Chuck Hagle ensure that US army will attack Iran Nuclear program when required

on Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mr. Chuck Hagel, the US defence secretary said that he ensured that the US army is ready to attack the Iranian nuclear program whenever they feel it’s time to attack.  He further said that he totally agreed with what Mr. President said about Iran’s nuclear program. He said that the United States holds an option to take steps to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. This statement is given by Hegel after a question raised by a senator armed service committee.

Mr. Hagel further said that Iran must take this matter seriously and there are still chances to hold diplomatic talks but the pressure is on so there are considering closing this window. This statement is strongly opposed by the opposition when Mr.Hagel faces the republican. They questioned him about the policy he states about the Iranian nuclear program and for the economic sanction imposed on Iran as they did in the Iraqi war. He also made a remark about the Jewish lobby impact in Washington. Senator John Cornyn who is opposing Mr.Hagel said that the nominee was rejected in previous positions on this kind of issues in the political strategy to win affirmation.

Confirmation conversion:

This rapid and suitable alteration beggar’s idea, Cornyn addressed in a dialogue on the Senate. “He just desires to win support from the members of this chamber, what we can call it as a confirmation conversion.

Some of the answers that Mr.Hagel has given to the committee shows the same policy of the pentagon and the white house on Afghan and war on Iraq. It includes the budget reduction, some issues among personnel and weapon program. Mr. Hagel told the press in the past that the pentagon budget wss over drafted. He further had written that these budget cuts might lead to a devastating impact on the position of Mr. Panetta across the board. Meanwhile Mr. Obama has agreed to cut the federal budget deficit and also cut down the defense budget by $45 billion.

“It would damage armed forces readiness and interrupt each and every venture” said Mr. Hagel. He further said that it would cause negative impact on the overall moral of the armed forces and it would become a tough task to recruit and retain the forces. He further said it would be a devastating impact on the military and civil workers. It would also affect the allies and the enemies, according to Mr. Hagel. Mr. Panetta said that this cut down in budget would be doomsday Mechanism.When talking about the introduction of expensive weapon in US military, Mr. Hagel said that the new Air Jets would be included in the US Armed forces soon.

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بوصلة الاحتجاج تتحول الي المقطم


يوم الجمعة الماضي خرج عدد من المظاهرات الشعبية قادتها عدد من الحركات الثورية مثل حركة شباب 6 ابريل ، والتيار الشعبي وعدد من القوي الثورية الاخري وانضم لهم اعداد كثيرة من شباب المناطق العشوائية والشعبية الموجودة في جنوب القاهرة مثل السيدة عائشة والخليفة والمقطم وتوجهت هذه المظاهرات كلها لتتظاهر امام مكتب الارشاد والمقر الرئيسي الجديد لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين في منطقة جبل المقطم الهادئة في العاصمة القاهرة. وجدير بالذكر أن اسم القاهرة أصله ليس كما يقول بعض العامة أنه نسبة للخليفة الفاطمي الذي بناها في القرن الثالث الهجري ولا نسبة للنجم السماوي الذي يسمونه القاهر ، ولا لأن بناتها أرادوا الافتخار بأنها الارض القاهرة للغزاة فهي لم تقهر أكثر ما قهرت أبنائها، أما الاصل في تسميتها بالقاهرة يعود للاصل المصري القديم للارض التي بنيت عليها فهي مبنية فوق وادي شرق النيل كان يسمي في الزمن الفرعوني القديم “كاهي رع” أي وادي الاله رع ، ومع تحريف الكلمة وتغير لغة أهل مصر أصبحت كاهيرع ، ومنها الي اسمها الذي ننطقه ونكتبه الان “القاهرة”.

توجهت المظاهرات الي مقر مكتب ارشاد الاخوان المسلمين في المقطم كان سببه القريب تعرض عدد من المتظاهرين والصحفيين للضرب المبرح قبلها بأيام في فاعلية رسم جرافيتي أمام مقر الاخوان كنوع من أنواع الاحتجاج الشعبي المعروفة عالميا، واشتهر في محطات التلفاز مشهد لطمة قوية لأحدي السيدات علي يد أحد البغال البشرية التي كانت تقف أمام المقر بدافع حمايته من غزوات هتافات المتظاهرين. أما السبب الاصيل لهذا التغيير في بوصلة الثوار وتحويل قبلة احتجاجهم من قصر الاتحادية الرئاسي مقر رئيس الجمهورية الي مقر مكتب الارشاد لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين ومقر المرشد العام الدكتور محمد بديع الذي يعتبره الشباب الثائر اللاعب الاساسي وصاحب القرار النافذ في تسيير كل الامور الخارجية والداخلية في مصر، أو بالاحري هو علي قمة هرم يتكون قاعدته من اسمين مؤثرين أخرين وهم من اعضاء مكتب الارشاد ايضا وهم المهندس ورجل الاعمال صاحب النفوذ داخل الجماعة خيرت الشاطر وكان المرشح الاساسي لرئاسة الجمهورية قبل استبعاده من قبل لجنة الانتخابات الرئاسية وقتها نتيجة عدم الاهلية لصدور حكم قضائي ضده، والاسم الثاني هو الرجل الصامت والقوي داخل التنظيم محمود عزت والذي تقول كثير من الدوائر القريبة منه أنه المسئول الاول عن ميليشيات الاخوان العسكرية التي ظهرت أكثر من مرة في احداث واحتكاكات مع شباب الثورة كان اخرها عندما خرجوا ضد الصحفيين والنشطاء في تظاهرة الجرافيتي وعندما خرجوا ضد التظاهرات في الجمعة الماضية، واحتلوا عدد من المساجد بالمنطقة حول مقر مكتب الارشاد ليحتجزوا فيه الشباب الذين يستطيعون القبض عليه لتعذيبهم وتسجيل شهادات مزورة لهم بتلقيهم المال من اطراف المعارضة المتمثلة في جبهة الانقاذ والتي تريد جماعة الاخوان القاء التهم عليها وتشويه صورة رموزها وتحميلهم كامل المسئولية عن خروج هذه التظاهرات تحت غطائهم اما ماديا او سياسيا، وتحميلهم ذنب سقوط الضحايا أيضا.

العجيب في الامر ان جماعة الاخوان لم تستوعب حتي الان انهم حاليا علي رأس السلطة في مصر، ولم يصبحوا تلك الجماعة المحظورة والمضطهدة من سلطة غاشمة تستخدم كل اساليب القمع والترهيب ضدهم. أعتقد انهم تعودوا علي العمل السري ويصعب عليهم العمل تحت نور الشمس، وفي العلن. وفي اعتقادي انهم يتخلصون من القهر بالقهر، أي يتخلصون من عقدتهم النفسية بقهر الانظمة السابقة الغاشمة لهم طوال ثمانين عاما بقهر غيرهم ممن يعارضونهم، وانا لا اتبلي عليهم لاسمح الله ولكنها قاعدة يعرفها كل من يدرس علم النفس فالمضطهد يشعر بمأزق نفسي خطير لا يخرج منه الا بطريقتين اما العلاج النفسي لفترة شهور وقد تطول لسنوات حسب صعوبة الحالة، واما ان يتخلص من الاضطهاد بالاضطهاد المضاد لغيره، ويتخلص من الكراهية بكراهية كل من يخالفه الرأي، ويتخلص من القهر بقهر الاخرين. وهذا هو السبب الحقيقي في اقصائهم لكل قوي المعارضة الحقيقة، واحتفاظهم فقط بقوي المعارضة الناعمة الموالية لهم والتي خرج اغلبها من عبائتهم مثل حزب الوسط، والاحزاب التي تنتمي لجماعات الجهاد والجماعة الاسلامية وبعض الاحزاب السلفية.

في اعتقادي ان المكابرة التي هي نهج الاخوان في التعامل مع الغير من قوي المعارضة ستكون سبب اخفاق كارثي في ضبط الامور. هم يتناسون ان الشارع المصري لن ينتظر اشارة من اي احد، وثورته كالبركان الذي ينفجر بدون سابق انذار. وعليهم ان يدركوا اللحظة الفارقة كما يقول دائما احد اذرعهم المتخفية في صفوف المعارضة الناعمة، ويمثل اليد الخشنة احيانا ضد الخصوم. شواهد التاريخ كل ما تقوله ان كل حكم يستغل الدين في الادعاء علي الناس يسقط في بئر الفشل ولا تقوم له قائمة ابدا. ويكذب هؤلاء ويقولون بأنهم يؤسسون لدولة الشريعة الاسلامية والاسلام الحنيف انزه كثيرا من ان يزج به في بحار السياسة المتلاطمة النجسة.

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Easter 2013, A special event for Christian Community


The Easter as a religious event:

The Easter is a religious belief and an event of the Christian community. Christians believe that Jesus came back to life on this day. They celebrate this day in a traditional and cultural way, just before the Easter they celebrate Good Friday. The Easter marks the end of fasting for about 40 days according to the Christian religion. In Christianity, the Easter is celebrated after the full moon on Sunday.

What does the bible tell us about the Easter?

The biblical account of Jesus’ death on the cross, or crucifixion, his burial and his resurrection, or raising from the dead, can be found in the following passages of Scripture: Matthew 27:27-28:8; Mark 15:16-16:19; Luke 23:26-24:35; and John 19:16-20:30.

There are a lot of activities that Christians do on the eve of the Easter. It is said that the name of this event ”the Easter” is actually derived from the word Easter (the season). April is considered as the month when the true Easter start so the month of celebrating this event is from 20th march to 25th of April, but mostly they celebrate it in April.

Some different names of the Easter:

Paques in French

Pasqua in Italian

Pascha in Greek

Pascua in Spanish

Some activities Christians perform on the Easter:

Christians do a lot of interesting activities to celebrate the Easter. Christians start their Easter activities with special prayers, which are performed in the church. They decorate the church with candle lights and flowers. Music performances are also arranged in the church. Without music, their religious activities are incomplete. Ringing of the Church bell is an essential element for praying. Children are served with Easter baskets, which contain cookies, chocolates and snacks. These baskets are decorated with flowers. Arrangement of family meals are essential parts of the Easter festival. Different types of pastries, cookies and cakes are baked to celebrate Easter. These food items are filled with nuts, fruits and honey. Salads and sausages are also prepared.

