The Base for Political Islam

on Wednesday, February 20, 2013

All religions come with sets of rules and regulations that its followers must observe. Islam is more than a religion, it is a way of life. It has a set of rules on how one’s household should run, how a neighborhood should run and how a country should run. Muslims must observe these teachings if they want to live a proper Islamic life.

Islam prescribes a detailed political system that must prevail in a Muslim country. According to Islamic teachings, politics and religion cannot be separated. Many people often have misconceptions that Islam only tells its followers to worship Allah and follow His messenger, Prophet Muhammad. They believe Islam only tells its followers how to perform salat (prayers), perform Hajj (pilgrimage) and pay zakat (charity). Although Islam does cater to one’s personal life, it also tells us how to govern, elect councilors, choose members of parliament, conduct business and deal with commerce.

Islamic laws and regulations are quite different from most other systems. Here are the principles that work as pillars of the political system in Islam:

Allah: The ultimate power

The sovereignty of Allah is the most important and the first rule of any system In Islam. According to Islam, Allah is the source of all the powers and the laws. The words of Allah are the final words, and He knows well what is good or bad for his servants.


Muslims are said to be the representatives or agents of Allah on the earth. Khilafah is a word that means it is the duty of a Muslim is to obey Allah and to implement his laws and regulations.


The meaning of Shura is to take decisions by participation and consultations. Shura is a very important part of the Islamic political system. Islam does not support despotism. The basis of legislation is Islam is The Qur’an and Sunnah.

Government accountability

According to Islam, the government should be devoted to Allah and then to mankind. The people have a right to elect the government and a ruler for themselves. It is important to note that the ruler is the Khalifah of Allah and he should follow Qur’an and Sunnah for the betterment of his people. The ruler is not the owner of people; in fact he is the servant of the people.

The judiciary is independent

The Islamic political system makes the judiciary independent of any executive. If the ruler or the head of the state is found culprit then he must be called to the court. There is no specific law for them. They must be treated like any other citizen. Every law and regulation should follow the Qur’an and Islamic state ensures justice to all the citizens. System of justice is not interrupted by the government or the ruler.


According to the Islamic political system, every human is equal in the eyes of law. Discrimination on the basis of the color of skin or family background is absolutely impermissible under any circumstances. In fact, humans are judged by their deeds, and he who fears Allah is among the noblest men in Islam.

Thus, Islam is a complete guide for spending life with taqwah and according to a proper system. Islam is the actual name of justice and you may find millions of examples in Islam related to the pure justice and politics.

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