Unique perspective about Mothers in Islam

on Saturday, November 10, 2012

Human beings are the greatest creation of ALLAH Almighty. ALLAH created everything. Islam is the greatest holy religion, which provides unique characteristics and teachings about the status of humans. Equal rights are there for both men and women in Islamic teachings.  The mother is the greatest blessing of ALLAH Almighty. There is nothing important than parents in life. In addition, the most important factor is that the mother is the  relationship which cannot be replaced by any other relationship. Islam stresses more about the status of women and especially about mothers.  The home is not complete without the mother. We should respect our parents so that we can succeed in this life and the hereafter life.  For women being a mother is the greatest blessing. Nothing is more special than a mother’s love, devotion and simplicity.

Islam stresses a lot about the dignity and honor of a Mother. A mother loves her children very much. A mother’s love cannot be explained in words. Those children who have parents are very lucky and the bond with the mother, especially, is the most important for children. Children should respect their mothers in every matter. Muslims who do not respect their parents are very disgraceful and never succeed in life. ALLAH Almighty and His Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) are pleased with those who respect their parents. When the father tries to punish the child the mother comes to the rescue; this is due to the deep affection of a mother who cannot bear to see her child suffer in anyway. The Holy Qur’an stresses on the status of a mother. Women have to be respected whether she is a sister, a wife or a mother.

The choice of a nice wife is a critical decision. Every Muslim unmarried man wants an unmarried women with good morals. In the Islamic society, mother is the symbol of dignity, respect and affection. The status of a mother is emphasized on many occasions. ALLAH has given the highest status to a mother. One of the greatest sayings about the dignity of mothers is that “Paradise lies beneath the feet of a mother.” This is the great sign to get the chance to avail blessings of ALLAH by serving his mother in an efficient manner. A mother’s sacrifice is never forgotten. We have to listen to the the teachings of our parents. We should also obey our parents.

Some reasons to be grateful to our mothers and obey them are as follows:

We will go to paradise if we respect out mothers and take good care of them in old age.

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