Moreover, Christians buy new clothes to celebrate the Easter. Before the celebration Dramas and plays based on Easter story are prepared and performed later on the day of the Easter in front of a crowd. These plays and dramas are appreciated by the audience. They help the needy people and tell the people how to spend their lives in a peaceful way.

Easter eggs are vital for making your day a complete one. Other than Easter eggs, there have been many more things that can make your day memorable like Easter balloons, baskets and costumes. According to a philosopher, it is important for the Christian community not to celebrate the Easter with alcoholic drinks as it could ruin their event. They must spend quality time with friends and families and worship God for such a beautiful life.

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الفتاة العربية و الحياة الزوجية


يوم الجمعة الماضي خرج عدد من المظاهرات الشعبية قادتها عدد من الحركات الثورية مثل حركة شباب 6 ابريل ، والتيار الشعبي وعدد من القوي الثورية الاخري وانضم لهم اعداد كثيرة من شباب المناطق العشوائية والشعبية الموجودة في جنوب القاهرة مثل السيدة عائشة والخليفة والمقطم وتوجهت هذه المظاهرات كلها لتتظاهر امام مكتب الارشاد والمقر الرئيسي الجديد لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين في منطقة جبل المقطم الهادئة في العاصمة القاهرة. وجدير بالذكر أن اسم القاهرة أصله ليس كما يقول بعض العامة أنه نسبة للخليفة الفاطمي الذي بناها في القرن الثالث الهجري ولا نسبة للنجم السماوي الذي يسمونه القاهر ، ولا لأن بناتها أرادوا الافتخار بأنها الارض القاهرة للغزاة فهي لم تقهر أكثر ما قهرت أبنائها، أما الاصل في تسميتها بالقاهرة يعود للاصل المصري القديم للارض التي بنيت عليها فهي مبنية فوق وادي شرق النيل كان يسمي في الزمن الفرعوني القديم “كاهي رع” أي وادي الاله رع ، ومع تحريف الكلمة وتغير لغة أهل مصر أصبحت كاهيرع ، ومنها الي اسمها الذي ننطقه ونكتبه الان “القاهرة”.

توجهت المظاهرات الي مقر مكتب ارشاد الاخوان المسلمين في المقطم كان سببه القريب تعرض عدد من المتظاهرين والصحفيين للضرب المبرح قبلها بأيام في فاعلية رسم جرافيتي أمام مقر الاخوان كنوع من أنواع الاحتجاج الشعبي المعروفة عالميا، واشتهر في محطات التلفاز مشهد لطمة قوية لأحدي السيدات علي يد أحد البغال البشرية التي كانت تقف أمام المقر بدافع حمايته من غزوات هتافات المتظاهرين. أما السبب الاصيل لهذا التغيير في بوصلة الثوار وتحويل قبلة احتجاجهم من قصر الاتحادية الرئاسي مقر رئيس الجمهورية الي مقر مكتب الارشاد لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين ومقر المرشد العام الدكتور محمد بديع الذي يعتبره الشباب الثائر اللاعب الاساسي وصاحب القرار النافذ في تسيير كل الامور الخارجية والداخلية في مصر، أو بالاحري هو علي قمة هرم يتكون قاعدته من اسمين مؤثرين أخرين وهم من اعضاء مكتب الارشاد ايضا وهم المهندس ورجل الاعمال صاحب النفوذ داخل الجماعة خيرت الشاطر وكان المرشح الاساسي لرئاسة الجمهورية قبل استبعاده من قبل لجنة الانتخابات الرئاسية وقتها نتيجة عدم الاهلية لصدور حكم قضائي ضده، والاسم الثاني هو الرجل الصامت والقوي داخل التنظيم محمود عزت والذي تقول كثير من الدوائر القريبة منه أنه المسئول الاول عن ميليشيات الاخوان العسكرية التي ظهرت أكثر من مرة في احداث واحتكاكات مع شباب الثورة كان اخرها عندما خرجوا ضد الصحفيين والنشطاء في تظاهرة الجرافيتي وعندما خرجوا ضد التظاهرات في الجمعة الماضية، واحتلوا عدد من المساجد بالمنطقة حول مقر مكتب الارشاد ليحتجزوا فيه الشباب الذين يستطيعون القبض عليه لتعذيبهم وتسجيل شهادات مزورة لهم بتلقيهم المال من اطراف المعارضة المتمثلة في جبهة الانقاذ والتي تريد جماعة الاخوان القاء التهم عليها وتشويه صورة رموزها وتحميلهم كامل المسئولية عن خروج هذه التظاهرات تحت غطائهم اما ماديا او سياسيا، وتحميلهم ذنب سقوط الضحايا أيضا.

العجيب في الامر ان جماعة الاخوان لم تستوعب حتي الان انهم حاليا علي رأس السلطة في مصر، ولم يصبحوا تلك الجماعة المحظورة والمضطهدة من سلطة غاشمة تستخدم كل اساليب القمع والترهيب ضدهم. أعتقد انهم تعودوا علي العمل السري ويصعب عليهم العمل تحت نور الشمس، وفي العلن. وفي اعتقادي انهم يتخلصون من القهر بالقهر، أي يتخلصون من عقدتهم النفسية بقهر الانظمة السابقة الغاشمة لهم طوال ثمانين عاما بقهر غيرهم ممن يعارضونهم، وانا لا اتبلي عليهم لاسمح الله ولكنها قاعدة يعرفها كل من يدرس علم النفس فالمضطهد يشعر بمأزق نفسي خطير لا يخرج منه الا بطريقتين اما العلاج النفسي لفترة شهور وقد تطول لسنوات حسب صعوبة الحالة، واما ان يتخلص من الاضطهاد بالاضطهاد المضاد لغيره، ويتخلص من الكراهية بكراهية كل من يخالفه الرأي، ويتخلص من القهر بقهر الاخرين. وهذا هو السبب الحقيقي في اقصائهم لكل قوي المعارضة الحقيقة، واحتفاظهم فقط بقوي المعارضة الناعمة الموالية لهم والتي خرج اغلبها من عبائتهم مثل حزب الوسط، والاحزاب التي تنتمي لجماعات الجهاد والجماعة الاسلامية وبعض الاحزاب السلفية.

في اعتقادي ان المكابرة التي هي نهج الاخوان في التعامل مع الغير من قوي المعارضة ستكون سبب اخفاق كارثي في ضبط الامور. هم يتناسون ان الشارع المصري لن ينتظر اشارة من اي احد، وثورته كالبركان الذي ينفجر بدون سابق انذار. وعليهم ان يدركوا اللحظة الفارقة كما يقول دائما احد اذرعهم المتخفية في صفوف المعارضة الناعمة، ويمثل اليد الخشنة احيانا ضد الخصوم. شواهد التاريخ كل ما تقوله ان كل حكم يستغل الدين في الادعاء علي الناس يسقط في بئر الفشل ولا تقوم له قائمة ابدا. ويكذب هؤلاء ويقولون بأنهم يؤسسون لدولة الشريعة الاسلامية والاسلام الحنيف انزه كثيرا من ان يزج به في بحار السياسة المتلاطمة النجسة.

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Muslim Community in Iran


The Muslim community in Iran makes up an overwhelming 90% of the country’s population. In a population of 75 million, that is a huge number. Of the two sects in Islam: the Sunni and the Shi’a, most Iranians are Shi’aite. Only about 8% of the country’s total Muslim population is Sunni. This is in contrast to the rest of the world, where Shi’a Muslims make up about 10-20%.

Let’s get to know the Shi’a philosophy in a little more detail. Shi’a Muslims are also known as The Twelvers. This name is in keeping with their belief of the twelve Imams. Eleven of whom received the role of spiritual leadership directly as descendants of Ali, who, in turn, had received it directly from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself. The twelfth will be Imam Mahdi, who will appear before Judgment day. This is in conflict with the belief of the Sunni, who believe it was Abu Bakr who had received it from The Prophet himself. There are other sects of the Shi’a Muslims such as the Ismai’li and the Zay’di sects. But the difference is very little. When using the term Shi’a, it is natural to refer to the Twelver sect.

Iran as conquered by Muslims under the rule of Umar around the year of 637. Before this, most of the people had been followers of Zoroastrianism. This is an ancient religion which speaks of the balance between the Illuminating Wisdom (the good force, the Ahura Mazda) and the Destructive Spirit (the bad force, the Angra Mainyu.) The Islamic conquest of Iran has been seen in many lights by many people. Most Iranians believe that this was a blessing that rescued them from the dark ages of lawlessness, cruelty, heathenism and unfairness; whereas, others find the thought of being conquered humiliating. The Islamic population of Iran has gone through countless modifications in the past, both philosophically and religiously. For instance, initially the conquerors refused to mix with the masses, treating the conquered as inferior beings, refusing to learn their language or getting familiar with the land’s literature. The conquered were treated as second class citizens (also known as dhimmi) and a tax was imposed on them, which was known as jizya. This continued till the end of the Umayyad period which ended in 748. Then came the Abbasid revolution. During the time period of 9th century to the 11th century, the Muslim population in Iran rose from 40% to a striking 100%. During this time, the Shu’ybiyyah movement took place which was to topple the heightened status of the Arabs in Iran. Thus, the Iranians maintained their unique identity and refused to lose it to the Arabic identity.

The political revolution known as “Iranian revolution” took place to deliver Iran from the hands of monarchy under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi into the hands of democracy under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. In the constitution of Iran, it is said that Shi’a Islam is the national religion but allows Sunni, Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians to carry out their own religious beliefs. On the other hand, Sunni mosques cannot be built in areas where Sunni are not a majority. Also, discriminations in the name of religion (or no religion) are a major problem in Iran.

