The Boston Tragedy

on Saturday, April 20, 2013

A little boy died. I saw his face for a second on the television today. He was eight years old. He had run away from where he was standing with his mother and sister, to greet his father who was just crossing the finish line of the Boston Marathon. When he ran back, a bomb exploded under the bleachers.

If the boy had stayed with his father, he would have still been alive, with his family. But he ran back to his mother as the explosion occurred. His mother and sister are in the hospital. His father is destroyed with grief.

The point is that the Feds made a raid in Revere, and had a man in custody. But really, what does it matter on the long run? Saudi, American, or any other national origin, It’s about hate and the desperate distortions that hate brings with it, that could drive anyone mad.

We don’t need gun control. We don’t need to make our borders more secure. We don’t need war. Hate is impervious to any barriers or constraints, or deterrents that can be imposed upon it. Hate is the spawn of the demons of ignorance and narrowmindedness that consumes the heart and takes possession of the soul. Hate is a learned way of living and a learned behavior.

Neither children nor animals know hate. Children learn hate through experiencing fear and pain. Hate multiplies itself like cancer, feeding off the souls of its victims, leaving devastation and chaos in its path.

Hate has many names. Greed, pride, envy, anger, laziness, and lust to name a few. There is only one weapon that can defeat hate. I have many names as well, and they all mean the same. Tolerance means love. Understanding means love. Respect means love. Caring means love. Patience means love. Doing good deeds, just because you can, means love. Not having a hidden agenda means love. We can teach hate, or we can teach love. We can learn hate, or we can learn love.

Almost a year ago, 8-year-old Martin Richard wrote four simple words on a sign at school:

“No more hurting people,” he wrote. For the camera, he held up the bright blue sign decorated with hearts framing the word “Peace.”

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