Last Friday: Protests in Pakistan go Wild

on Sunday, September 30, 2012

Protests in Pakistan

Last week on Friday, Pakistani government announced holiday to celebrate “Love of Prophet Day” . As the day started it was peaceful and claim. It was all peaceful till 1 o’clock but after 1 o’clock after people offered their Friday Prayers don’t know what had happened to the Pakistani people. All rush towards the red zones and everyone was like charged  and was like in hunger to break the laws. There were around twenty to thirty thousands of people on road and we saw that Police men were not enough for them. They were wild and they started to break, burn, shut whatever they found in their way. None of the Muslim Ulimah, Mosque Imam or any Islamic Scholar approved that. None of them guided them to do it. Even Islam doesn’t approve it. Our Prophet who was stoned by the people of ‘Taif’ of that time and an Arch Angel Gabriel visited Him and asked Him if he crushed them if  He wants but what our beloved Prophet replied? He made the Dua for them in return He didn’t said anything bad to them neither does He said the Angel,Yes go on, they hurted me go and destroy them NO! Not at all. He was the Messenger of Allah and He was the mercy for whole mankind as mention by Allah in the Holy Quran. These are the words of our Holy Prophet when people stoned the Prophet and Angel was asking for his reply in return to destroy them,

“O Allah! I complain to You of my weakness, my scarcity of resources and my humiliation before the people. O Most Merciful of those who are merciful. O Lord of the weak and my Lord too. To whom have you entrusted me? To a distant person who receives me with hostility? Or to an enemy to whom you have granted authority over my affair? So long as You are not angry with me, I do not care. Your favor is of more abundance to me. I seek refuge in the light of Your Face by which all darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world and the next is set right, lest Your anger or your displeasure descend upon me. I desire your pleasure and satisfaction until you are pleased. There is no power and no might except by You.”

This what our Holy Prophet replied, so what happened to the Pakistani people on that day? Was that the love of our Prophet that what did they showed on that day? I don’t think so, that was not even the 5% love for our Prophet. All those people were just satisfying themselves that they are the true believers and lovers of the Holy Prophet while they weren’t even liked by the Prophet cause such illiterate act is not what Allah, Prophet Mohammad (Peace be Upon Him) and Islam approved.

Those people were just making the image of Islam even more worse in the name of Love. Those are the people who make other people say that, Yes Islam is the terrorist religion while its not! Its not the Islam/Religion its the People like those! For God’s Sake if you want to learn or look for Islamic teaching don’t like such people they are misguided but look the Hadith and Holy Quran and not hear or look by someone else just see it yourself so you can know the real Islam.

May Allah give Hadiyat to the Muslims of this Generation, Ameen!

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I am from Karachi, Pakistan. I am a Computer Science student. Love to play games, write articles, checking FB, Forums etc.

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Othman Ebn Affan (14)


When Othman Ebn Affan became the Caliph and he accepted this great responsibility, he sent three massages to three important parties. The first massage was to the Muslim nation. He said “our lives are short. Do good deeds as much as you can, because the world we live in always makes a man forget his duties. Keep the experience of old nations before your eyes and see how they forgot the teachings of Allah, so they ended in a bad way. Allah ordered us to work and ordered us not to forget the judgment day, so always be prepared.” This was Othman’s first massage to the nation and when the people heard him saying it, they cried.

The second massage from Othman Ebn Affan was to the leaders of the army. He said “you are the defenders of Muslims, and Omar En Al Khattab has prepared you very well. I don’t want any change in your situations or you will be changed, and always remember that Allah is watching you in all what you are doing”.

As for the third massage, it was from Othman Ebn Affan to Muslims living in far countries. He said” I call for the workers every season and I ordered them to implement what is allowed and avoid what is forbidden. I fulfill any request I receive from my workers and me or my family have no rights like the people I rule”.

These were the most important three massages Othman Ebn Affan sent when he became in charge for the Muslim world. The first massage is for the Muslim nation and he emphasized on the importance of work. He ordered the nation not to forget the teachings of Allah and never to forget that Allah will reward us for our good deeds in the judgment day.  The second massage was for the army, because he knew the important rule of the army to protect a nation that is targeted by a lot of enemies. He reminded the leaders of the army of what Omar Ebn Al Khattab did to them, because he knew that Omar managed to create a very strong Muslim army in his era.

The third massage is for Muslims living away from the center of ruling and to those workers who are very important for building a strong community. It is very important for a new leader, who just accepted the responsibility of a great nation like the Islamic nation, to send direct massages to the most important sections in his community. He managed to deliver clear meanings and establish very clear guidelines for his ear with these massages and later we will talk about Othman Eb Affan’s achievements with he was a Caliph.

