captions were showing “oh yes! They live. Shoot them, shoot all the living bastards, and come on keep shooting. Come for free”

Johnsdottir was of the view that why only a single person is prosecuted as a result of this video whose crime is nothing, but merely being the cause of this video leakage. Only Manning was put on trial, and not a single more individual who were also responsible for this as shown in the Collateral murder video was convicted.

Jhonsdottir states that “the oppression catching of US government to which she says the tattletales are actually defecting the reputation of America all around the world. It is quoted as, the China, supervised state, if the US government is stopping its employee not to look at WikiLeaks is something like the Chinese government is telling its people not to look at the internet material on Tibet, and there is absolutely no big difference in it.”

Johnsdottir has been caught by the state investigators. Some companies like twitter and four more whose identities have not been exposed are ordered by the department of justice to give all the collected data belonging to MP.

She tried her level best to escape through legal action, but can’t. She says “people elected me by voting, so I am their representative and they don’t expect exposure of their personal information which they give me through e-mails and twitter.

After the discharge of WikiLeaks, her first visit to the US was on Thursday night, despite the fact that she was strictly advised by her Iceland lawyers to not take a risk as she had already alarmed the US government. At the end her departure at John F Kennedy airport in New York was quick and smooth.

She said in her belief that she was very happy and encouraged by the warm welcome, and it could be the right decision taken by the people, and maybe it was a sign of a new beginning.

This exhibition was arranged to mark the third anniversary of the release of the Collateral Murder video, which opens at 5:30 pm on Friday at Judson Church, 55 Washington, and square south, New York. A commission discussion regarding Birgitta Jhonsdottir was also arranged at 8 pm.

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