Is Democracy – A License to Corruption?

on Sunday, March 17, 2013

First of all, we must know what democracy is? It is a form of government which is elected by the eligible voters. In this system of election, every eligible voter has an equal right of say. Each vote carries an equal importance. This is a system that allows people to choose their own representative freely and fairly. It is a system that is widely accepted around the world and is running successfully. This system allows people to select the government. Nations and countries seek this political system because it is beleived to be the best system.

Now, we come to the question if democracy causes corruption or is democracy the root of corruption? My answer is that it is not true. As we have said, democracy is good but the people who govern this system have to be well reputed and honest to deliver the fruits of democracy to the people. If the people themselves are corrupt and dishonest then no matter the political system they use they will make it corrupt.

The other important thing is that the law enforcement agencies should also be well equipped. There should be a strong law and justice system. If the law is not enforced properly, then corruption will not end. Another important factor is the moral grounds and ethics in a society. In countries that have strong judicial and moral system, there are very few cases of corruption because the elected people feel themselves questionable by the public and the judicial system.

Corruption and democracy are notorious in third world countries where the judicial system is not very strong. Also, the media is not free and accessible. The representatives do not think of themselves as answerable to the general public and the courts. So this is where mostly corruption take place. When it comes to corruption, you can see that the African countries and Asian countries are highly ranked, because these countries do not have strong institutions that can check and question the elected members. The reason for this is that these countries also are governed under marshal laws for many years; where the institutes were not allowed to flourish.

Take the example of Pakistan, it is the 7th country in inuclear power, a country which is full of talent and excellence. This country also has 4 Marshal Laws in its 66 year history and these marshal laws took 35 years in total. The result of these marshal laws was that the institutes were not allowed to be strong. The country is ranked at the 35th position among the most corrupt countries. There are charges of corruption on current Prime Minister, President and the last Prime Minister as well as on the opposition party leaders. So this can tell you the story if the institutes are strong then these people will not be able to reach the highest office in the country.

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