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Muslim Buddhist Violence in Burma


Destroyed buildings in the Burmese city of Meikhtila present a sorrowful picture that the world has constantly and cruelly overlooked for quite a long time. Buddhists that are commonly perceived as advocates of peace and tranquility have certainly been showing a surprisingly extremist behavior. The streets of Burma show an array of blood spills and dismantled buildings, a sight unbearable to any humanitarian no matter what school of thought he or she follows.

Only recently a UN envoy to the country pleaded for peace, though I would personally call for substantial international involvement such that the matter can be taken care of once and for all. Mr. Thein Sein, Burmese President had declared a state of emergency in the country, calling for the army to jump in after the recent attack on Muslim Centers that resulted in the entire building being torched. More events of the same nature were reported from other cities on the south as well where Buddhists burnt down a Mosque and fifty homes in Yamethin (64kms from Meikhtila) this Saturday. In other events, several buildings and yet another Mosque was set ablaze in Lewei a city that lies on the southern side of Burmese capital Naypytaw.

It is nothing but outrageous cruelty at the hands of the international community for not even blinking an eye at a mayhem that has caused more than 10000 human beings to be displaced, and hundreds killed for a reason that is purely and utterly racist.

The Interfaith Friendship Organization (IFO) an organization built for the sole purpose of building unity between Buddhist, Christian, Hindu and Muslims has expressed sorrow at the events and asked the Buddhists monks to help ease the situation. Furthermore, their official statement goes as under:

“We would like to call upon the government to provide sufficient security and to protect the displaced people and to investigate and take legal measures as urgently as possible”

The initial rampage began with a mere quarrel between a Muslim shopkeeper and his Buddhist customer. Reports spread that apparently the Muslim shop owner had killed the Buddhist and as a result, numbers of Buddhist mobs attacked a Muslim neighborhood destroying countless residential buildings as well as religious ones.

The ensuing instability is of dire tension as the country has barely risen from a half a century old army rule. Thein Sein government faces a major issue now, and it is upon the few retired army men who have taken up the charge to work day in day out to stabilize the situation that is showing signs of further troubles. This has been the third incident of its kind in the past three years with a minimum of six mosques being burnt down.

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How to Handle Racism in the West?


Have you ever been a victim of Racism or Racists comments? Do you really know what racism is? Have you ever thought of the steps you can take to tackle such a situation? There are people who try to ignore racists comments, while there are others who respond to them aggressively, but what actually can be called as a balanced reply, no one knows. The way of reaction or response depends on the situation and the surroundings that you have to deal with, so you may think that your response is good enough at one situation, but in another circumstances, your response may not get the same appreciation and may face a harsh reply, as well. So what you should do to handle the racist attacks.

First of all, you have to analyze the situation and then give your remarks. The best thing is not to retaliate to any infuriating or hurtful behavior. If you retaliate with any cruel words or gesture, then the other person will not get affected by it. They will just keep the same behavior as they have before. So when they are behaving to you in a negative way then you should not reply the same if you do so then you are equally responsible, because God ordered to avoid hatred even for enemies.

Another option that you can do in such a situation is to ask them about their reasons for using such words? You can question the words that they use. This way you will be able to know what are their intentions and how much poison they have in their heart and mind. You can also tell them about your internal reaction and how you feel about their comments. Tell them clearly that you don’t like it , and their jokes or comments hurt you a lot.

A very important point, when reacting to the racists comments, is not to get angry on their comments because the basic purpose of those comments are to make you feel angry as they try to drive you to do something silly. So you must control your emotions, stay calm and let it go. This will have an impact on the person because he will be unable to attain his purpose. So next time when he wants to address someone with racist comments, he will think twice.

One more and better option is not to indulge into any kind of debate or exchange of hatred words. You should try to compliment him/her on anything. You can say, nice beard, or nice shirt, or just simply I love you mate. This will have an instant impact on the person and his mentality. He will defiantly think of his behavior and you may become a reason for a change in his attitude, and he might start thinking positively and stop making racist comments.

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The Glory of Great Britain


The United Kingdom is one of the most prominent countries around the Globe. Whenever we hear the word “Great Britain”, a glimpse of Clock Tower, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge glows across the mind. UK is crowded with historic monuments, royal palaces and top museums. In the UK, there is the house where Shakespeare was born or climb cathedral spires or expose the Tower of London’s history. Historic Places like The Palace, Pineapple Dunmore, The Ruin, Glastonbury Abbey and Lincoln Cathedral are worth your sight. Natural Wonders like The Needles, Jurassic Coast and Melham Cove are also appealing sights.  Gardens are one of the most likable places across the UK like Kew Gardens, Studley Royal and National Botanic Garden of Wales. The UK enchants glory and it is enriched with most astounding and appealing places like London’s Royal Park, Columbia Road Flower Market and Chew ton Glen Spa’s. The most attractive sights across the UK include Stonehenge, London’s Eye, Seven Sisters Cliffs, Ardnamurchan the West Coast of Scotland, Calton Hill and even more.

There’s nothing really pretty like getting up high and taking in a wonderful view. Rush to the top of Scottish mountains or look down on the vast lakes of the Lake District from its highest peaks. If that sounds a little arduous, catch a ride to the top of ‘The Shard’ and take in London. Specifically talking about Madame Tassauds Wax Museum first located in Central London, Madame Tassaud learnt the art of Wax modeling from her mother’s boss Doctor Phlipie Curtius who was a physician skilled in waxing. Tassaud started modeling in 1777 and shaped her first wax figure of Voltaire. Other famous people she modeled at that time were Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin. Now in the museum, there are a lot of models of historic personalities made by members of Tassaud’s family.

The super sized beings have been a part of UK’s bright folklore for centuries over centuries. They have provided explanations for natural phenomena.  Warwick castle is one of them which is a medieval fort developed from an original built by William the Conqueror in 1068. Warwick is the small country town of Warwickshire, England, located on a bank of the River Avon. The original wooden mote-and-bailey castle was built again in stone in the 12th century. It is the most recognizable example of the 14th century military architecture around the world. The river, which flows beneath the castle on the east side, has battered the rock on which the castle stands, forming a cliff. The river and the cliff form natural defenses for the castle.

One of the huge shopping centers in the world is Trafford Center. Trafford center is a great shopping mall and leisure complex in Dumpling ton, Manchester. Actually, It is the second largest shopping mall in Britain according to its retail size. The Trafford Center unconventional style of construction was provoked by the wish to offer an exclusive shopping experience. John Whittaker, the chairman of Peel Holdings had to persuade some architects that a prolific design would not estrange shoppers.

Giant Structures are a unique style of the British Architecture. Have a look at Pier Head the Three Graces of Liver Pool. The Pier Head is located at the riverside in the city center of Liverpool, England. The Three Graces refer to three buildings.

See luminous Scottish lochs, rest in remarkable gardens in which the most attractive place Hyde Park ,which is one of the largest parks in Central London. Sites of attention in the park comprise Speakers’ Corner (located in the northeast area near Marble Arch), close to the previous place of the Tyburn gallows, and Rotten Row, which is the northern border of the site of the Crystal Palace. South of the Serpentine is the Diana, Princess of Wales monument, an elliptical stone ring spout opened on 6 July 2004. Another memorial in the park commemorates the victims of 7/7 rebel attacks, in the form of 52 steel pillars—one for each of the dead.

Relax on the beaches of the South Coast. Britain diverse landscape will surprise and amuse you. The legend of Jane Austen’s Bath or an indolent day spent sizing up monument at Tate Modern or the Scottish National Gallery. In my Opinion, in Britain you will discover a cultural combination that is hard to beat.

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Imran Hakim: A Muslim genius from the UK


Sharp, hard-working and thirsty for success, Imran Hakim is an example of the Muslims who move the country forward. Since he can recall, he was sure that he wanted to be an entrepreneur. His dream of running a business of his own became real at the early age of 15, thanks to his father’s aid of £2.000. It took him just some days to boost this project, not without effort: he had to trade in computers, convincing college teachers and his community (Bolton) to buy them.

When his college education was almost finished, he found himself caught in a dilemma. His plans to study Optometry at University did not seem compatible with his entrepreneurial initiative, but he was not willing to give up. He continued working on his academic career when work permitted it. This last one was his obvious priority. So, he had to miss some lectures when negotiating throughout the country (risking to be sanctioned with expulsion).

Eventually, Imran was capable of succeeding both at his job and his degree, completing his professional exams. During his practice in an optician firm, he learnt a lot from the founder, John Glover, with whom he developed some Internet business ideas. Imran returns then to the community where he grew up, this time to start his first practice. Collaboration with his University colleagues gave him a greater freedom to focus on new projects in this niche.

His acumen helped him to achieve contracts from the most powerful optical chains in the area while, at the same time, innovating in that marketplace. His next move would lead him to enrich his portfolio. Imran redefined optical frame distribution in his country and Ireland, dealing with major companies such as Reebok or Revlon. Thanks to the acquisition of his group practices’ lens laboratory, he improved his chain of optical retail practices.

His rise to fame came with his appearance in BBC2’s Dragons Den (2007) and the resulting media exposure. An original presentation (with his brother dressed as a teddy bear) and the idea of modernizing the traditional toy allowed him to get the required investment: £140.000 given by two members of the panel, Peter Jones and Theo Paphitis. The result: the iTeddy, a teddy bear upgraded with a MP4 player, whose songs and videos can be downloaded from the official site.

After a distribution in 45 countries (which generated about 10 million pounds), the iTeddy lies in the shelves of almost all British toy shops. Reinventing an everyday object has rewarded this precocious entrepreneur with numerous awards (Toy Inventor of the Year 2007, World Toy Innovation 2008 and Start-up Business of the Year 2008 among others). Apart from relevant business awards, he has added to his track record an Honorary Doctorate in Enterprise and Innovation from the University of Bolton.

Despite his youth, he has earned a place in the lists of the most successful British entrepreneurs and is now coaching others (with a focus in the NorthWest) to follow his path. His story will, for sure, inspire the future generations of entrepreneurs in the country.

