Say No To Drugs!

on Saturday, March 16, 2013

Say No to Drugs

“O You who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, stones and arrows are an abomination of Satan’s handiwork. Avoid that you may prosper.” (Holy Quran 5:90)

Shariah or Islamic law’s basic intention is the preservation and the well-being of humans in this life and the life hereafter. The rulings and injunctions of Islamic Laws aim to preserve the five things necessary for human’s survival and sanity. Those five things are:

  1. Religion
  2. Wealth
  3. Lineage
  4. life
  5. Intellect or ability to reason

Islamic punishments all aim to safeguard these things .Intoxicants fog the intellect and ability to reason and hence they are forbidden.

Muslims today especially young Muslims are finding themselves in an environment full of work and social pressure. As a response, they end up in undesirable situations one of them is drug addiction.

The negative effects of drugs:

The first and foremost is the addiction. Slowly and gradually people become so addicted that they totally lose control of their life and find it impossible to get out. They become so weak that drug sellers can play with them like a yoyo ball. Secondly, once they lose themselves they may commit totally abhorrent or disgusting acts without batting an eye lid. So this is one haram that leads to many other.

Ibn ‘Umar (Radi Allahu Anho) reported Holy Prophet (PBUH) as saying, ‘Every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is forbidden. (Sahih Muslim)

Holy Prophet (PBUH) has described Alcohol as the mother of all ills. Second biggest effect of addiction is loss of wealth. One pays a huge sum just to get one night supply. This may force addicts to steal, snatch, or lie to get the money required for purchase. People after getting high get into fights drunk driving, illegal sex, and all sorts of illegal things and put their own and others life at stake. Drugs addiction, in most cases, results in premature death and hence it disturbs more than one aims of Shariah. The drug addicts become a burden on society and pose a threat to all.

Holy Quran describes intoxicants as hateful acts of Satan and Allah orders us to abstain from them, “Satan’s plan is to sow hatred and enmity amongst you with intoxicants and gambling, and to hamper you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you not give up?” (Holy Quran 5:91)

The term intoxicants include, alcohol and all things that give a high and make one lose control and cloud his ability to think or reason, such as, narcotics, heroin, hashish, pod, opium and the likes.

One man asked the Holy Prophet (PBUH), ‘O Messenger of Allah, Verily we are in a cold land, and we have to work hard therein, and we prepare wine from this wheat which gives as strength in our works and in the chill of our cities.’ He (PBUH) asked, ‘Does it intoxicate?’ ‘Yes’ he replied. He (PBUH) said, ‘Give it up.’ He said, ‘Verily the people cannot give it up.’ He (PBUH) said, ‘If they do not give it up, fight with them.’ (Abu Dawood)

How to get out:

Once addicted, it is extremely hard for one to give it up. For drugs, the old age adage “prevention is better than cure” is extremely true. However, nothing is impossible. It is the responsibility of parents to keep a close check on their kid’s activities and friends, and not pressurize them unnecessarily by making grades and sports a supreme aim of life. If they find their kids are addicted, they must not severe communication with them out of anger. They should communicate with them and help them. At no point should one lose hope.

Drugs are a threat to life, wealth, sanity and grace. Say yes to life, say yes to peace and happiness, say “no” to drugs!

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