The US Presidential Election and its Impact on Muslims

on Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The United States is a powerful country, and has good economic resources and development methodologies. The Muslim world has been completely affected by the outcome of the United States elections of 2009 and 2012.  When Obama took hold of the US government in 2009, he started to regain and re-establish the whole governmental infrastructure and related policies. He tried to overcome all of the economic issues, as well as other issues to various extents. However, his diplomatic policies have not been productive and they produce various effects on the Muslim lifestyle.  In 2009, many Muslims supported Obama in the presidential election and played a major role in his winning the election. This happened because the Muslim people of America and other countries believed that Obama would provide relief and support for the Muslim people and follow rules and policies that would be better for Muslim people. But that didn’t happen. He also followed unrealistic and old diplomatic rules which were set by the previous president, George Bush.  Due to his policies, Obama has ignited more terrorism, and he has tried to damage the economy in Muslim countries in various ways.  Because of this, many problems on the world stage were exaggerated, features of development within Muslim regions changed drastically, and many other damaging effects occurred, which created various problems.

It seems that every US presidential election is not fair for Muslims.  Strict diplomatic policies really affect Muslim countries to some extent. Many people consider Obama to be a very religious person, and therefore they believe that he must respect the Muslim’s and other religious people’s feelings. Therefore, they believe that he may provide more realistic policies that will ultimately be helpful for Muslims. Although he is somewhat better than previous presidents, and contributes slightly to the development of the Muslim people, there are still many reports that describe the bad effects that the US has had on the Muslim economy.

Due to strict rules regarding terrorism, violence prevails in almost in every Muslim country.  People are already oppressed, and therefore they hesitate to protest unfair policies developed by the US government under Obama. The US government attempted to occupy Iran’s nuclear atomic sources, but they did not succeed in their mission. This is because Iran is a strong, developed, and famous Muslim country that has advanced missiles, nuclear systems, and the best defense forces. These defense forces hold the border, and control and monitor all activities in order to attempt to save all of their economic and developmental resources.

The latest 2012 US presidential election, however, proceeded in a better way. Obama received more support from various communities and also from the Muslims who are residents of America. Due to stronger support, he won the latest Presidential Election. This election has totally changed the entire world economy, various important development structures, etc. The Muslim people’s lives have also been impacted due to the latest Election Campaign.

The latest election also produced a few positive impacts for the Muslim community’s people.  Some diplomatic policies of the United States are there for the betterment of the Muslim people. Obama delegated team members to visit Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries such as Palestine, etc. Those people are trying to overcome the crises and violent conditions that have been started in Gaza, Iraq etc., and they have tried to manage many of the harmful situations happening and condemn all anti-terrorist activities. The US government wants peace everywhere in the world, but their policies take time to implement and chances are that the Muslim people’s lives will totally change due to relaxing of diplomatic strategies.

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