To be continued…

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وَلَكُمْ فِي الْقِصَاصِ حَيَاةٌ يَاْ أُولِيْ الأَلْبَابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ


إن في القتل عدوان على النفس بغير حق للنوع الإنساني وإفساد للمجتمع وقضاء على عضو من أعضائه وإهدار لحق الحياة وهو أغلى شيء، و عليه شرع القصاص زجراً للناس، وجزاء على الاعتداء على النفس ، فهو من أعظم الخبايات بعد الشرك بالله لهذا كان القصاص ليكف الجاني وتسلم الحياة من العدوان. وصدق الله إذ يقول {وَلَكُمْ فِي الْقِصَاصِ حَيَاةٌ يَاْ أُولِيْ الأَلْبَابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ} (179) سورة البقرة وحين تحدث القرآن عن أول جريمة قتل على ظهر الأرض في قوله تعالى {وَاتْلُ عَلَيْهِمْ نَبَأَ ابْنَيْ آدَمَ بِالْحَقِّ إِذْ قَرَّبَا قُرْبَانًا فَتُقُبِّلَ مِن أَحَدِهِمَا وَلَمْ يُتَقَبَّلْ مِنَ الآخَرِ قَالَ لَأَقْتُلَنَّكَ قَالَ إِنَّمَا يَتَقَبَّلُ اللّهُ مِنَ الْمُتَّقِينَ} (27) سورة المائدة، كشف عن طبيعة العدوان الكامنة في النفوس الشريرة والعدوان الصارخ منها وكشف عن الجريمة المنكرة التي تثير الضمير الإنساني والشعور الجارف الحار والحاجة الملحة إلى قصاص عادل يصون حق النفس.

فمن أجل هذه النماذج الشريرة والعدوان الصارخ على الأبرياء، كان قتل النفس الواحدة حين لا يكون قصاصاً ولا دفاعاً عنها، يمثل قتل جميع الناس لأنها واحدة من نفوس البشر جميعاً، تشترك هي وغيرها في حق الحياة وإن إبقاءها حية والدفاع عن حقها في الحياة أو بالقصاص، إذا اعتدى عليها يمثل إحياء النفوس جميعاً ففي صيانة حياتها صيانة لحق الحياة الذي يشترك فيه الناس جميعاً، ولذا قال الله تعالى تعقيباً على نبأ ابني آدم {مِنْ أَجْلِ ذَلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلَى بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ أَنَّهُ مَن قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَا أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا } (32) سورة المائدة .

وقد بيِّن الله تعالى أن القصاص حياة وهذا هو وجه الحكمة فيه، فقال سبحانه {وَلَكُمْ فِي الْقِصَاصِ حَيَاةٌ يَاْ أُولِيْ الأَلْبَابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ} (179) سورة البقرة وذلك من وجهين كما يقول الدكتور أحمد عمر هاشم: الأول، أن فيه الحياة بطريقة الزجر، فإن الإنسان الذي يقصد قتل إنسان آخر إذا فكر في عاقبة أمره، وما يلحقه من جريمته، وأنه إذا قتله قتل به انزجر عن قتله فكان حياة لهما، والثاني: أن في القصاص دفعاً لسبب الإهلاك فإن القاتل بغير حق يصير حرباً لا هوادة فيها على أولياء القتيل لإحساسه بأنهم يلاحقونه لما ارتكبه فهو يخشى على نفسه منهم، فيقصد حربهم ويتمنى إفناءهم ليزيل شبح الخوف الذي يلاحقه ويتابعه والشرع قد مكنهم من قتله قصاصاً لدفع شره عن أنفسهم، لهذا شرع القصاص فكان فيه حياة بكل ما تتسع له معنى الحياة، حياة لمن تحدثه نفسه بالقتل فيكف عنه حين يعلم مصيره وفيه حياة لمن كان سيقع عليه القتل وفيه حياة للعائلات والأفراد والجماعات بسد باب الثأر والعدوان.. ففي القصاص شفاء لنفوس أهل القتيل من الحقد والرغبة في الثأر.

