The Truth about the Real Concept of Politics in Islam

on Friday, June 29, 2012

Islam is among the largest religions of the world. There are more than a billion people on this planet who belong to this religion. All the basic concepts of this religion are the same in almost all the areas of the world.

Talking about the basic concepts of the politics in this religion, it is purely based on the teachings of Quran and Sunnah. Sunnah is in fact the teachings and sayings along with the living habits of the last prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.W). It is also based on the history of Muslims and other elements related to the politics outside Islam. To know the political concepts of Islam, one must know the Arabic language because to learn Arabic means to learn Islam. This is quite simple to understand in this world.

To learn Muslim culture means we have done a lot of things to know the concepts of politics in Islam. Traditionally, they have been derived from the teachings of the great people selected by God. These are different in different sectors of this religion. But the basic theme is that all the political concepts are the basis from the teachings of Quran and Sunnah.

Talking specifically about politics, some people dislike its use in the religion. This is so because they have a belief that politics has no place in Islam because there is not anything like politics in this religion. They have their own point of views and they start quoting Arabic language verses to make others learn Islam. Well for the correction if such people, it must be mentioned here that politics does exist in Islam. The idea may be a modified one but it does exist in a much purified form. The politics that exists in Islam does not include lying, deception, flattery and other immoral ways. Meanings of politics in Islam are very pure and very beautiful. It means that the persons are able to good planning regarding any issues or implementation of plans along with the management. This is what Islam teaches about. The existence of politics is proved by the advantages it carries with it.

Islam does not stop here regarding the explanation of the politics. It has been a very vast terminology that is used and also implemented on the normal day to day life here in this world. They have been rich with the teachings of Islam that guide us and train us to have the ability of converting a pebble into a mountain. There are many examples in Islam that can prove the existence of politics in Islam. For example, the way Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) managed the whole state. He took care of all the aspects of the daily life and very beautifully did everything. One more beautiful example is the time of battles. There was not more beautiful example of graceful and beautifully planned politics in Islam at that time. And the list is not over. Many things can be quoted as examples of the presence of politics in Islam.

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