Rivalry in Muslim Countries

on Friday, November 23, 2012


There have been dozen of incidences where the Muslims have been seen fighting fellow Muslims. It has been very difficult to understand why  they do so. A good example is the animosity between Iran and Iraq. These two countries have fought for a good number of years now, although they share the same religious background. A clear explanation for such incidences is hard to find considering the fact that both countries have a lot in common.

Sunnah as well as the Qur’an have been the bases of the teachings of the Islamic doctrines. The religious text extensively explains how people should live in harmony. Prophets like Muhammad and others were sent by God to deliver the message of peace to many. Most of the religious leaders made sure that peace has been ensured and also people refrained from any conflict or war. Those people who were in the front line causing conflicts and engaging in battle had probably not accepted the message or the advice of peace that was being given to them by the prophets of God.

When it comes to countries or states that share the same Islamic religious belief fighting, it is normally advised that the countries in battle field should try to resolve the conflict between them. Just in case one of the nations that were in conflict does not want to come into agreement and foster peace, it should therefore be fought by other Islamic religious nations to ensure peace, togetherness, harmony and understanding have been put in place. Fair as well as a just means should be employed to bring peace.

Another factor that has all along facilitated war among the Islamic regions is because of administrative rivalry. Some people want to be dictators or they want to be given that chance to govern others. In the process of trying to rise to power, a number of people have to be injured or even get killed. The dictatorial regime has been witnessed in a number of regions in the world. Those who oppose the reign of the dictators will have to strike back even though they have received the teachings of the Qur’an. In the process of trying to salvage freedom, weapons of mass destruction are used causing people to become seriously injured while others, still from the same religion, lose their innocent lives.

Other people have fought due to family conflicts even though they have the same religious beliefs. Misunderstanding among the family members will always exist because the members of the family rebel each other. This will make them fight to gain back their power and a sense of superiority. Some people would fight other Muslims because they are business tycoons and they would only want to establish themselves economically. Those who try to act as rivals in business would have to be fought by all means. This is done regardless of whether you share the same religious beliefs or not.

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