Report: Muslim Academy Teachers Do NOT Beat Their Students

on Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Muslim Academy is an online portal to understanding the Arabic language, Muslim culture, and Islam – everything you need to understand the modern Muslim world.  We offer private, live, one on one instruction in both Arabic language, Islam, and Tajweed.  Our lessons are online, taught via Skype, with native speakers of Arabic living in Egypt.  At the end of each lesson, the student receives a copy of his lesson so that he or she can constantly learn from it.  As an online teaching center, we often get many questions about how things are different from private, in home instruction.

Well, one benefit is the cost advantages.  In places like America and the United Kingdom, private instruction can cost as much as USD $30 per hour because the cost of living is so much higher.  Teachers earn much more money.  At Muslim Academy, we have exceptionally talented, native speakers who live and breathe the Arabic language, and who can offer rates much lower than those in the West, because the cost of living is lower.  We’re talking as low as $6.73.  What???  Also, in the West, you may be taught by someone named Fred or Jack or Suzie, i.e. someone who has very likely never studied Arabic in an actual Arabic speaking country before.   At Muslim Academy, we’re native speakers of the Arabic language, so you know you’re getting people who actually know what they’re talking about.  At Muslim Academy, we’re cheaper, and offer higher quality instruction, than the other guys.

Another advantage is the time.  With in person classes, there is often a set time that people have to get up to get to a school and be on time, sometimes through the snow and the rain and the sleet.  And if they are not on time, all the other students laugh at them.  At Muslim Academy, you can learn from the comfort of your home.  We don’t ask whether you are wearing your pajamas or not, because wearing pajamas is your fundamental right.  You can eat cookie dough during classes, you can have Oprah in the background.  We don’t know and we don’t care.  Can real life classes say the same thing?  At Muslim Academy, we don’t care if you wear your pajamas or eat cookie dough while learning Arabic language.

The third advantage is how smart you can look in front of your peers.  If you’re in school, learning Arabic language with Muslim Academy will help you get better grades and impress you in front of your classmates.  Let’s face it, you’ll look cool.  You’ve probably struggled with getting good grades in Arabic because you have nobody to practice with.  Why is nobody else learning Arabic?  We have no idea.  If you want a job with a top secret government organization, what language do you think the government wants.  French? Yeah go back to Napoleonic times buddy.   No, in today’s world you need to learn Arabic.  Did we say our lessons our cheaper?  That’s good because you’ll need the money for all the dates you’re going to have.  At Muslim Academy, learning Arabic will make you cool, and probably get you a date because you’re so cool.

Finally, learning Arabic language with Muslim Academy means that your teacher is 1,000 miles away.  According to LearnArabicTV, some teachers beat their students.  Well, we can assure you Muslim Academy never beats our students – even if we wanted to, we can’t beat people through Skype – an online connection.  Can we back up this claim?  Absolutely.  Just watch the video below.  Don’t all schools claim not to beat their students?  No they don’t.  Show us one school that has on their blog they don’t beat their students, and we’ll give you a free class.  At Muslim Academy, we don’t beat our students.  That’s our guarantee.

Yeah, we said it.  We had the guts to say it.  Not many do.  That’s what makes us different.  We’re the young generation.  We’re the future.  We’re Muslim Academy.  Language.  Culture.  Religion.

To the Max.

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