Merits of ‘Lailat ul Qadr’; the Night of Power

on Sunday, August 4, 2013

“Lailat ul Qadr” is a huge blessing of Allah for all the Muslims and the one with which no other nation was blessed before them. This night is full of Allah’s mercy and blessings that appear during Ramadhan. This is because the Holy Quran was descended from Loh-e-Mahfooz (the preserved Tablet) to the earth. Our Prophet Muhammad (sallallhu alaihi wasallam) told us to search for this night during the , odd nights of the last Ashra (last ten days of the Ramadhan) i.e the eve of 21st , 23rd , 25th , 27th and 29th roza.

According to some traditions, Prophet Muhammad (sallallhu alaihi wasallam) used to look at the longer lives of the people of Bani Israel and was saddened because the people of his own Ummah had much shorter lives. Hence, none of the people from his ummah could compete with the people before them in piety and good deeds, due to their shorter lives. Thus, to compensate for this difference in life span, Allah Ta’ala granted the Muslims with this night of great blessing. This night has been especially mentioned in surah Qadr in the Quran as the one, which is greater in bounties, blessings, and rewards than a thousand months or eighty-three years and four months. The exact verses of this surah are as follows:

١إنا أنزلناه في ليلة القدر

We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the night of Power:

2 و ما أدراك ما ليلة القدر

In addition, what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is?

3 ليلة القدر خير من الف شهر

The Night of Power is a night better than thousand months.

4 تنزل الملائكة و الروح فيها بإذن ربهم من كل أمر

Therein the angels and the Spirit come down by Allah’s permission, on every errand:

5 سلام هي حتى مطلع الفجر

Peace! Therein until the rise of Morn!

The merits of this night are so great that the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to devote himself greatly to seek it. He is reported to have said:

“Whoever stands (in prayer) during Laylatul Qadr out of Iman (faith) and seeking reward from Allah subhana wa ta’ala then his previous sins are forgiven.” in Bukhari, Muslim.

Therefore, this night presents a great opportunity for the Muslims to seek forgiveness from Allah for all their sins and to get their prayers granted by Him. However, one thing to be kept in mind is that only Haqooq ullah (rights of Allah) can be forgiven if one seeks serious repentance. If somebody has wronged other people, forgiveness can only be sought from the person who has been wronged.

What to Recite on Lailat ul Qadr:

It has been reported from Hazrat Ayesha (Radziallahu Ta’ala Anha) that she asked the Prophet Muhammad (sallallhu alaihi wasallam); “What should I do if I find Lailat ul Qadr’? The Prophet replied; recite these words;

“ Allah-umma In-naka Afuwoun Kariemun Tuhib-bul Afwua Fa’afu An-na” (Tirmidhi)

“O Allah, you are the One who forgives for sins. You love to forgive so forgive me”

Hazrat Ayesha (Radziallahu Ta’ala Anha) reported that when the last ten nights of Ramadhan approached, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallhu alaihi wasallam) used to tighten his waist wrapper (izzar) – meaning he detached himself from his wives and fully devoted himself in worship to seek lailat ul qadr and would encourage his family to do the same . (Bukhari, Muslim)

Signs of Lailat ul Qadr:

Many people believe in various superstitions regarding lailat ul qadr such as the trees prostrating and the buildings sleeping. Some of the signs of this night as mentioned in various ahadees are;

v Rising of the sun early in the morning without rays.

v It may rain during nightfall or during the day of that night.

v The sky appears foggy and hazy during that night.

v The sky will be a bit brighter that night.

Things to do on Lailat ul Qadr

v One may spend the time doing the following activities during the last ten days of Ramadhan.

v Recitation of Qur’an.

v Praying Nawafil after Taraweeh.

v Recitation of Tasbeehat for the remembrance of Allah.

v Making Du’a for the forgiveness of sins and for one’s needs.

v Reading books of Hadeeth to enjoy the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

v Reading Tafseer of Qur’an.

v Giving charity to the poor.

A wise Muslim should never let go off this great opportunity of ridding themselves of their sins and seeking the status of a pious Muslim in sight of Allah. Allah indeed forgives those who sincerely seek forgiveness from Him. May Allah enable us to seek His forgiveness and may we be among those lucky ones whose prayers are granted and sins forgiven on this blessed night.

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