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on Friday, March 29, 2013

Compare the lives of Muslims living in UK with the ones in Pakistan


Muslims are spread everywhere around the world. They all practice Islam, but the difference is that some live in Islamic countries while some live as minorities in non-Muslim countries. Talking about Europe and specially UK, there are Muslims present in a huge amount, but the country is not a Muslim country. On the other hand, Pakistan is a Muslim country, and you are going to find a Muslim majority, wherever you go.

Talking about the conditions of Muslims in Pakistan, we can see that they are free to practice their religion. Since Pakistan is a Muslim country, there is simply no issue in following Islam, as Islam is the state religion. Muslim women can wear hijab and Muslim men can keep beards. They face no opposition. They can go to mosques without any obstacles. In fact, Muslim children if they go to schools or go for work; they have Muslim friends and colleagues. Rarely does it occur that they have Hindu, Christian, or Jewish friends. Wherever you go, you will find mainly Muslims.

On the contrary, London or UK is not a Muslim country. However, there is a large Muslim population living in London. As far as practicing Islam in London is concerned, you will find people with mixed views. There would be some who would say that there is simply no difficulty in practicing Islam in London. On the other hand, other people would be of different views. There are some who say that they live with non Muslims. They have Jewish or Christian friends but that does not matter. The friends drink alcohol but they do not. So simply there is no problem. They say that they have to face no problems being Muslims. As far as practicing Islam is concerned, they say that there is religious freedom. Muslim women have simply no objection in wearing hijab. It is a matter of personal choice.

On the other hand, some people are going to say that the new generation in London is going different. They are influenced by their non-Muslim friends and do not pay much importance to prayers, to fasting and other Islamic obligations. Islam is not just about believe. It also involves practice, and usually parents complain that by living in the UK, they are unable to control their children and raise them according to Islam.

Overall, London is a place that allows the freedom of religion. Though the Muslims living there cannot find living in London is as easy as living in Pakistan, because of the lacking of some occasions. For instance, talking about the festival of Eid, whether it is Eid-ul-Azha or Eid-ul-Fitr, they say that if they had spent these festivals in Muslim country it would have been more enjoyable, as everybody around would be a part of it. Those Pakistani families who have moved to UK also say that there is not a problem practicing Islam in the UK, except for the fact that they miss their families.

About the author

I love to write creative articles. I have been writing on different social and religious topics for 2 years now. Give me a creative topic and I will write it for you.

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French Culture Instructs Its Nationals to Stay Solemn


Facts and figures reveal that even their high quality of living is unsuccessful in bringing elements of happiness and joy to them.

The people of France today are suffering from un air somber (gloom) syndrome instead of joie de vivre (joy of living), in which they were before enriched. There is no one from outside who could be blamed from their misery and distraught as revealed in a research by a French scholar, and going to be presented to the Royal Economic Society in London next month. The study declares French culture as the root cause of depression and sadness prevailing among its people and says that the culture teaches them so.

According to Paris School of Economics’ professor Claudia Senik, the culture is the biggest hindrance in the way of French to enjoy happy living in accordance to their material well being.

French are lucky to have an affluent life style, Senik says. It is a welfare state with free availability of amenities of life including healthcare and education. With a working week of 35-hour, it is a great source of attraction for foreigners who dream to get the French nationality.

Even with so many blessings, French appear solemn. According to a recent WIN-Gallup poll, they are least interested in life than the people of Afghanistan or Iraq.

Excluding Finland, France is the only old European country where people are more inclined towards suicide – World Health Organization states. After road accidents, suicide is the second major death cause in France among the 15-44 year age group, and the first one among 30-39 years age group.

“French Paradox” reflecting riches can’t bring happiness can be best described by “psychological belief being taught in schools or social gatherings etc, especially at teenage”, Senik remarks.

Her deep factual study over this life satisfaction issue ends up saying that on average French is less happy from his living than any of his European fellow. Senik’s critical analysis also reveals that the people of France residing outside the country are less joyous than their native fellows; however, foreign residents are enjoying much happier living than the natives. Those foreigners who are residing in the country since long are also not as happy as the new immigrants.

Senik believes that there is something wrong within the French people, which is adversely affecting the
French people’s living ideologies and making them undergo depressive tendencies.

In 1970′s, the same low level satisfaction issue was raised. The theory that language could be a major reason for all this go is discredited and discarded by Senik; on the ground that French-speakers in Canada or Switzerland are not suffering anything like this and are happy like others.

Senik is sure that the French educational system can play an active role in bringing a positive attitude change in the thinking patterns of people from childhood if French people are really sincere to get their happiness back. Senik suggests that happiness policies should be properly applied to cut down the over influence of cultural setups. Implementing this ideology through education will be the best idea.

However, Senik’s study has led to a turbulent debate over the blogging world where unavoidably her own country fellows are left with question marks after the work got published in the country’s official language. Majority of the French national found it as a further proof of their country’s downfall with one blogger commenting that he is much aware about various less enriched countries and their unhappy natives, but they don’t bother it at all, and the other one commented that in the majority of the underdeveloped countries, people are still living quite joyously. The habitual complaining attitude is indeed not an admired philosophy to live.

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Tension Prevailed Over Cyprus


The Central Bank of Europe said to Cyprus government that it would remove all its support for the banking sector of Europe. They warned them, saying that if the government did not agree on bailout, then their support would be withdrawn. This led the politicians to think of shifting to the ready to use plan B. So what is Plan B about? Well, it says that Laiki bank, that is the second largest bank, should be reconstructed. This new plan is expected to remove bankruptcy.

The streets were full of tensions, and worry prevailed all over. The bank workers started crowding up on streets and protesting. The bank workers started gathering in huge crowds in front of the parliament building. The people were protesting because they didn’t want the second largest supporting bank to be split. The news of closing down of Laiki brought tension to everyone, and nobody wanted it to be split into a bad part and a good part. All this was because of the ultimatum given by ECB. They gave them a time limit until Monday, and said that they would remove support if their conditions were not agreed by Monday. The president said that they would decide a criterion that would help them draw up a large amount of money. They had the choice to raise many billions of Euros or see the collapse of their banking sector.

The tensions caused another bill to be passed. It was about putting restriction on the drawing out of money from the country bank. The tension rose mainly because, if the bailout was not passed, the country would suffer huge loss as two of its large banks, the ECB and the Laiki, would collapse. The Laiki cash machines were full of queues of people and it resulted in the stock market being closed. The political leaders in Cyprus started emergency discussions to raise a huge amount of money.

Despite of all the tensions that prevailed the central bank governor of Cyprus said that he was hopeful. He knew that the deal would be reached in time, and there won’t be many problems. He was hopeful that soon a plan would be made to support Cyprus, before the deadline of Monday, that the ECB issued them. This also resulted in Russia being able to get involved in the personal matters of the European Union. In fact, some even think of the situation as an amazing chance for Russia to play with the European Union. However, discussions are going on, and emergency meetings are held all around, but the final conclusions are not coming to light. Things do not seem clear.

When Russia was asked to buy the assets in Cyprus, the three major banks of Russia, refused. However, some gas supplies have been discovered, and other natural resource companies are ready to tap their resources. Time is running for Cyprus as Monday is the deadline that is not too far. Cyprus needs to reach a conclusion as soon as possible because time is running out. Let us see what finally happens.

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Pourquoi il est difficile d’obtenir des visas pour le Royaume-Uni


Le monde a beaucoup changé, et cela depuis la multiplication des l’échange et de l’immigration partout sur le globe. L’immigration de musulmans vers le monde occidental s’est beaucoup accru au cours de ces dernières années, de façon à ce que l’on retrouve des musulmans un peu partout dans le monde. Les lois sur l’immigration a changé dans beaucoup de pays au fil du temps, mais la politique de migration du Royaume-Uni envers les Musulmans demeure inchangée. Les musulmans ont commencé à obtenir l’accès aux Etats-Unis et les autres pays européens y compris quelques endroits spécifiques comme l’Angleterre, l’Allemagne et la France. Toutefois, accéder au Royaume-Uni est devenu difficile pour les musulmans et c’est une longue lutte qui attend ceux qui demandent le visa depuis quelques années.

De nombreuses personnes vivant au Royaume-Uni croient que les immigrants Musulmans ont du mal à s’intégrer à la culture britannique. De récents sondages effectués par les tendances transatlantiques montrent que 53 % de la population britannique partagent le même point de vue. Il est aussi à noter le niveau d’immigration au Royaume-Uni a baissé par rapport à celui d’autres pays européens, car l’Islam est considéré comme incompatible au système démocratique laïc du Royaume-Uni. La population du Royaume-Uni a peur d’être isolée en Angleterre, suite à une possible « Islamification » du pays. Pour ces diverses raisons, les Musulmans ont actuellement du mal à obtenir un visa ou une immigration pour la Grande Bretagne.

Toutefois, au cours des dernières années, de nombreux Musulmans qui sont venus en Angleterre avec un visa étudiant, ont d’une manière ou d’une autre réussi à avoir des partisans, et luttent pour rester définitivement au Royaume-Uni. Cela entraîne une expansion de la communauté musulmane en Angleterre. Le problème sur la délivrance d’un très grand nombre de visas fut observé par le gouvernement, conduisant à de strictes restrictions sur la délivrance de visas pour les Musulmans. Le Premier Ministre britannique, David Cameron, désigne ceci comme « une fraude de l’immigration ». Il annonça que l’immigration des étudiants a déjà causé des troubles durant la dernière décennie. Il ajouta par la suite que la plupart des Musulmans viennent avec leurs familles et essayent de rester en trouvant du travail de bas étage, c’est pour cette raison que le problème est devenu hors de contrôle.