ويوضح رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن المؤمن هو الذي يأمنه الناس ولا يخافونه ولا يخونونه بل يأمنونه على دمائهم وأموالهم فيقول صلى الله عليه وسلم ( والمؤمن من أمنه الناس على دمائهم وأموالهم) رواه الترمذي والنسائي وابن ماجة. ولذلك وجب علينا اتباع كلام الخالق عز وجل ومن بعده اتباع خاتم النبيين والمرسلبن محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، ففي عدم القتل تكون حياة المجتمعاتن وتطورها، وتحقيق الامن والأمان الذي يطمح إليه الكثيرون في هذه  الدنيا، بعد ان ساد القتل وأصبح عالم الجريمة هو المنتشر والمسيطر، فلا يوجد حل إلا اتباع كلام الله عز وجل وتطبيقه واتباع الهدي  النبوي الشريف.

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سيرة تاريخية للرئيس جمال عبد الناصر


ولد جمال عبد الناصر فى 1 يناير عام 1818 فى محافظة الأسكندرية كان والد عبد الناصر يعمل فلاحا فى هذا الوقت دخل عبد الناصر المدرسة الابتدائية عام 1923 ثم ألتحق بالمدرسة حلوان الثانوية عام 1929 وفى هذة المدرسة دور كبير فى تشكيل وجدان و فكر عبد الناصر حيث أن فى هذا الوقت تم ألغاء الدستور و خرحت العديد من المظاهرات للمطالبة بعودة الدستور فهو حدث مهم خاصة فى هذا السن.

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Vandoeuvre mosque desecrated with Kahanist graffiti


The Collectif contre L'islamophobie en France reports a graffiti attack on a mosque at Vandœuvre in north-eastern France. The word "Israel" in Hebrew has been sprayed onto the doors along with a Star of David and "LDJ" – the initials of the Ligue de défense juive (Jewish Defence League), the extreme right-wing Kahanist movement whose UK section is headed by former EDL Jewish Division leader Roberta Moore. No doubt this act of desecration would meet with her enthusiastic approval.

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Groundbreaking ceremony for Temecula mosque


The protests, marathon public hearings and years of meeting in homes and business parks were just memories Friday afternoon.

That's when members of the Islamic Center of Temecula Valley gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate the upcoming start of construction on its long-in-the-works mosque project.

The mosque, which will be built in two phases, will be the center's first permanent home for its members, who have worshiped in members' homes and commercial areas in both Temecula and Murrieta.

"This is a glorious day. A day to celebrate. Be proud to be in America, a Muslim in America," said Emad Rasheed, the center's chairman, addressing a cheering group of the center's members.

Alex Irshaid, the project manager, said it will take about six months to complete the first phase, putting the ribbon-cutting ceremony on track for the spring.

The center's plans for a mosque, which were opposed by a group of Southwest County residents that included some who were concerned about traffic on Nicolas Road and others who said they were trying to protect the U.S. from the spread of Sharia law, were approved by the Temecula City Council in early 2011 when it denied an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision.

City officials said that 2011 meeting, which ended at 3 a.m., was the longest in the city and, apropos for its length, it wrapped up months of debate that included a protest in front of the center's former home on Rio Nedo and numerous public forums on Islam and the center's plans.

After Friday's ceremony, which included actual dirt being moved as members gleefully dug around a large rock on the site, Rasheed harkened back to that history.

"It took a lot of years," he said, referring to the center's work to get the plans approved by the city and its outreach to the community, which included some residents who, he said, expressed "hatred against Muslims."

North County Times, 28 September 2012

Losers – anti-Muslim bigots protesting against the Islamic Center of Temecula Valley

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Over 1,000 rally against anti-Islam film in Dearborn


More than 1,000 rallied Friday night in Dearborn against the anti-Islam movie that has sparked protests around the world. Organized by Arab-American leaders, the rally was the third protest in metro Detroit over the movie, the biggest one yet.

"Say No to Hate-Mongering, Say No to Islamophobia," read a large banner at the rally in Dearborn's civic center, the Ford Performing Arts & Community Center. On the podium was a sign that read: "We (heart symbol) Prophet Muhammad."

Many came with their families to the rally, dressed in Islamic headscarves and robes. Speakers included Muslim leaders, Arab-American activists, a Unitarian minister, U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit), Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Richard Halloran, and civil rights leaders.

"United we stand, divided we fall," Donnell White, executive director of the Detroit branch of the NAACP, told the crowd. "We stand with you as our brothers and sisters."

Judge Halloran spoke about his Irish Catholic roots, noting that his ethnic group often suffered discrimination decades ago after they arrived in the U.S. They "were not looked at positively," he said. And now, Muslims are facing bias that needs to be challenged, Halloran said. "We need to speak out against discrimination against Islam," he said.

Osama Siblani, publisher of the Arab-American News, told the crowd that the people who made the anti-Islam film "are not (true) Americans. They are against what America stands for."

