23rd March – Lets’ Revive the Message of Dear Quaid

on Saturday, March 23, 2013

Quaid –e- Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, was a man of honor in every aspect of life – be it professional or private. It is his relentless struggle and hard work that helped Muslims of the subcontinent to realize the impossible dream of a separate independent homeland for themselves.

He addressed many people in his speeches, youth, women, businessmen, students and the general public. He asked them to be hardworking and diligent in whatever they do in life, and cling to the rules of unity, faith and discipline.

However, the question that burns the most is what Message did our Quaid really give us? What did he really want from us? Why did he give us this country of our own? What did he mean by Pakistan?

At one occasion, he said that Pakistan is not only equal to freedom and independence but also the Muslim Ideology and thoughts which is a precious gift that should be kept and protected by us and others.

Jinnah gave us a message of liberty in the form of a precious gift of Pakistan. He wanted to give us freedom from oppression; financial and cultural freedom; religious freedom; social freedom; but most important of all freedom of Ideology. Pakistan is the personification of freedom for Muslims.  Pakistan is freedom.

At another occasion, he said that we all should live and breathe freely in a state and develop based on own lights, culture, and principles of Islamic social justice.

Clearly he wanted our children to be free. Free to practice what we believe. But what is the cost of this? Everything comes at a price, and price of freedom is unity, discipline, hard work, determination and setting goals.

Time and again our Quaid stressed on the need to develop these characteristics and qualities. He himself was a very hard working man. So much so that even his health got affected because of the hard work that he did all these years and finally it took his life. He said that a nation can not be free without suffering.

At another place he said that hope, courage and confidence was his message to everyone. He also asked to mobilize all the available resources in a systematic, and organized way and tackle the grave issues that confront the nation.

Our Quaid wanted us to earn this freedom, not snatch it or beg for it, and then show ourselves to be worthy of it. He wanted us to pay its full price. There is another price that we have to pay before we fully deserve to breathe in this country as free men and that is responsibility. As Roosevelt said “With great freedom comes great responsibility”.

In Short, Quaid-e-Azam gave us the gift of freedom through this country but he encouraged us to make ourselves worthy of it, and that was the message of Quaid we need to fully revive this March 23rd.

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