West Living in the Fear if Islam?

on Thursday, March 28, 2013

It is well believed that for the western world, Islam and Muslim world seem as the biggest threat. There are several reasons backing up this belief, like every now and then Muslims are being targeted somewhere on false claims of promoting terrorism and disrupting peace, and somewhere on account of practicing Islamic living and dress code. From France to Germany, today Muslim women are facing hard times just because they are not ready to leave hijab. Besides in various western countries, there are limitations laid even on the construction of mosques – Muslims’ place of worship. A western fear “If Islam” is reflected from the various attempts in which for every upheaval Muslims are blamed and declared faulty, without even investigating the realities behind. This is a point of deep sorrow for the entire Muslim Ummah, where to denigrate Islamic image, they are solely held responsible for every mishap.

The biggest question mark is, why is this all happening? What are the reasons behind? Why Muslims are being deprived of their rights as humans? Why the West is doing all this or is it forced? Is it really because of the fear “if Islam”?

It is thought and widely believed that the West is living in the fear if Islam, for several reasons out of which large Muslim population is regarded as the most important. No doubt this is an utmost reality and according to the Guinness Book of World Records, Islam is becoming the fastest growing religion by the number of conversions every year especially in the major countries: the UK and the USA. However, if we give this entire scenario a deep insight, we will realize that it’s neither the West which is undergoing “If Islam” fear and nor Islam which is regarded as the biggest threat for them. Questions are also raised that if the west is so much afraid of the spread of Islam, instead of devising ways to stop Muslims to freely practice Islam, it should accept this reality because impositions on Islamic society are not reflecting and showcasing a good soft image that western societies always talked about. Rather it is portraying itself against basic human rights of freedom and liberty.

Let’s have a look with a broader perspective where Islam and West are not against each other.

When Muslim converts are generally asked about “What about Muslims made them embrace Islam?” Many answer that they started studying Islam out of curiosity or even enmity against Muslims, but upon turning the pages of Islamic history, found its teachings the most humane; logical; modern and scientific. There is nothing like the word terrorism or violence promoted by Islam as voiced against it today. They accept Islam on grounds of its utmost veracity and justice for all mankind. They embrace Islam not because of Muslims but because of Islam itself. A Muslim may have flaws but Islam is flawless.

If West fears Islam, then it should not, since Islam has no war against humanity or society. Islam is in fact a religion that promotes pure peace. Islam teaches Muslims to respect every single being; every religion; every Prophet of Allah (PBUH). When those Christians who are filled with rage against Muslim Ummah, investigate what Islam says about Prophet Jesus (PBUH) and find that in the Holy Quran, He (PBUH) has been described as the most handsome man, highly respectable and honorable for Muslims, their hearts melt to say, “Yes! Islam is sincere”. When Jews find Moses (PBUH) being mentioned in the Holy Quran as the only prophet being honored to directly communicate with Allah Almighty, they realize, “Yes! Islam is Unbiased”.

The West should not be afraid of Islam. In fact, Islam is not a threat not only to those who are not sincere in the west but even to those who are not sincere in any Divine religion be it Judaism or Christianity. Those who didn’t look at this side of the reality before, should start thinking this way instead of aggravating the situation between Islam and the West.

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