Do the people of West have better opportunities to progress?

on Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Standards of life vary from one place to the other. Statistically, every third country of the world has the majority of its population living below the poverty line. While on the other hand, we see cars built from gold. It’s such an astonishing contrast of living standards that it invokes disbelief.

Could it be that in the universe that has been created even, people could inherently be at the benefit for living in certain regions? Is the West a better place to lead a successful life in the sense that the people living over there have more chances at a better life?

Naturally, it shouldn’t be so, but that’s not the case. The people living in the east, or anywhere else  for that matter, have an inherent loss for not being in a country that houses one of the greatest economies. Of course, there are exceptions, but the greater percentage of the fortune, being in the west does seem to have its effect.

The general living standards of the west are comparatively better than the east with a better system of employment and protection and support plans of the unemployed. The average pay rates also have a higher ratio among the aforementioned while many of the labor class of eastern countries like India and Bangladesh have to suffice with lower than the basic wage rates. Of course there are other countries like China and a few from the Middle Eastern region that have a different story to tell, but as a comparative, less attractiveness engulfs the east in terms of careers.

Coming to the issue of opportunities, there are certainly more of them in the west than most of the oriental countries. And why not, a group of technologically advanced states that have no shortage of resources are bound to top the economic list. Take the example of Silicon Valley, the place is filled with the big names; Microsoft, Google, Facebook and what not, United States is filled with the dream companies of those who aspire. The problem for people who want to work in their own countries and still enjoy equal career development opportunities is that most of the other economies simply lack that edge that the west has. A clear example or that is the levels of unemployment rates; in comparison to United States 7.7 percent or United Kingdom’s 7.8 percent (as of 2013) this world still houses countries like Turkmenistan where unemployment rates are as high as 70 percent, or Vanuatu with 78 percent!

I am not saying that other lack talent, that is just not the case, in fact, in terms of talent the situation is inverted if we look at it in detail. The countries like Pakistan and Iran that are usually termed as third world or developing countries if someone’s generous; are actually full of talent and resources that are just waiting to be exploited. There are tons of resources that are being wasted just because the countries can’t afford to employ the money and time required. But until then we just need to either accept or try and change the situation to something more favorable towards people who want to build a career without leaving their homelands.

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