College Dating and the Islamic Perspective

on Sunday, November 25, 2012

College life is a wonderful experience for almost everyone. College life is the time when people get an opportunity to learn about the practical life, their career options, and entering into the world of the workforce. It is a time when people make new friends and it is the most important and critical stage of learning. Nowadays, most colleges have coeducation where boys and girls study together. But unfortunately it is very common in those coeducation colleges for students to, instead of concentrating on their classes and learning new things, go through their college years having fun and actively participate in dating activities.

College dating is precarious and is playing its part in spoiling the future of the new generation, and is in turn likely to take control and play a detrimental part in the country’s development. If the new generation will not concentrate on their studies, then how will they be able to compete with the world and play their part in the development of the country in the future?

We know that college life is that stage at which one decides which profession he will go into. Also, college life is the time when the character of a person develops. In addition to studies, extracurricular activities are also very important for character development. But this doesn’t mean that one should be dating. One should use his college time only for discovering himself, not the mate. In the future there will be enough time to discover the mate that one wants. College dating is becoming a serious problem in Islamic society and parents are worried about their children and want a possible solution to this problem.

Islam is the religion of truth and guidance. Islam has provided all of the information and solutions to the problems of daily life. In Islam, before marriage, relationships and dating are strictly prohibited. Non-permissible males are strictly forbidden to make any kind of relationship with non-permissible females before marriage. If someone does engage in a relationship before marriage, it is Haram in Islam. There are several social disadvantages of college dating for young generations. Coeducation is the most important cause of dating activities and students waste their precious time in dating. Therefore, some students spoil their whole future due to college dating. It is a fact that college life is most precious for the career and future success of any student. Students can enjoy a bright future by focusing on their studies, and similarly, they can also spoil their future by being involved in dating activities. Therefore coeducation is not suitable for students. It is important to eliminate the concept of coeducation everywhere in the world. Coeducation is most common in Europe and, therefore, rape cases are also most common in European countries.

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