How to Be a Good Muslim During Hardships

on Sunday, January 20, 2013

In life, there are numerous difficulties and misfortunes that we all encounter. In these times, we as Muslims should be tough and not get dejected. In such situations, we should try to rely on our Lord, Allah, to make things better and help us get out difficult times. Here are some tips that will help us stay strong during difficult situations:

1.) We should accept that hardships are part of life and learn to deal with them:

As a true Muslim, we all know that life is quite complicated and at times can be very challenging. It is very difficult to find a good job and put food on the table for the whole family. In order to survive, it is essential that everyone must go through these hard times and have faith that Allah will provide for them.

Allah always tests his believers and will give them trials in order to:

  1. To separate true believers from nonbelievers.
  2. To teach people to have patience and to depend on Allah when it comes to hard times.

Always stay patient and never lose faith in the Lord:

Never give up when you feel as if you are going through a hard time. You should know that hardships will not last forever. If you hold on to your faith and keep praying, Allah will allow you to get through the hard times. He will make situations better for you when you feel like there is no chance of them getting any better. Allah is always making miracles happen and he will never let you down.

Never despair:

If you are a good Muslim then you should not lose hope in Allah. Try to be patient in hard times. People that feel discouraged tend to lose faith in Allah and become nonbelievers. If someone is a nonbeliever, then Allah will not shower them with his blessings because Allah will feel as if they do not need him anymore.

Always expect Allah to reward you for good and caring actions to others:

Whenever you commit a good deed, you should know that Allah will reward you for it in numerous ways. As a Muslim you should always pray to your Lord and thank Him for all that he does for you. Even if you perform small, kind deeds such as feeding the poor, giving charity, or being simply being nice you will reap numerous rewards from Allah.

When one follows these tips they will learn to become a good Muslim even during difficult times. They will rely on Allah to makes things better for them and will also keep their faith intact during the most difficult of trials.

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