Role of Journalists in Shaping Muslim Stereotyping

on Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Although a number of media documentaries and movies are being made, most of which denigrate the Arab Muslims in a number of different ways, still the media syndicators of Muslim countries do not try to get in touch with the movie makers in order to discuss the ridicule against the Muslims which is being done. Now here I would like to share a saying of Martin Luther King Jr. in which he said in order to shape public opinion, we all need to be movers and earth shakers. In this saying he did not mean that one needs to commit violent acts in order to force the world to accept their existence and respect them. The real purpose behind this saying is to mobilize ourselves in a manner that the whole world would eventually change its views towards you. Islam is indeed what we present to others in our character.

Another prime reason for the stereotyping is that most of the European and American Journalists ignore the importance of religion, all because they have no understanding about it. Moreover, they also do this in line to their false interpretations. There are also a number of journalists who prefer to make delineating remarks against Islam just to generate a huge fan following including the ones whose views are similar to theirs. It is also a fact that the relationship of the media and religion has always been weak and there are not chances of improvement in the upcoming years. Furthermore, it is also an alarming fact that people these days get influenced by media and journalists quite easily. In other words, the one reason for which the journalists have been able to shape the views of the people about Islam is because of the people’s lack of knowledge about the religion.

On the other hand, even if some journalists who prefer to write in favor of Islam, in their reports, they are labeled as “Anti-Israel” and Anti-Americans due to which they are forced to change their views. Europeans are now convinced that Islam is nothing more than an irrational religion and that the religions they follow, if any, are far more superior and rational. Peter Arnett, who worked for CNN, said in this regard that the media and journalist elites prefer to follow the policies of their governments, so it is right to assume that the media has certain limits to its freedom of expression. In other words, European media is under the control of their government in terms of all religious matters, especially when these matters and issues are linked to Islam.

Yet another reason for which most of the European citizens hold negative views of Islam lies in the stereotypical pictures about Muslims which have been waxed in their minds from the side of the media elites. When Oklahoma City had been bombed than in a matter of a few hours, the government officials had started making claims that Arab Terrorists had been involved. What’s really deplorable here is that a number of Muslims had been arrested without any sort of evidence. So, you know you all know, how the media functions and how the government plays its role in shaping the public opinion through the use of the enslaved journalists.

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