Why have we Complicated Islam

on Friday, March 22, 2013

Islam is the final and ultimate religion that offers a perfect and complete code for mankind. It does not only guide mankind towards the right form of worship, but also informs all humans about how they should behave with thier fellow beings. It tells women how they should live in their societies and their roles as wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters. It explains to men how they should perform their various duties. It also guides humanity about its relationships with others. Islam tells how a state should be governed and how it should link to other states. Thus, it is a complete code of life.

It was before the advent of Islam, during the age of ignorance that life became very difficult for people. There were no laws, no rules, and no government. There were fighting, and bloodsheds and no rights were protected. Islam came and gave every individual his due rights. It came as a savior and protector of rights. It made life easy and comfortable for all as it mentioned some rules and regulations that must be followed by all. It came as a blessing for the people.

Unfortunately, if we look at this religion today, we see that many people have misunderstood the true religion. They consider Islam as a very difficult religion, whereas there are no complications or difficulties in following Islam. So, from where have those complications risen? Why do people find complications in Islam? Well, it is people who themselves have created these complications. These complications were not present from the beginning, but we, the people have created them.

So, how have we created the complications? Well, all these new introductions are a result of modernizations in our lives. We are unable to distinguish the right from the wrong. Everything that is wrong seems to be interesting and attractive. We do not look into things in depth. Where we get attracted to, where we find luxury and enjoyment, where we find ease, we just move towards that. We do not think in depth about what THAT is going to lead. Rather, we just blindly get towards what seems easy and enjoyable. For instance, interest and banking are not permitted in Islam. Islam looks into it from a wider angle, and sees that it is not beneficial for people on a large scale and on the long term. However, those who are involved in banking and take interests on loans find it beneficial for them. They see that they get money flowing into their wallets without having to do anything. They see it from their individual level, whereas Islam looks into it from every individual’s perspective. Thus, when such people are told that interest is forbidden, they find complication in following Islam.

Thus, Islam is not complicated. Rather, we have complicated it because we have been attracted towards the luxuries of this world. We have forgotten the truth of death and the truth of the Hereafter. We have laid these things behind our backs and are moving in the opposite direction.

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