Suite à cette expansion rapide de la communauté Musulmane, les résident du Royaume-Uni ont commencé à se sentir isolés et ont commencé à demander une limitation de l’afflux de la population Musulmane. Le Premier Ministre a indiqué qu’il voulait réduire l’immigration à un niveau proche des chiffres des années 1980 afin de mieux augmenter le contrôle et restaurer l’équilibre. À cause de cela, il est maintenant très difficile pour les Musulmans d’obtenir un visa pour l’Angleterre. LA Tribune Express affirme que le gouvernement britannique a imposé des limites comme quoi, pas plus de 21 700 immigrants économiques venant d’en dehors de l’Union Européenne ne peuvent obtenir un visa pour l’Angleterre, ce chiffre comprend bien sûr les Musulmans qui se sont vus en difficulté pour obtenir un visa facilement. La peur de l’Islam qui s’empare de l’Angleterre à creusé le fossé entre les communautés, ce qui entraîne des problèmes pour la population Musulmane qui a besoin de visas


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الشورى بين الدعاة في أمور الدين – الجزء الثالث


         أصل الشورى يستند في التنظير السياسي الإسلامي إلى مبدأ النصيحة الذي بين الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه يمثل ركنا مهما من الدين حيث قال : ( الدين النصيحة ) ، قلنا لمن يا رسول الله ؟ قال : ( لله ولكتابه ولرسوله ولأئمة المسلمين وعامتهم ) .

         لكن الشورى الإسلامية تختلف عن نظرية الديمقراطيات الغربية التي تجعل الفرد العادي في المجتمع عضوا مشاركا في صنع السياسة العامة واتخاذ القرار حتى لو كان الشأن متعلقا بأساسيات الدين وقطعياته وحتى لو كان ذلك الفرد لين الديانة .

         فالشورى الإسلامية تحترم رأي كل مسلم وتعطيه الحق في التعبير عن رأيه ولكن في إطار نظام تصاعدي لا يخل بمبدأ التخصص ، ويمنع افتئات الحقوق وانتقاصها من ذويها مع جعل المصالح العامة للأمة فوق كل اعتبار .

         فليس مقبولا أن يناقش الأمي الذي لا يقرأ ولا يكتب مشروع قانون في الدولة – كما يحدث في بعض الدول – كما أنه ليس من المنطقي أن يتدخل مقدوحوا العدالة في وضع سياسة تربوية للأجيال الصاعدة .

         وقد رأينا المهزلة العالمية التي كان بطلها رئيس دولة خرق الآذان بكلامه عن مبادئ العدل الذي يجب أن يسود العالم وإذا به كهل بهيمي الشهوة افتضح أمره بين شعوب العالم .

         مثل هذه المشاركة الفوضوية تأباها شريعة الإسلام ، حرصا على النظام العام ومحافظة على كيان المجتمع من المتسلقين الوصوليين الذين يقدمون في الغالب مصالحهم الشخصية على مصلحة الأمة .

         كما أن الشورى التي نتحدث عنها لابد أن توجد السلام الاجتماعي المنشود ، لا أن تكون سببا للتهارج كما يحدث في الكرنفالات الانتخابية في دول العالم حيث يظهر لكل ذي لب أن المقصود بالانتخاب تحقيق مصالح شخصية أو فئوية يتقاتل دونها المنتخبون ، وتذهب مصالح الأمة أدراج الرياح أو تحت الأقدام .

         كما أننا يجب أن نفهم أن الشورى وسيلة وليست غاية ، وخلق وشيمة وليست شهوة وغريزة ، فممارس الشورى عندئذ لا بد أن يتحلى بآداب الشورى مثل :

(1)         احترام القطعيات والأساسيات وعدم استنفاد المجهودات في نقض الثوابت .

(2)         احترام الرأي المخالف وعدم تسفيهه إذا لم يتعارض مع الثوابت والقطعيات .

(3)         سلوك السبيل السوية في الرد على آراء المخالفين واستحضار النيات الصالحة في التقويم والرد .

(4)    عدم إهمال أخلاق الأخوة الإسلامية العالية مثل التسامح والبشاشة والابتسام في الوجه مما يورث مناخا وديا عند التشاور والتباحث .

(5)    الالتزام برأي المجموع وعدم الخروج عليه أو قدحه حتى لو ظهر خطؤه بعد ذلك ، ومن أرقى الأخلاق في الشورى أن يمدح رأي المجموع وإن كان مخالفا لرأيه ويروجه بين الناس .

يتبع …

About the author

My name is HENEMI Hicham, I'm a from Algeria. I'm a freelancer who like writing and Blogging.
I wellcome you all to visit my blog.

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Touching down in Tel Aviv on Wednesday the 20th of March 21, 2013 Obama met Netanyahu for the first time after his re-election. The US elected President, Barrack Obama is due on a three day tour to Israel and Palestine; ensuing a great debate as to what this trip could bring about.

No matter what the inside motives could be, the tour is being classed as a historical one since according to some of the analysts Obama has, by word of his own mouth, labeled himself as one of the most hostile American Presidents when it comes to Israel. It would be honest though, to rephrase that term to “the closest to hostile that an American President has ever been”.

The aura created by Obama-Netanyahu meeting at the Israeli premier’s residency is filled with speculations. Nevertheless, two basic agendas bound to be under debate are the Palestine issue and the action plan relating to Iran’s nuclear program. With the later being a topic that is potentially more dangerous the visit might just disappoint some of the onlookers who expect something noteworthy about Palestine.

It is worth mentioning here that in one of his earlier addresses, Barrack Obama had clearly stated that he would favor two adjacent states being created –believing that it is the only solution to the longstanding discomfort in the region. Such a solution is evidently considered as a risky one by most of the Israeli allies and Israel itself since they fear a perpetual risk of attack from Palestine and its allies –not to forget that this concept is utterly comical to some of the opposing analysts. Obama is expected to have gone to understand how close or far are the leaderships of the two countries to a decent dialogue.

The other, certainly more chilling and pressing matter, of the Iranian nuclear program and Israel’s intended response, are expected to take up most of the time since the topic is highly volatile if Iran’s stance is justifiable and understood. Some of the critics believe that Obama is standing averse to Israel’s preemptive use of military against Iran. This could be seen as logical and disloyal at the same time by people with differing opinions. One might say that Israel’s aggressive stance can only bring one thing to the region and specially Israel, and that is harm. Ahmedinejad has made it clear that it is their de facto right to secure their country form all alien elements that herald trouble. Needless to say, Iran considers Israel as their sworn enemy and would not hesitate from reacting even more violently if the situation was aggravated. This is a point that Netanyahu and Obama might just not be in unison about since Obama has recently sought more diplomatic solutions to the issue.

Debates aside, one fact stays the same, US has and apparently will always be Israel’s greatest aid –no matter how negatively the world may see it.

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Thuy Tien One of Vietnam’s Wealthiest Women


In Asia, Vietnam is considered one of the fastest growing economies after China. In Vietnam, female entrepreneurs just own 25% of all the private enterprises. Vietnam is considered among the male dominant societies. There is only one woman among the fourteen members ruling communist politburo, but still rare women are playing a key and significant role in booming of the economy of Vietnam. One of these women is Thuy Tien.

Thuy Tien, the president of Imex Pan Pacific, is believed to be the wealthiest women in Vietnam. She is famous for purchasing branded products such as hundred of Bulgari watches, Vuitton tote bags and dresses. It is said that most of the products she purchases are from Paris. She moved towards a stunning career from a flight attendant to the president of Imex Pane Pacific in few years. A few years ago at Vietnam Airlines, she was a flight attendant. At a time, she started her career as a movie starlet and now she is the president of huge trading company in Vietnam.

‘’I run 25 personal ventures and equity firms that hand out the luxury brands’’ Thuy Tien says. She further says that her main mission is to make annual returns of US$1billion; it is all about money.

Thuy Tien was born in Hanoi, capital of Vietnam in 1970. When she was five years old, her father died just before the end of the war. Her mother was a school teacher. Thuy Tien adds that her mother was very strict. She taught us that hard working was the key to survive in this world. Thuy Tien says that it is the lesson that she never forgotten.

Thuy Tien is married to a Vietnamese; Philippines raised air line business man whom she met during him when she was a flight attendant. He is the person behind the expansion of Vietnam International Airline. His intellectual abilities proved to be helpful for his wife, but Thuy Tien insists that all the financial success she achieved was because of her efforts. She says that ‘’ I have studied each aspect of business from A to Z and I can compete with any type of business at the highest level’’.

Thuy Tien lives in her most stunning and beautiful mansion with her husband, with two children and 10 housemaids. It takes more than 40 minutes to overlook the Thuy Tien home from each aspect. It is a classical, as well as, a modern luxury mansion. A giant gate with excellent gold metalwork, perfect white exterior and Doric columns make the mansion the most attractive, unique and beautiful mansion in Vietnam. The mansion is also very attractive from inside. Most of things inside the mansion are made of gold which makes it easy to tell what items are not gold.

Her company Imex Pan Pacific is considered a fashionable agent for sumptuousness brands such as Ralph Lauren, Ferragamo, Bulgari and Rolex. She says gladly that, ‘’sales are rising every year’’. Rare women like Thuy Tien are playing a key role in booming of the economy of Vietnam.

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The UK: Chauvinist or Tolerant


Living in the twenty first century, even the deep rooted conventionalists would understand that it is high time for racism to end. Religious intolerance, discrimination and chauvinism have to go because the world has changed now. We are no longer separated by the traditional lines; it’s an age of intermingling, acceptance, flexibility and tolerance. The only way to prosperity and survival is this… but does everyone believe that?

The United Kingdom is a country with a heritage that is competed by only a few when it comes to its deeper roots, complexity and vastness. Yes, there were times when religion, caste, creed and color decided what treatment a person would get –times that are supposed to be long gone by now. The point to ponder is; if the aforementioned is true, why do we get incidents that make us rethink?

Looking only at the most recent incidents, we can clearly see that prejudiced elements still exist even in countries like the UK. We can say that endemic racism still exists; when we are told that writers like Peter Hitchens of The Mail still found the need to warn people how the ‘real Islamist threat to Britain comes from mass immigration and multiculturalism’ –something that happened only a month ago. Looking at things a little more closely, we see that such rhetoric and apparently vindicated form of racism against Muslims at the hands of Christians has become a norm. Every now and then, we would see an anchor using a random subjective matter of a certain Muslim to depict the whole class. Not too far from that, we would see people vandalizing mosques, drawing caricatures where Muslims would note, planting burning crosses on newly moved in Muslim family’s doorstep and so on.

