ICNA Relief Participates in Boston Vigil

on Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 16, 2013 – ICNA Relief’s Boston Field Office Director Malika MacDonald, stood in solidarity with hundreds of other Americans at Boston Commons candlelight vigil, for those killed and injured during the Boston Marathon bombings. The location of the vigil was just blocks from where the tragic attack took place.

ICNA Relief's Malika MacDonald with hundreds of others at the Boston Commons candlelight vigil on April 16, 2013.

ICNA Relief’s Malika MacDonald with hundreds of others at the Boston Commons candlelight vigil on April 16, 2013.

“As a Bostonian, born and raised in Massachusetts, I felt a responsibility to be at the vigil with my fellow Bostonians. As an Irish American Muslim, I felt a deeper obligation to attend as the face of Islam in America, representing the organization I work for; ICNA Relief.” said Malika. “This is my city, it was an attack on my city and my neighbors, I stand united with Boston and will do my share to help my city heal” expressed Malika.

By Christina Jedra, Globe Correspondent

Hundreds of supporters gathered around the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common Tuesday night to honor the victims of the Boston Marathon explosions and their loved ones in a vigil called Peace, Here and Everywhere.

In the quiet crowd, visitors lit candles, signed banners, and listened to a choir perform, sometimes joining in for songs including “Amazing Grace” and “The Star Spangled Banner.”

“I think it’s kind of beautiful,” said Alicia Carroll, an Emerson College freshman at the vigil. “It reminds me of the patriotic feel of the inauguration. It’s nice to see so many people that care.”

Cloth banners were placed on the ground with markers laying nearby for anyone to add a positive note to the colorful community contributions already there. Messages included, “We are Boston strong,” “We’re all with you,” “Peace,” and “Love destroys hate.” One small child waving an American flag in the front of the crowd attracted many somber stares, possibly a reminder of the attack’s first reported death, 8-year-old Martin Richard.

Surrounding the banners, many supporters looked on silently, sometimes breaking down in tears, embracing their loved ones, and offering lit candles to those arriving.

Organizers elected not to have an official format for the vigil. Instead, attendees were encouraged to bring flowers, banners, song lyrics, or anything else that promoted the peaceful theme.

“There will be no agenda, no speakers, and no nonsense,” the Facebook event description stated.

In this fashion, members of one of Emerson College’s acapella groups, Achoired Taste, started an impromptu performance of The Beatles song “Let It Be.”

Minako Sumi, a marathon runner at the vigil who was not physically hurt by the blasts, said she came to the gathering for a simple reason.

“I wanted to pray,” she said.

In terms of upcoming peace efforts, Carroll said that she is encouraging fellow Bostonians to join events like Boston College’s “The Last 5,” where organizers hope to symbolically finish the marathon this Friday.

“It doesn’t end here,” she said.

Article Courtesy: Boston Globe

ICNA Relief USA is the relief division of ICNA. It is a domestic, Islamic faith-based relief agency that manages several programs nationwide mainly in the areas of disaster response, hunger prevention, domestic abuse and free health care. It seeks to alleviate human suffering by providing caring, compassionate, and practical assistance.

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