Tahrir square is full of angry people and Morsi is ignoring the opposition

on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Egyptians continue to participate in demonstrations against President Mohamed Morsi’s decisions, and some politicians said that he can not remain in his position anymore, after the Muslim Brotherhood members attacked the protesters in front of the presidential palace, while the president remained silent. Islamists are still asking their supporters to go out in demonstrations to show the world that Morsi’s decisions are meeting the people’s consent, but it became obvious that Morsi’s supporters are only those who are members in Islamic movements or parties. Egyptians are still in Tahrir square for the 23rd day, hoping to change reality, knowing that the vote on the new constitution will start tomorrow morning.

These young men in Tahrir square worked hard to force President Morsi to cancel the referendum or delay it, and to re-form a committee that should contain members from all parties and groups to write a new constitution. Some of the people in Tahrir square insist that Morsi should step down like President Mubarak, as they believe that he is responsible for the death of their colleagues in front of Ittehadeya palace, when the Muslim Brotherhood members attacked the peaceful protesters and removed their tents, besides using guns to force them to leave the area. Such violence resulted in eight dead bodies and more than 700 injuries.

The National Salvation Front asked Egyptians to vote with “NO” on the new constitution, because it guarantees having a new dictator and a society with no rights or freedom. The new constitution does not prohibit the work of children under 15 years old, as it allows a child’s family to let him work as long as this won’t affect his studies, which is something no one can measure.

The new constitution also gives the president the right to appoint the Supreme Lawyer of the people, in addition to appointing the judges of the Constitutional Court, which is the highest judicial authority in Egypt. Such rights given to the president makes Egyptians believe that the judicial system will be following the regime and it will not be independent to save the rights of the people.

On the other side, the Islamists say that this new constitution is giving Egyptians more rights and freedom, even more than any other constitution in the world. They are now preparing to gather people from all over Egypt to go to the voting centers and vote “YES” for the new constitution.

Tahrir square still full of angry people, and this is a sign that they won’t leave until the change they want is taking place. Some of the people in Tahrir square died, while others were badly injured, and this is forcing the protesters not to leave their place until the change they want is happening.

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