on Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Do we, or do we not demand too much from the ones governing our countries? They are there to administrate the whole nation, and on the other hand, we are an integral part of it. We depend solely and wholly on the existence, prosperity, safety and growth of our countries. Like the common saying goes; countries belong to the populace, not the leaders. We were born here, we live here, we work for ourselves and obviously for the country. Whether, we try or not, working a job in a country, does ultimately benefit it. We pay taxes; we give our hard earned money for the betterment of the place we live in so that our families can have a better life. So do we overburden our leaders with responsibilities that are too much for them?

Politicians; the few members of our society who, in most of the countries, rise from the ordinary people and preside over them apparently, and in just a few cases, actually for their betterment. Many of whom forget or fail to fulfill the very promises that crowned them for the stature they got. Lets pause right there, is it entirely their fault? Aren’t they the ones WE chose? Aren’t they the ones who rose from among us because we voted for them? Now that is a point to ponder! If we choose the wrong people to lead us, we certainly lose the right to complain about them not acting up to the mark. If we choose an unsuitable person to be our premier with our own hands we are, in reality giving them the license to kill, figuratively speaking –but as of now, literally in some cases.

Now that, we are knee deep into aforementioned, let us look at another side of the picture; if they, our leaders do not come good on our demands, are we the citizens doing our part of the duties? If we want our leaders to think in the best interest of the public, we should be doing the same in the first place. If we want them to think of public money before their own, we should be messing around with the same either! If we want to make sure that our leaders are not above the law, we first need to make sure that we the citizens are under it too –that we do not want to evade the law and try to break it at every minute opportunity we get. Once we are the perfect citizens, only then we can ask these politicians to be the perfect examples of leaders!

Like everything else in this world, there is more than one aspect to this. Those charged with governance have a basic duty towards us, and that duty is to give us our rights, act in the national interest, safeguard public money, provide justice, stand for the truth and of course stand against oppression of any kind. If any, and I repeat any of our governments fail to do what is a duty for them; they have no right whatsoever to hold the office. This fact has nothing to do with what the public does –as I pinched in above. No matter how bad the public is at their duties, they always have the right to ask for what is duly theirs. If a government is pushed into fulfilling its duties; there is nothing such as “demanding too much”.

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