The situation does look aggravated beyond limits; it seems as if we are heading towards an ultimate clash of races that would end in total or at least irreparable destruction! But there always is hope. No matter how some of us have gone the farthest from each other, there are always minds that think of hope and betterment, and then there always are hearts that strive for it. Only a few months ago, the Muslim community of Blackburn teamed up to collect donations so that the poor could be fed –without discriminating between Christians, Jews or Muslims. Their spokesperson was of the opinion that this is how they have decided to react to the post 7/7 Islamophobic sentiments and anti-Muslim bigotry. Just like hatred plays its part, love does so to; Sarfaraz Manzoor, a writer for The Guardian married Bridget and believes that their daughter Laila is a living proof that Muslims and non-Muslims can live together in harmony.

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Le port du Hijab en France


Cela fait bien des années que nous voyons des manifestations se rapportant au port du Hijab pour les Musulmanes dans les journaux en France. Le président Français Jacques Chirac faisait parti de ceux qui ont demandé au parlement Français de passer une loi sur l’interdiction du Hijab. Il est bien juste pour les femmes Musulmanes de manifester car le port du Hijab est leur droit légal. Le port du Hijab fait partie intégrante de l’Islam, tel qu’il a été ordonné dans le Saint Coran. Ceux qui attaquent le port du Hijab et l’ont interdit, ont d’une certaine manière attaqué l’Islam, la grogne à ce sujet est donc compréhensible.

Il y a de nombreuses personnes qui pensent que le port du Hijab prive les femmes de leur liberté. Même le gouvernement Français, lorsqu’il a interdit le port du Hijab, affirmait que les femmes étaient obligées par leurs maris de porter le Hijab et que par conséquent cette loi leur a rendu la liberté. Tout ceci n’est rien qu’un manque de compréhension de l’Islam. Les femmes portent le Hijab en accord avec les commandements du Coran et non sous la pression de leurs maris.

Les femmes Musulmanes en France n’étaient pas forcées de porter le Hijab, elles le faisaient de leur plein gré, donc elles ont commencé à se manifester. Une femme non-Musulmane en France demanderai à une femme Musulmane sur le port du Hijab, ce qu’elle ferait si son mari lui permettait de découvrir la tête. Les femmes non-Musulmanes pensaient que c’est par la peur de leurs conjoints que les femmes Musulmanes portent le Hijab, elles attendaient donc qu’une telle chose pourrait ravir une Musulmane. Elle est étonnée d’apprendre la réponse de la femme musulmane qui disait qu’elle divorcerait de son mari car les commandements de l’Islam impliquent le port du Hijab, et qu’elle se doit de les respecter. Les femmes Musulmanes doivent faire face à de nombreux problèmes en portant le Hijab, car elles ne sont pas autorisées à le porter en place publique. Les filles Musulmanes ne doivent pas porter le Hijab dans les écoles et établissements publics. Pareillement, les femmes portant le Hijab ne peuvent pas travailler dans les banques de l’Etat, les écoles publics et les bureaux.

Toutefois, de nombreuses personnes y pensent de manière positive, en disant que le gouvernement Français a rendu aux femmes leur liberté. Ils prennent ceci comme une forme de liberté et qu’il n’y aura pas de discrimination religieuse, ceci permettrait aux Musulmans, Juifs et Chrétiens d’avoir la même apparence lorsqu’ils travaillent ensemble. Ils disent que les nones ne seront pas autorisées à porter leurs habits en place publique, et il en est de même pour les Juifs. Personne n’est autorisé à porter des vêtements religieux, afin d’ôter les barrières religieuses. L’Islam n’est pas qu’une simple croyance religieuse, c’est une mode de vie qui s’applique à la vie pratique. Il s’applique à ce que que vous portez, ce que vous faites, et comment vous vous comportez avec les gens. L’Islam est une religion complète qui apprend à ses adeptes la conduite et le comportement qu’ils doivent avoir, et comment vivre leurs vies.

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Chef de Projet en traitement de données informatiques, je possède une entreprise de traitement qui traite les travaux on-line et off-line la traduction, la rédaction, la modération, l'animation et la saisie !

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How Muslim Women are treated in France

on Thursday, March 28, 2013

It was a few years back when we found a lot of protests in the newspapers regarding the ban on wearing Hijab by Muslim women in France. The French President Jacques Chirac was the one who ordered the parliament in France to pass the law of Hijab banning. It was completely the right for the Muslim women to protest as Hijab is the legal right of every woman. It is one of the teachings of Islam, and thus as many people think, it is not against the freedom and liberty of Muslims. Hijab is an important part of Islam as there are orders of Hijab in the Holy Quran. Those who attacked Hijab and banned it, actually attacked Islam, so who can stay silent in such a case.

There are many people who think that wearing Hijab takes away the liberty of women. Even the French government, when it banned Hijab, said that women were being forced into Hijab by their husbands, and thus, this law gave them freedom. This was nothing but a result of lack of understanding the true Islam. Women wear Hijab as obedience to the commands of Quran, instead of doing it forced by their husband’s commandments.

Muslim Women in France were not forced to wear Hijab, they did it happily so they started protesting. A non-Muslim woman in France asked a Muslim woman, wearing hijab, what she would do if her husband allowed her to uncover her head. This non-Muslim woman thought that the Muslim woman was doing it because of her husband and she expected her to show signs of happiness. The Muslim woman instead, replied that she would divorce her husband because wearing hijab was the commandment of Islam, and it must be followed. Muslim women had to face a lot of problems wearing Hijab as they were not allowed to wear it in public places. Muslim girls would not wear Hijab in state owned schools and colleges. Similarly, Hijab-wearing women could not work in state banks and state schools or offices.

However, some people think of it positively, saying that the French government gave women freedom. They say that it is a form of freedom for everyone as there would be no religious discrimination, it allows Muslims, Jews, and Christians to look the same when working together. They said that nuns were not allowed to wear their dresses in public area either, and same went for Jews. No one was allowed to wear any religious dress to remove religious barriers. However, Hijab is something that is made compulsory on women, and it is a teaching of Islam. Islam is not just about believing spiritually, rather it is a complete code of life, and it is about practical life. It affects what you wear, what you do, and how you deal with people. Islam is a complete religion that tells you the whole conduct and behavior that you need to keep, and how you need to spend your life.

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Is War between Iran and Israel Inevitable?


Iran has become a controversial issue for most of the European and American countries. The main reason behind the discomfort in relation between Iran and the rest of the western world is Iran’s nuclear program. Now the war between Iran and Israel is not a possibility but certain up to some extent according to the General Muhammad Ali Jafri. The Iranian general further stated that it is shameful and cancerous tumor that Israel is seeking war against Iran, but no one knows when will the war start. He added that Israel thinks that the only way to confront Iran is through war, but they are so stupid that their (US) masters should stop them.

The recent defeat of the United Nation on Iran’s nuclear program has made a significant impact on the rivalry between the two nations. Moreover, the US defense secretary told the media that Israel can launch an attack on Iran in any of the coming months of April, May or June. As we all know that the US has a strong interest in the region as this region is full of natural resources like coal and oil. The US is sharing defense strategy, intelligence and has military alliance with Israel. Moreover, there is intense rivalry between Iran and the USA over the conflict of the nuclear program.

From the statement of the Secretary of Defense, Leon Penetta , it looks certain that Israel will launch an attack on Iran, the other aspect of this statement is to blackmail or put pressure on Iran to change its behavior with the UN and the IAEA. Israel has allowed these speculations on the media that they will attack Iran, this will allow Iran to speed up the task of the nuclear program, and by this when they attack Iran, they would have full justification for attacking them.

Many political analysts and foreign advocates publically told the media that even if the USA is try to keep itself away from Israel and Iran possible war but once Israel attacks the Irani nuclear program, it will become a suicide act and the USA will no longer distance itself from the war.

No matter what the consequence will be, the USA will not be able to distance itself from this conflict, and it will have to jump in to help and support Israel at some point of the war. Previously, the Iranian generals and officials didn’t speak publically about the possible war between Iran and Israel, but now the comments from officials and generals raised the speculation of war between the two nations. It seems that Iran is ready to fight with the old foes, and they have made their mind to defend their homeland. The leadership in Iran announced publicly that the nuclear program is their right, and they will do whatever it takes to complete this program.

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القمة العربية البائسة


أنتمي لجيل كفر بكل ما يمت بصلة لما يسمي القمة العربية،  والعمل العربي المشترك،  والدفاع العربي المشترك. ولم يكفر جيلي أو بالاحري جيلي واجيال اخري كثيرة في الحقيقة لديها نفس الشعور،  شعور مؤسف بالاشمئزاز والضيق الشديد من المشهد الديكوري الممل والمتكرر لعدد من الاشخاص اصحاب ألقاب الفخامة والعظمة والسمو،  يجلس خلفهم اشخاص من المفترض انهم يمثلون الوفد رفيع المستوي المصاحب لكل زعيم من الزعماء الملهمين الجالسين في المقدمة. يتميز اعضاء الوفود الرسمية بنوبات من التثاؤب والنعاس تجعلك فورا مدركا لما نحن بصدد الحديث عنه. تجد أحد الزعماء ينظر الي سقف القاعة ،  تائها وسارحا في ملكوت الله ولا يركز فيما يقوله الاخرين،  وتجد احدهم مشغولا بقراءة الخطبة العصماء التي سيبدأ في القائها في الدور المنتظر،  تجد زعماء الفقراء يتلهفون علي العطايا التي ستلقي بها دول البترول ليس من اجل تنمية أحوال الشعوب المطحونة ، بل لتمتلئ خزاناتهم البنكية في بنوك سويسرا وامريكا اكثر وتعاني اكثر من التخمة والمال الحرام. أي عبث هذا؟

القمم الأممية يا سادة لا يجب أن تكون مثل قمتكم البائسة هذه التي تدور جلساتها علي الهواء مباشرة في الدوحة بقطر. هل شاهدتم مثل هذه الاجراءات البروتوكولية السخيفة والكلمات التي لا يعول عليها في اجتماعات الاتحاد الاوروبي مثلا؟ بالطبع لن تشاهدوا هذا فيها فهم لا تشغلهم البروتوكلات السمجة ولا الاجتماعات الشكلية،  فقط يهمهم العمل علي الارض،  وتحقيق التقدم الملموس فهم مكلفون أمام شعوبهم التي تحاسبهم علي كل دقيقة عمل ان لم تكن في الصالح العام،  ولن يقبلوا بأن يذهب من يمثلهم في جلسات تمتد لساعات وساعات دون طائل ودون نتائج تعود عليهم بالتقدم والخير والنماء.

