Winter Flowers, Chapter 5

on Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chapter 5 of Winter Flowers begins with Jumana talking about her best friend and neighbor, John David. Ever since his older brother died, his parents paid less and less attention to him. Jumana is getting older, and realizes that she is not “fragile” like the other girls in her class at school who enjoy playing house. She enjoys her time with John David more and more.

When they begin third grade, their teacher is the first black teacher at their school. After the first day many children are pulled out of her class and put into a private school, because their parents cannot handle the idea of their children being taught by a black woman. Jumana is obviously very keen for a third-grader, and asked her mother if she was ever treated differently for being an Arab Muslim. Her mother related the story of when she was nearly attacked by a man, for being Muslim in New York City. That is when she stopped practicing Islam.

This brings up an interesting point: Discrimination on any basis is wrong. It took a long time for Americans, especially in the South, to realize it, but discrimination against blacks is wrong. One day we will realize that discrimination against Muslims is every bit as wrong as discrimination against blacks.

To all the Muslims reading this, especially Muslims in America, were there any times that you were discriminated against for being Muslim?

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