The Impact of Facebook on the Youth of Pakistan

on Sunday, December 30, 2012

Facebook is a top social networking site that is used all over the world. This website allows people to get in touch with friends and family members near or far, and people are addicted to using it. It not only allows a person to contact people, but it helps an individual stay informed about the world around them. However, parents in Pakistan believe that this website has a negative impact on the youth.

The negative impact of Facebook is that it is distracting students from their school work. It is something that kids can spend hours and hours on. Facebook allows kids to play games, chat with their friends, and like their favorite pages. This addiction is the problem that is the concern of many Pakistani people. Pakistan has a very competitive environment. Students here compete to get into top colleges, universities, and to get the top jobs. In order to get these things you must have good results from your exams, and you must have some extracurricular activities. Facebooking does not count as an extracurricular activity. Kids have to strive and they work their bottoms off day and night, so that they can get to where they need to go. There are not equal opportunities for every student, so the children in this country have to push their studies to the limit. The more knowledge they have, the higher they will be able to score on their exams.

Parents are concerned because Facebook is distracting kids from what is really important.

Shenila, the mother of two sons who often use facebook says, “They are not paying any attention to school because they find Facebook entertaining. Facebook cannot help them earn big bucks. Not only are they neglecting their school work, but they do not listen to a word I say. I told both of my kids to turn off the laptop and offer their daily prayers. Both of them acted as if they had not heard me. This Facebook is ruining my children. Neglecting school work is one thing, but not offering prayers or respecting my authority is something serious!”

Facebook is affecting Shenila’s sons negatively; however, not everything is bad about this social network. Students can learn about Islam on Facebook, they can get help from friends on homework and so much more. This website should not be taken in a negative sense because networking and getting in touch with people is also very important for survival. However, if parents in Pakistan are having serious problems, then there is always the option of setting strict limits or blocking Facebook for good. These strict measures may not seem fair to your child now, but they will soon learn that the competitive environment in this country does not give opportunities to time wasters.

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