Iraq War Successful Or Not

on Sunday, March 17, 2013

Finally, after having so many casualties the Iraq war took a final turn. The US government retrieved the US troops from Iraq, and one thing that we hear everywhere is that whether this war, that lasted for so many years has resulted in success or failure. The debate is going on whether this nine-year war resulted in the success of the US troops or failure and everybody looks from his own point of view.

No one is actually going to use the word ‘ win’ as the US army has not actually won the war. Kelly, the commander of US forces in Iraq, himself has said that the word ‘won’ cannot be used. In fact, he even hesitated in using the word victory for this. Even though, some say that the US government does not need to announce that it is a victory because everybody knows it for sure that it is a victory, but some reluctance is also sensed on the part of the secretary and the people working on calling it a victory. All this has left people into confusion. The Pentagon spokesperson said that there is a lot of progress that still needs to be made and a lot of work still needs to be done.

Looking at the initial effects of the war, American invasion achieved its first goal of bombing the town of Baghdad, and the division that was followed by the removal of Saddam Husain from power. Apart from that, they got control over the oil regime and believed that the Iraqi oil could be a great option for letting wealth flow into the country.

However, the stability then went into thin air, followed by violence when the bombing took place in a Shiite Mosque and violence started between Shia and Sunni. The situation did not come under control, and there was a lot of disruption until 2007, when the war was declared to be lost by one of the generals. However, the US army was not called back by then, and further attempts were made. Eventually accomplishments were made, and bloodsheds continued, until 2012, when the US government ordered the US troops to retreat from Iraq. They declared it the end of the war, leaving it to the public, to go on debating whether it was a success or failure.

It is as successful if the American government has achieved what they wanted when entering into the country. If not, then it is a failure. President Obama was noticed to have congratulated the US troops at the time of retreating, for achieving the main objective, which was to remove the Hussein regime in Iraq. According to Barrack Obama, they also achieved establishing a sovereign government in Baghdad. If that was their main objective, then the war was a success.

However, President Obama agreed that they could not call it a victory mainly because violence has not ended completely. Violence will continue, and all questions regarding Iraq’s future will remain unsolved. People are going to continue debating on this topic as every person is going to think from his own point of view.

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