Islamophobia – The New Slavery

on Sunday, July 22, 2012

Have you ever thought about how many Muslims in the West suffered from violence against them in the form of physical assaults, verbal abuse, and the vandalizing of property, especially of Islamic institutions including mosques, Islamic schools and Muslim cemeteries all because of Islamophobia!

Some people suffer from the fear of Darkness, Closed Places, Spiders, and Heights while others might have fear from Muslims. This feeling of anxiety might have no ground at all but it is all in your head and that thing you are afraid of might cause you no harm in any way possible.

Everyone knows that things are not the same for Muslims after 09/11 the way people think of Muslims and Islam has completely changed and the West considers them as nothing but Terrorists. Islam itself has been described as the Religion that tolerates Terrorism, Rape, Fanatics and pretty much all Evil on earth. No matter how hard we try to avoid the truth about Islamophobia we have to accept that it does exist in the West and lots of Muslims are suffering from it as you are reading right now. However in order to solve a problem then we must think about the reason that caused it in the first place.

Most of the people who hate Islam and Muslims have not even met a Muslim in their whole life but they just heard that they are bad and they bring nothing but Evil and the main reason behind this is the media and how they try to blame everything on Islam showing Muslims as the bad guy on front of everyone while hiding the truth behind it and mostly for political reasons. They want you to fear Muslims and hate them so that they would justify their future actions and the evil they themselves are about to do creating a new monster called Islamophobia.

“Therefore targeting religion particularly Islam is a handmade tool west had ever coined to express the spirit of terrorism. Due to illogical expressions, Islam is now considered as the heaven of terrorism. Though, the wholly negative attitude towards Islam in the west has a long history but the reality is far different than the accusations.”

The main Key to overcome terrorism is if every Muslim in the West tries to represent Islam and Muslims as they should and stick to the real essence of Islam and not just act as a western and forget about all the religious manners because he or she is responsible for these thoughts and ideas about Islam as well. I am saying this because we might not be able to control the Western Media but we can control ourselves.

Try to explain Islam to people and let them know more about it so that they would understand the true peaceful nature of Islam and what the media says. “If you want to change the world, start with yourself”