Girls’ Education More Frightful for Taliban than Drone Attacks

on Thursday, December 20, 2012

Most of the Taliban who claim to be the Muslims belong to Pashtunes Society. Islam always supports the education whether it be for boys or girls. According to a hadith of Muhammad (S.A.W.), it is essential for a Muslim, either a male or female, to get the proper education. Islam also says that a scholar is much better than a spiritual person. So it is clear that Islam promotes education. Then the question arises as to what the reason is to oppose female education by the Taliban. Perhaps it may be the Pashtunes tradition and customs. The Pashtunes mother produces the son to send to the wars and he practices war training in his childhood. A Pashtune daughter is to stay at home and help her mother with the household work.

All these stories seem to be rumors about the Pashtunes when we see the reality in the area. There are a lot of schools and colleges in the tribal areas, mostly the Swat. Swat could have been declared as the education capital of Pakistan due to the presence of the medical and law colleges including nursing and computer schools. Also, there are hundreds of informal beauty schools that offer on-the-job training for the poor girls who cannot afford other types of education. The presence of such types of schools does not support the theory that Pashtunes are against education.

The reality is that there are different groups of the Pashtunes, some are in favor of education, and some are against it. Both are part of the Taliban militants. The Talibans who are against education do not send their children to schools. They claim that education for girls is the tradition of the Western people to favor secularism. So they are more frightened from the female education than even the drone attacks. They think that the traditions are much more important than their lives. So they also have destroyed many schools and colleges present in the area. Actually, they are supported by the uncivilized and uneducated people using the name of Islam. So, they fear from the fact that due to education, people will become civilized and there will be no support for them in the local area.

Education is important for both men and women because it makes the people confident, civilized and  professional. It is a fact that only educated women can better handle problems. Therefore, we cannot deprive women from education because it is their basic right. The progress of any nation or country is not possible without women being educated. It is most important to stop the anti-education activities of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

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