Learn Arabic Language Vocabulary easily

on Wednesday, July 25, 2012

There are many ways of learning Arabic but one of the easiest ways that people tend to do to learn the Arabic vocabulary is to use pictures with the Arabic words written underneath or above the picture on a flashcard or piece of paper. But this is might not help you if you do not have a little knowledge of the Arabic alphabet. Once you start take lessons for beginners in the language, you will start to use very wide amount of the basic vocabulary.

By seeing the pictures, you will be able to match the word with the picture therefore making it easier for your brain to recall. This allows your brain to translate the word into your own language in your own mind. You can also use a computer or anything electronic to create your own lists based on these images which you can look back to at any time. An addition to seeing the images associated with the Arabic language vocabulary, you also need to know the pronunciation of these words. If you attend an actual practical class in your local are, the tutor will or should help you with the pronunciation of the Arabic vocabulary.

This help can be given or requested when you use certain software or take an online course in Arabic when you choose a course that has a listening component. In lots of these courses, you can click on the image to hear the word or phrase spoken by a native Arabic speaker. This is very essential and needed, to learn the vocabulary of the Arabic language because it isn’t good enough or formal, just to be able to read the word. You must be able to pronounce the word and understand it when you hear people talking in Arabic. Playing games with vocabulary questions or clips will also help you learn the words much faster than if you memorize them as the brain assigns memorable fun with words

Playing games, such as a memory or matching game, you will have fun and learn at the same time, this allows the brain to have maximum exposure to learning. You may not even notice or realize how much you are actually learning until you play the same game again and you know most of the vocabulary words. Learning through songs is also an enjoyable method of learning vocabulary in Arabic; this creates patterns so the brain stores information easier. There is an alphabet song such as the English ABC that will help you learn the alphabet as well as short rhymes and songs that children sing. The tunes have catchy rhythms, which makes them easy to remember. Never try to rush learning the vocabulary or you will get worked out and not know the basics.