How To Control Increasing Racism Against Muslims In West?

on Monday, April 22, 2013

It is very prominent that, discrimination towards Muslims is increasing day by day. In the recent past, it has reached on the summit of mount Everest. The time has come to do something to minimize such hatred but is there anything really present in this world which can bring these two almost opponent ideologies united together?

What will you call such behavior where, every Muslim is treated near to a terrorist? Have anyone experienced persecution on western airports just because of being a Muslim? Many of you will say yes, I know. In all European countries including UK and in USA, Islam is the second or the third largely practiced religion everywhere. Still some countries ban wearing hijab, others humiliate people wearing so. What name you will give to such treatment? As you are ill treating a particular group, like you did towards Negroes throughout centuries, why not it is also named “Racism”?

We, Muslims are hopeful that, as the literal racism abolished, one day, discrimination and intolerance towards Muslims will also vanish. To make this possible, people from every corner, of any culture and religion, should try to know individual Muslims. Yes, all Muslims admit that, terrorists are anti socialist. There is no chance of terrorism or extremism in Islam. Every Muslim hates such extremists as others do. It is not justifiable that, the definition of terrorism or extremism is another name of Islam. It is as wrong as when people used to think, the sun is moving around the earth. If native western people take some steps to change their view towards Muslims, then it can be possible, so from Muslims also. The very first step towards this mission is to stop thinking every Muslim Laden.

With respect to each other, understanding every point of view and helping the promotion of Muslims rights can minimize this poison developed between Muslims and the west. Native people should shed of all prejudice and ensure the freedom on their fellow Musolmans.

Many Muslim renowned people are there on earth and in western countries, who have become a very important person as celebrities in their field of work. Some of them are also in politics. They should take care of these issues starting from the state levels. Such representatives can enforce laws to reduce these intolerances and can work on increasing public awareness in conservative ways. Both sides have the freedom of expression, but that should not enhance violence. Research says, education can give pace on such missions, so it should be practiced in every house, and school to maintain a good bonding with Muslims. As there are thousands of organizations in humanitarian grounds, international organization and NGOs should be built on this ‘prevent religious discrimination’ ground. These organizations can emphasize on promoting cultural & religious harmony in the west.

An attempt has been taken a long time ago in the year of 2007 in Spain, a conference held where more than 300 participants, international organizations, NGOs and many elite of Muslim intolerance issues were present. They gave priorities on promoting Muslim-West mutual understanding to reduce racism. Though, we haven’t got any fruitful result from them, still we are hoping to get such a spring devoid of western racism towards Muslims.

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