Abortion: Does it mean Murdering a Baby?

on Monday, March 18, 2013

These days, the process of abortion is very common. Young couples usually involve themselves in sexual activities before marriage thus resulting in pregnancy of the female. The young couples then get the fetus aborted without their parents or even elders knowing. According to the medical studies, a fetus develops heart by the age of three weeks, and it starts beating and pumping blood by the age of four weeks. When the fetus is of about 6 weeks, the ultrasound machine placed on the mother’s uterus area can pick up the fetus’s heartbeat. When the fetus is about ten weeks, it starts moving around, and the ultrasound can pick the heart beat along with kicks and other movements. Females usually realize that they are pregnant when they miss the first and second month of their menstrual cycle. Then they get pregnancy strips and check whether they are pregnant or not.

Unmarried couple or those couples who don’t want a baby or can’t afford one usually get aborted. By this period of time the fetus develops a heart. The beats so it is a living thing. Getting the fetus aborted is like murdering a baby. It’s better if the couple uses precautions such as sperm killing gels, condoms, vagina caps or contraceptive pills. This will avoid getting the female pregnant. After the sexual intercourse the female must keep a check over her heat cycle and must take regular tests, if she’s pregnant then get abortion pills quick so that she doesn’t have to abort a heart beating fetus.

The process of abortion is not allowed in Islam because it is like murdering a baby. The abortion rate is most common in European countries due to higher sex rate. The people in these countries love to make sexual relations without marriage so pregnancy occurs. Therefore, the couples use the option of abortion to hide their crime. There are several ways to stop and prevent pregnancy like use of birth control medicines and others. There are couples of side effects of abortion because it is an unnatural process. The physical and mental side effects of abortion are reported like abdominal pain, diarrhea, bleeding, fever and chills. The side effects of abortion are long term. It is good to avoid this process to prevent from dozens of health hazards.

The abortion is not allowed in any religion in the world. Islam is strictly against the process of abortion. It is like killing any person in the world. The abortion rate is very rare in Islamic countries. The Muslims prefer to avoid the process of abortion.

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