The rise of Prejudice and Violence against Muslims

on Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The acts of violence and persecution against the Muslims had been initiated soon after the 9/11 attacks. Although still it has never been proved that only Muslims were involved in those attacks, still most of the American population holds quite negative views about them. The one thing, that is visible in all this, is the use of principle of hasty generalization.

In other words, it is never logical and rational to tag a complete religion as being the mother of terrorists, because only 1 % of the followers of that religion engage in acts of violence and terrorism. Apart from this, the acts driven by violence are still visible in one form or the other. Moreover, the acts had also continued in the year 2007 and 2008. The most serious forms of these offenses include a number of physical and mental assaults, which are most of the times quite deadly. These assaults have been directed not only to the ordinary Muslims, but also towards the Muslim leaders.

Moreover, there is no end to the arrests that have been made in the name of terrorism. In reality, the only reason for these arrests have been the individual’s involvement in the religion of Islam. In more simple words, being a Muslim became their crime, in a similar manner that the African Americans were tagged to be criminals not so long ago.

The complexity of the prejudice against Muslims is also intensified by a number of dimensions of discrimination which can be seen in various incidents all over the United States. In addition, these acts of violence show an overlay of various forms of intolerance which are, most of the times, based on the victim’s religion and ethnicity. Unfortunately, not only men who face such violance, but also women and children have been subject to these mental and physical assaults that are being carried against them. The most visible sign of violence and discrimination, against the women in Islam, is the verbal abuse through which the women who make use of Hijab have to go through. Surely, some of the law enforcement agencies have responded to these rising issues, but still they seem to have failed in exercising a control over this hatred which seems to be growing with every second that passes us by.

Another prime problem here is underreporting, as most of the victims are threatened for not going to the police. Now in regrad to these assaults which are being carried out in the domain of the country which considers itself to be the leader and founder of secularism and peace, isn’t it all a form of terrorism. For those who do not know about the exact definition, let me tell you that terrorism does not only involves the use of weapons of mass destruction, but it also encapsulates the use of physical and verbal violence that is intended to harm the other person in any manner possible. Knowing this fact, who is the real terrorist?

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