جامعة الدول العربية لها في الزمان حوالي نصف قرن ويزيد،  هل لدي أحدكم انجاز واحد حقيقي تم التوصل اليه من خلال تنسيق الجامعة بين الدول العربية المختلفة في سبيل توحيد الجهود والوصول لانجاز عربي مشترك علي الصعيد السياسي بانشاء اتحاد عربي سياسي مثلا،  أو اقتصادي بانشاء سوق عربية مشتركة علي غرار السوق الاوروبية المشتركة،  وتوحيد عملة نقدية عربية علي غرار اليورو عملة دول الاتحاد الاوروبي،  أو علي الصعيد الرياضي حتي أو الاجتماعي أو الصحي. لن تجد بكل اسف ما يدعوك للبقاء علي طريق الامل في بزوغ فجر وليد من كيان غلبت عليه الظلمة منذ ولد يتيما بين الاباء،  وغلبت عليه المصالح وتضييع الوقت بلا طائل،  ولا تملك الا ان تقول في حق هذه القمة العربية البائسة الا ما قال الشاعر محمود درويش في احدي قصائده البديعة “دع كل ما ينهار منهارا،  ولا تقرأ عليهم أي شئ من كتابك”.

الشعوب العربية ظلت عشرات السنوات في انفصال تام عن حكامها ومازالت بكل اسف،  ولن تقوم للبلاد قائمة الا اذا التفت الشعوب حول حاكم البلاد وخادمها ليبنوا معا قواعد المجد لبلادهم،  في هذه الحالة فقط ستتوحد جهود البلاد العربية والاسلامية للعمل بشكل مشترك ومنسق وموحد. ولن يتحقق ذلك الالتفاف الا اذا عبر الحكام عن رغبات وتطلعات الشعوب وخصوصا الشباب في هذه الشعوب فهم من يرسمون المستقبل لأممهم. وحتي نصل لهذه المعادلة السهلة ولكنها غالية جدا وتتطلب كثيرا من التضحيات والدماء يجب أن تتاح لكل شعوب العالم العربي الفرصة في التمثيل الجيد في مجلس النواب،  ويجب ان يتاح لكل مواطن ان يختار الشخص الذي يمثله فيه،  ويجب ان تتوافر كيفية تداول للسلطة بشكل ديموقراطي مناسب ونزيه حتي يتنافس في صالح الشعوب كل متنافس،  وحتي يعلم كل حاكم ان مكانه مرهون برضا الناس عنه،  ولم يرث المنصب عن أبيه.

كتب علينا القدر أن نعيش في بلادنا وهي في حالة عثرة،  ولكن ولأن من يكتب لا يموت فنحن نكتب ما لدينا حتي يأتي علي بلادنا زمان يطبقون فيه ما نقول ويعملون به وبأفضل منه ووقتها ستتغير الامور ان شاء الله.

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Empowering the Arabic Language in non-Arab Countries


The best option, to learn the Arabic language, is to start using this unique language that is the language of Islam.

For Muslims around the world, whether they are in Arab and non Arab countries, the Arabic language have a crucial role and influence on the way of thinking, behavior and lifestyle. Unfortunately, not all Muslims in non-Arab countries proficient in Arabic because of limited facilities and lack of habit to use Arabic in everyday life. In fact, the life of Muslims around the world is always related to the Arabic language such as, reading the holy Quran, praying, and more.

Lack of understanding of the Arabic language in non-Muslim countries became a vital task for Muslims aiming to revive the Arabic language in non-Muslim countries. The Arabic language can be regarded as the Islamic law throughout the Muslim world, which dominates the lives of Muslims at least in private. Deterioration of the use of Arabic in non-Arab countries more or less affect the personal lives of Muslims, especially young Muslims.

Added to the growing cultural influence, the current lack of education and teaching of the Arabic language in schools increasingly drown the use of Arabic. For that, it takes the role of religious leaders and parents to revive Arabic as a language of the Muslims, at least young people can read and understand conversational Arabic daily.

One of the best ways to make the government help, the religious leaders and parents in carrying the Arabic language to children, is by adding it in the curriculum of Muslim schools. By teaching Arabic in Muslim schools, it is expected to provide the basics of understanding Arabic to young Muslim.

The Arabic education in various Muslim schools is expected to bring positive change for young people to better understand the message of Islam, and the Quranic verses. This is an important reason for reviving the Arabic language in non-Muslim countries as the Arabic language is the language of Islam so it would be the basis of a correct understanding of Islam.

Arabic became the language unifying all members of the Muslim world and the language most often used in tandem with the rising population of Muslims. The Arabic language has a unique character in writing and pronunciation that distinguishes it from other languages in the world.

Application of the Arabic language in Muslim schools, and awareness of Muslims to understand and learn Arabic can be regarded as the starting point of the rise of the Arabic language. Expected from all Muslims to understand the teachings of Islam, along with the holy Quran and apply them in their daily lives to become role models for other religions.

Islam brought the mission of civilization and became a teacher of humanity and thus require a unifying language for all Muslims around the world which helps in bringing glory to Islam.

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I asked a poet,

“What is sorrow ?’

He answered me;

Sorrow means –

Inability to express 

The feelings, impulse

In the form of poem.


Asked a millionaire also,

‘What is sorrow ?’

He informed me

Sorrow means –

Dispossessing of

Decorative giant house

From glorious city .


I told a scientist,

‘What is sorrow?’

He said to me

Giving dry laugh;

No discovery of things,

About to invent .


I asked a day laborer,

‘What is sorrow ?’

He informed me

With tearful eyes;

Not getting a handful rice

After hard working

On day long.




About the author


I am a proud resident of Bangladesh.I have acquired my Masters Degree on Environmental Botany from Rajshahi University, the second largest public university of Bangladesh.I write poems,rhymes,song,short stories Bengali and English language also .I want to write through whole life of mine for the people who are helpless and neglected in the society.

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Relations between United States and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or North Korea, have climbed from one step to another since the era of the Korean War. Support of the US to South Korea in the War left a mark on the hearts of North Korean people that has never been lifted. In fact, the hostility reached a burning point earlier when North Korea threatened its ‘‘aggressors’’ including United States with a preemptive NUCLEAR STRIKE to defend its mainland and warned United Nations “not to make another big blunder”. This happened soon after the United Nations voted for tougher sanctions against North Korea in response to its last month nuclear test.

North Korean leadership has always adopted an aggressive stance against its enemies. Korea has threatened its adversaries several times in the past to evade or delay any sanctions. The latest intimidation of a nuclear strike demonstrates a similar response by North Korea when earlier U.S. and China voted for intensified sanctions against Korea in the United Nations. The proposal of latest sanctions intends to impede Korean régime in its nuclear program bringing to a halt. But the result of these sanctions may be contradictory to what has been aimed to achieve in the form of an amplified retaliation by North Korea.

Nuclear history of both nations date back decades. The US positioned its nukes in South Korea to maintain regional deterrence in 1958. The oppressed North Korea sought help from both Russia and China in assistance to develop nuclear weapons but faced refusal. Therefore retorted by front line deployment of its conventional forces and constructing massive underground strongholds against a possible US attack. But North Korea never backed out of its supreme goal of developing nuclear arms conducting its first successful test in 2006.

North Korea has always perceived the presence of United States on the South Korean soil as a threat to its national security. U.S. has been constantly backing South Korea since the division of the Peninsula. Constant accusations have been made by the North Korea against U.S. and South Korea for their heightened military activities. On the other side, alliance of North Korea with communist Soviet Union and China later followed by development of Nuclear Weapons have restrained U.S. from developing cordial relations with North Korea. U.S. also implemented economic sanctions against North Korea from 1950 lasting in 2008.

Leadership of Korea has always adopted military oriented policies. Most of the development reserves are used for the further strengthening of their military forces. Economy of North Korea has greatly impoverished following their military advancement. According to the UN, about two-third population of North Korea suffer from food insecurity. China is the leading trade partner of North Korea. But collaboration of China with U.S. in United Nations resolution against Korean Nuclear program can hamper the relationship of both countries causing further collapse of Korean economy.

Unlike the past, North Korea may review its aggravated decisions following the involvement of China in the sanctions. Losing an economic giant like China as an ally will prove to be a huge setback to Korea in the future. Table talks always make for a better alternative in the development of international relations than resorting to a military settlement. The devastations of a nuclear war can impinge on the generations to come and a nuclear-free World is the way to a prosperous future.

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Swiss couple Looted and then the Female was Gang Raped in India


In India, the women are loosing their pride and honor daily. Women are treated as sex slaves and servants and don’t have much right to protect themselves. Little girls get married at a very early age to older men; the conditions in rural areas are even worse where men rape women very openly in public. The recent gang rape incident in New Delhi (capital of India) brought the whole world’s attention. A 23 year old lady was gang raped on a moving bus. The girl was boarded on a bus after watching a movie in the local theatre; she was on the bus with her male friend. Five to 6 men on the bus first beat the male friend and then raped the girl, they also inserted iron rods in her vaginal area which gave her fatal internal injuries, the lady fought for her life for a few days in the local hospital, but she died. Thousands of protesters were on Indian roads demanding rights and protection for women. Several laws and rules were passed which included female bus drivers and conductors and separate men women areas. Even after all these regulations many gang rape incidents were reported in the country, and it is still uncontrollable.

The very recent gang rape incident occurred in Data district, Madhya Pradesh. A Swiss couple was touring India; they were visiting Delhi monuments, Taj Mahal and other areas of India. The couple then was cycling to the Data district village and later they camped out in the village for the night. In the night hours, the couple was attacked by 8 to 10 men in the village. The Swiss man was attacked with bamboo sticks and then he was tied down to the tree, then all the men gang raped his wife right in front of him. At the end, they looted the amount of 10,000 India Rupees, Laptop, Mobile phones and other valuable and then disappeared in the woods.

