Chelmsford TUC says No to EDL

on Thursday, August 9, 2012

Chelmsford TUC along with other local organisations and faith groups will register their opposition to the EDL's proposed march in the City on 18th August. We will assemble at 11.30am at Tindal Square CM1 1LX and march through the town at 1pm, returning to Tindal Square for speeches. We urge you to join us in rejecting racism and islamophobia in our community.

When the English Defence League announced they were to march in Chelmsford on 18 August 2012 we responded by relaunching our Statement Against Racism and Fascism. 151 people signed it immediately. If you would like to add your name to the total, do let us know.

If you would like to add your Chelmsford organisation to the above, please contact us through the Secretary.

For anti-racist links and information on the Race Relations Act please go to Trade Unionists Say No To Racism.

We Declare Our Opposition to Racism and Fascism

We, the people of Chelmsford, are totally opposed to all those who seek to promote racism in our society. We strongly believe that the lessons of history show that racism and fascism, if unchallenged, will provoke fear and intimidation among many within our City. We believe that diversity is a strength and a cause for celebration, and that those who promote racism divide our community.

All signatories to this statement have a shared belief in justice, fairness and equality. We oppose racism wherever it takes place.

We declare our willingness to co-operate with political parties, faith groups and others that take a stand against those that promote racist and fascist political views.

Agreed by: 


Alliance for Green Socialism,
Co-operative Party,
Chelmsford Borough Council,
Chelmsford Conservatives,
Green Party,
John Whittingdale OBE MP,
Labour Party,
Liberal Democrats,
UK Independence Party,
Simon Burns MP,
Socialist Workers' Party.


Amnesty International Chelmsford Group,
Soroptimist International of Chelmsford,
United Nations Association.


Central Baptist Church,
Chelmsford Jamia Masjid (Mosque),
Chelmsford YMCA,
Father Ivor Morris Church of the Ascension,
Jennifer A. Hodgkin, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers),
Major Michael Highton, Divisional Commander of the Salvation Army, London North-East Division,
Rt. Revd. John Gladwin, Bishop of Chelmsford,
Rev. Dr. Paul Beasley-Murray, Senior Minister, Central Baptist Church,
Rev. Elizabeth Caswell, Moderator of the Eastern Synod of the United Reformed Church,
Rev. John Alan Cox, Christ Church URC,
Rev. Anne Brown Chair of Essex, Beds, & Herts Methodist District,
Rev. Sheila Martin, Regional Minister, Eastern Baptist Association,
The Essex Churches Council for Industry and Commerce,
Thomas McMahon, Bishop of Brentwood Diocese.


Frankie Whiffen, President Anglia Ruskin University Student Union,
Chelmsford TUC,
Communication Workers' Union (Essex Amal),
National Association of Schoolmasters and Women Teachers (Essex Federation),
Royal College of Nursing (Essex),
Thompsons Solicitors,
Transport Salaried Staffs' Association (Anglia 1 & 2 branches),
Unison (Mid Essex Hospitals, Chelmsford Borough Council & Essex County branches).

View the Original article

1 comments: said...

I didn't realise there was so much racial tension in a place like Chelmsford - saw another blog posting details of the EDL's march so guess it went ahead.