Omar Ebn Al Khattab (21)

on Monday, May 21, 2012

Now we continue with discussing Omar Ebn Al Khattab’s life to highlight great virtues that we really miss these days. Such virtues truly reflect the Muslim culture and the behavior of Muslims through ages, but unfortunately we miss a lot of that kind of behaviors in our lives.

After Hercules the King of Romans was defeated by Omar Ebn Al Khattab in many battles, he decided to send a letter to Omar. The messenger of Hercules entered Al Madina with the letter, looking for Omar Ebn Al Khattab and he was thinking that he can find Omar in a great palace full of servants. He started to ask the people where he can find the Caliph till he saw a man who pointed at Omar Ebn Al Khattab who was sleeping under a tree and not looking like a king.

The messenger was shocked from the way Omar was sleeping as his shoe was under his head, he was wearing very ordinary clothes and he slept on the sand. The messenger said a very famous sentence that Muslims will never forget “you ruled with justice, so you felt safe, so you slept safely“. Can we imagine a president or governor who can sleep in an ordinary place where all the people know that this is their president?! Can we see these days a man who carried justice on his shoulders till he became safe to walk anywhere without being afraid of someone who hates him will be chasing him for any reason?! How great is justice and how great is Omar Ebn Al Khattab, this is the Muslim culture.

Another merciful situation happened when Omar Ebn Al Khattab was walking at night (As he used to do everyday) and he saw a big light in the desert, so he walked to see what this was. He saw a woman with her children and the woman put a garment full of boiling water on fire. Omar asked for the woman’s permission to get closer (do you see how polite he was?!) and the lady gave him the permission to come closer. Omar asked the lady “why are your children crying?”, so the woman replied, “they are hungry and we do not have any food, and we are traveling”, so Omar asked “what is the boiling water for?”, so the lady replied “it is just water I boil to give the children some hope that they will eat soon and help them sleep”. Omar asked the lady “why are you doing this?” and the lady replied ” If Omar Ebn Al Khattab knew how were are, this wouldn’t happen to us”, so Omar asked her to wait.

Omar’s servant was with him and he said that after Omar listened to the lady, he ran to Bayt Al Mal (where Muslims kept fortunes) and he carried a lot of wheat and barley on his shoulder and walked back to the lady. Omar’s servant tried to carry the wheat from him, but Omar said, “Who will carry it from me in the judgment day?” Omar cooked the food for the lady and her children and told the lady “go to the Caliphs house in the morning to get more food and I might be there”. Omar did this and the lady didn’t know that he is the Caliph and she didn’t even imagine that this is happening. Before Omar left, the lady told him “you are better than Omar Ebn Al Khattab and if I had the power, I would appoint you as a Caliph instead of Omar”

Can you see how his mercy was and how Omar Ebn Al Khattab was treating his people? He used to serve them himself without even telling them that he is the Caliph to be more popular or something, and he did whatever he can to help the people have a good life. Even non Muslims living in Muslim lands loved Omar and his treatment to his people. The way Omar ruled is like a guideline to presidents these days, as they should learn how they can gain their people’s trust and do their best to make their people have good lives, or Allah will punish them in the judgment day. Omar’s life with the Prophet Mohammed and following the teachings of Islam made a true and successful leader of Omar Ebn Al Khattab. I wish we can find a man who imitates Omar these days.

To be continued…

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