The couple then reported this to the police, and they were escorted to a nearby hospital. Both the couple didn’t suffer any serious injuries and were fine. Different raids were made in the media and a few of the suspects were caught. One of the suspects hanged himself in jail, as reported by the Police; however, the family of the suspects claimed that he was murdered. More than 20 people have been detained, and few have been arrested. The Swiss embassy has ordered a thorough investigation of the event.

The Swiss woman was 36 years old. She was conscious, and she spoke bravely to the authorities and demanded immediate action against the culprits. Again, protests have started against raping of women in India, and this raping of a foreign tourist is a turning point. The whole media are covering it, and female tourists are now beginning to worry about their protection in India. According to police reports and government statistics, after every 20 minutes, a girl or a woman is raped in India.

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West Living in the Fear if Islam?


It is well believed that for the western world, Islam and Muslim world seem as the biggest threat. There are several reasons backing up this belief, like every now and then Muslims are being targeted somewhere on false claims of promoting terrorism and disrupting peace, and somewhere on account of practicing Islamic living and dress code. From France to Germany, today Muslim women are facing hard times just because they are not ready to leave hijab. Besides in various western countries, there are limitations laid even on the construction of mosques – Muslims’ place of worship. A western fear “If Islam” is reflected from the various attempts in which for every upheaval Muslims are blamed and declared faulty, without even investigating the realities behind. This is a point of deep sorrow for the entire Muslim Ummah, where to denigrate Islamic image, they are solely held responsible for every mishap.

The biggest question mark is, why is this all happening? What are the reasons behind? Why Muslims are being deprived of their rights as humans? Why the West is doing all this or is it forced? Is it really because of the fear “if Islam”?

It is thought and widely believed that the West is living in the fear if Islam, for several reasons out of which large Muslim population is regarded as the most important. No doubt this is an utmost reality and according to the Guinness Book of World Records, Islam is becoming the fastest growing religion by the number of conversions every year especially in the major countries: the UK and the USA. However, if we give this entire scenario a deep insight, we will realize that it’s neither the West which is undergoing “If Islam” fear and nor Islam which is regarded as the biggest threat for them. Questions are also raised that if the west is so much afraid of the spread of Islam, instead of devising ways to stop Muslims to freely practice Islam, it should accept this reality because impositions on Islamic society are not reflecting and showcasing a good soft image that western societies always talked about. Rather it is portraying itself against basic human rights of freedom and liberty.

Let’s have a look with a broader perspective where Islam and West are not against each other.

When Muslim converts are generally asked about “What about Muslims made them embrace Islam?” Many answer that they started studying Islam out of curiosity or even enmity against Muslims, but upon turning the pages of Islamic history, found its teachings the most humane; logical; modern and scientific. There is nothing like the word terrorism or violence promoted by Islam as voiced against it today. They accept Islam on grounds of its utmost veracity and justice for all mankind. They embrace Islam not because of Muslims but because of Islam itself. A Muslim may have flaws but Islam is flawless.

If West fears Islam, then it should not, since Islam has no war against humanity or society. Islam is in fact a religion that promotes pure peace. Islam teaches Muslims to respect every single being; every religion; every Prophet of Allah (PBUH). When those Christians who are filled with rage against Muslim Ummah, investigate what Islam says about Prophet Jesus (PBUH) and find that in the Holy Quran, He (PBUH) has been described as the most handsome man, highly respectable and honorable for Muslims, their hearts melt to say, “Yes! Islam is sincere”. When Jews find Moses (PBUH) being mentioned in the Holy Quran as the only prophet being honored to directly communicate with Allah Almighty, they realize, “Yes! Islam is Unbiased”.

The West should not be afraid of Islam. In fact, Islam is not a threat not only to those who are not sincere in the west but even to those who are not sincere in any Divine religion be it Judaism or Christianity. Those who didn’t look at this side of the reality before, should start thinking this way instead of aggravating the situation between Islam and the West.

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الشورى بين الدعاة في أمور الدين – الجزء الثاني


 توقفنا في الجزء الأول عند المشكل الذي يواجهه الدعاة و المتمثل في حيرتهم تجاه القضاية المختلفة التي تظهر على الساحة و التي ينبغي أن يجدوا لها حلولا.

     وإزاء هذا المشكل تبرز المؤتمرات كحل لهذه المشكلة ، وأنا أعني بلفظ المؤتمرات معناه اللغوي لا الاصطلاحي ، فليس ضروريا أن يضم المؤتمر مئات المشاركين ، كما أنه ليس جوهريا أن يعقد في صالة للمؤتمرات ، ولا أن يأخذ تنظيمه الطابع التقليدي الذي نراه أو نسمع عنه ( وإن كان تنظيم المؤتمرات في حد ذاته أمرا محمودا بل قد يكون ضروريا ) ، فكل اجتماع يعقده مجموعة من الدعاة للبحث والتشاور في أمر من أمور الدعوة فهو مؤتمر ويمكن أن نسميه اجتماعا .

         وعلى ذلك فصورة المؤتمرات التي ندعو إليها كوسيلة من وسائل خدمة الدين : هي الاجتماع الدائم بين الدعاة للتباحث والتشاور في قضايا الدعوة سواء اتخذوا رأيا موحدا أم لا ، وسواء ترتب على هذه الاجتماعات عمل أم لا ، فالتشاور والتباحث مقصود لذاته .

         ولعل سائلا يتعجب : كيف يكون التشاور مقصودا لذاته ؟! والجواب أن هذا التشاور عامل مهم في تقريب الأفهام ووجهات النظر بين الدعاة ، بحيث تذوب به الحزازات بين الدعاة ، وتتعاظم مساحة القاسم المشترك الذي يجمع بينهم ، كما تتضاءل الفوارق ويضمحل سوء الظن ووسواس الصدر ، وتتجه الاهتمامات بعد إذا لتضييق الفجوات واتخاذ الخطوات البنّاءة  ، بعيدا عن النقاش العقيم والنقد المفرغ من أهدافه .

         ولقد صارت المجتمعات المتمدنة تولي المؤتمرات اهتماما بالغا ، حيث أضحت هذه المؤتمرات علامة بارزة على قوة المجتمع وتماسكه وتطلعه إلى مستقبله بالخطو الرشيد .

         ولن تخطيء عيناك الندوات التي تعقدها كل الهيئات العلمية وغيرها لمنسوبيها بهدف رفع مستوى الوعي لدى هؤلاء تجاه القضية التي يدعون المتخصصين للحديث عنها .

         وقد بينا قبل أن هذه المؤتمرات يطلق عليها في اللسان الغربي ( سمنار )  حتى سرى استعمال اللفظ بين المتخصصين من أبناء اللسان العربي ، والحري أن يستبدلوه بلفظ المؤتمر البحثي أو الندوة أو ما شابه من الألفاظ العربية الأصيلة .

         وفي هذه المؤتمرات البحثية يتم دعوة المتخصصين من ذوي الخبرات للحديث عن القضية التي يراد بحثها ، ويتم مناقشة هؤلاء المتخصصين وسؤالهم والتحاور معهم بروح علمية موضوعية .

         وفي الغالب ما يتم ختم تلك المؤتمرات بقرارات وتوصيات وإعلان ، من شأن كل ذلك أن يكون خطوة مساهمة في أي مشروع يراد إقامته ، فكل شيء أقامه الإنسان على وجه الأرض إن هو إلا وليد فكرة تضافرت مع مثلها وغذتها العزيمة وطبقتها الإمكانيات المتاحة .

        وما أجدر الدعاة أن يتنادوا إلى مثل هذه المؤتمرات فيطرحوا على بساط البحث والمناقشة كل قضاياهم ومشكلاتهم ، ليس بالضرورة أن يجدوا لها حلا ناجحا ، فمجرد الاجتماع والتشاور سيكون له دور في وضع اللبنة الأولى لحل أي مشكل .

يتبع …

About the author

My name is HENEMI Hicham, I'm a from Algeria. I'm a freelancer who like writing and Blogging.
I wellcome you all to visit my blog.

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Two days ago, a police officer Peter Bunyan, who worked for the Devon and Cornwall Police was charged for sexually exploiting vulnerable women on numerous occasions.

The officer who belongs to Carharrack a town near Camborne had been working for the Devon and Cornwall Police since 2003. Questions are being asked, whether there has been a slack on the police department’s part since apparently Mr. Bunyan’s past has been shady too. It is also being held that such repetitive negligence and criminal offences could not have gone unnoticed when they were being undertaken at a public office.

Peter Bunyan, 40, worked for the police department as a police community support officer who had earlier resigned from the post of a police officer in Hampshire force back in the 1990s. It is still being questioned as to whether his background was thoroughly verified before he was recruited at the Devon and Cornwall Police Department.
He faced a total of 12 counts of misconduct in public office especially for sexually targeting vulnerable women on repeated occasions. Though he is expected to be sacked today, he was acquitted of four of the alleged counts but pronounced guilty for the other eight.

The inquiry has held that he was found harassing and indulging in sexual activities with girls who had mental health problems. Especially a case where he encouraged a girl to send explicit pictures of her –the girl was proven to be mentally ill. Furthermore, the allegations included engaging in sexual intercourse with at least five women when he was on duty. A specific attention was sought for the fact that he would usually lower the volume of his radio before having sex with the girls; leading to further negligence. In one other occasions, he was found guilty of sending sexual text messages to a girl, illegally entering police records, passing on confidential private information to unauthorized people and obtaining a loan.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) voiced, in the words of Commissioner Rachel Cerfontyne said that this man completely abused the position of trust he was in, and he is a disgrace to the police service. He has rightly been found guilty. His punishment was considered as a message that corrupt officers will be found out and severely punished.

The officer has been jailed for seven years at the Taunton crown court for crimes that were committed in the areas of Camborne and Redruth over the past five years.

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