The Muslim Invention and Its Significant Rising

on Monday, March 25, 2013

The awakening of Muslim to get involved in the science sector has been increasing though many have blamed Islam for its supposed natural opposition to science. It is common to see many inventions, which are based on the holy Quran, and it reveals the relationship of science and Islam. It is the famous nuclear scientist of Pakistan, Pervez Hoodbhoy who introduced the course which reveals the specific subjects about world affairs and science based on Islam and Quran

The false impression of the widespread backwardness of Islam is simply dispelled. It is proven that science was flourishing in Muslim countries from the eighth to the thirteenth centuries, when Europe was going through dark ages. Learning was made easy, thanks to The Abbasi caliphs, which had no doubt in spending millions for learning purposes. Therefore, this is the proof that Islam and science have been compatible; additionally Islam was even able to stimulate innovative scientific advances.

The most important thing is that many world leaders have realized the economic value  of scientific research as there are so many accomplished researches during the past decade. These activities have begun splurging for that reason. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia has alocated more than twenty billion dollars for endowment since 2009 for doing several researches. The amount was much higher than those famous American universities have spent for conducting scientific researches.

Scientific discipline along with technology-related studies, on their clean-cut pragmatic advantages, act fullest. Technology commands, on farming scientific disciplines shortly in arrears. The practice of medicine along with chemical science is common, as well. The scientific discipline is still cutting across the areas richest split up. At the beginning of the millennium, SESAME, a multinational physical science research laboratory on the Middle East, first particle accelerator, was arranged up in Jordan. It is patterned upon particle-physics laboratory in Europe, CERN that was made to draw together men of science by wartime oppositions.

Yet, the obstacle is not unbeatable. Lots of Muslim biologists have successfully managed in reconciling both their work and faith together. A biological anthropologist, Fatimah Jackson, who has converted to Islam stated that no subject in biology that makes sense unless the light of evolution. She continued that Islam explains why science describes how things change in a broader sense.

Another biologist of Jordan, Rana Dajani also stated that The holy Quran is more than just a science textbook as it delivers several guidelines on how people live their daily lives. The interpretations of the Quran are able to evolve with almost all innovative and fresh discoveries on scientific matters. The verses of Quran that explain the process of man creation, for instance, are able to be interpreted as evolution providing support.

Unfortunately, the sort of freedom which science demands is hardly found in the world of Muslims. Along with the political Islam rise, many people doubt that it will be decreasing further , even in very highly developed countries like Egypt, but some other Muslim countries remain expectant, especially with the political conflicts which seem endless in the Middle East. Many expect that the conflicts will promote more than just democracy, yet it is able to keep the scientific freethinking survive.

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