Tarek Baydoun, an attorney from Dearborn, said "the growing tide of Islamophobia" is what prompted the rally. "It's relentless," Baydoun said of anti-Islam sentiment in the U.S.

Detroit Free Press, 29 September 2012

For an example of the refusal among some Americans to address the issues intelligently and with some basic honesty, see Henry Payne, "Dearborn Muslims rally against the First Amendment", Detroit News blog, 28 September 2012

According to Payne, Osama Siblani's call for "deterrent legal measures against those individuals or groups that want to damage relations between people, spread hate and incite violence" amounts to a blasphemy law.

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Another flop for the Scottish Defence League


The Scottish Defence League (SDL) held a static protest outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, while Unite Against Fascism organised its own counter-protest. Police said that around 60 people attended the SDL event, which lasted for around 45 minutes. The majority arrived by coach.

Meanwhile Unite Against Fascism said its march from the City Chambers on the Royal Mile to the Parliament attracted over 300 people. Police put the figure at around 250.

Lothian and Borders Police created a "sterile" area outside Holyrood, with the two groups separated by barriers and accompanied by police officers. Members of the public were kept away from the area.

Speaking after the event, Luke Henderson, co-ordinator for Unite Against Fascism, said: "The march was absolutely fantastic and we were very happy that we had a great turn out. Our march had representatives from the many diverse communities that make Edinburgh a vibrant and open city."

Press Association, 29 September 2012

Update:  See also "Scotland and Islam", Sunday Herald, 30 September 2012

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Arrests at EDL Walsall protest after clashes with police


Police clashed with members of the English Defence League during protests in Walsall town centre today.

During speeches given by leaders of the EDL, the crowd surged towards police lines on Leicester Street. Officers with riot gear used batons and shields to hold back the demonstrators. Scores of missiles – including bricks, bottles and litter bins – were hurled at police.

At 3pm officers cleared Lichfield Street with a shields charge as members of the EDL were herded on to buses to transport them away from the town centre.

West Midlands Police said they have no power to ban a static protest and the right to protest peacefully was a sign of a healthy democracy.

Birmingham Mail, 29 September 2012

See also "28 arrested following EDL demonstration in Walsall", ITV News, 29 September 2012

And "EDL's Walsall flop is another nail in its coffin", UAF news report, 29 September 2012

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Positive impacts of anti-U.S. protests

on Friday, September 28, 2012

Despite the horrible devastation and uproar surrounding protests in the Middle East and Northern Africa, the world may be able to squeeze out a small glimmer of hope. Due to what seem like never ending insults to their beloved Prophet from the Western world, the Muslim people have come together to rally against the U.S. and Western countries for their cause.

Unlike many past protests by the Muslim people, this month’s outrage has produced some historic changes with protests against Islamist militants, debates about religion’s involvement in politics, Muslim response to blasphemy, limits on “Freedom of Speech,” and initiatives for Muslims and non-Muslims to communicate together. “Innocence of Muslims,” which has gotten more than 30 million views since the protests erupted, may have ignited everything, but the protests, as we dig deeper, are even about the kind of society the Arab world is striving for.

Writers from the Huffington Post tried to pull some positivity from the recent events, “The protests have also persuaded some governments and religious authorities to turn anger into positive engagement. Qatar has announced that it is investing $450 million USD in a three-part epic that depicts the life of Prophet Mohammad. Ali Goma, the grand mufti of Egypt urged Muslims to “follow the Prophet’s example of enduring insults without retaliating” and reportedly is looking at launching an international campaign under the motto, ‘Know Mohammad,’ to explain Islam to the non-Muslim world.”

The publication continued to show another point, “On the other hand, the protests have also strengthened the hand of Muslim conservatives who insist on strict laws against blasphemy and limiting freedom of expression to ensure that Islam is shielded against criticism and mockery. Salafis in Egypt could succeed in pressuring the Muslim Brotherhood to include a ban on blasphemy in the drafting of the country’s new constitution. A similar provision has already been included in the draft Tunisian constitution. Saudi grand mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh and the grand imam of Cairo’s Al Azhar University, Sheikh Ahmed el Tayyeb, called separately for the criminalization of all insults of religious prophets and messengers.”

Americans and Muslims both agree that the movie was an extremely horrible representation of the Muslim faith. The average American would never disrespect the Muslim religion the way these filmmakers did, the same way we hope no one disrespects us or our beliefs. Its the actions and thoughts of close-minded people like the producers of “Innocence of Muslims” who ruin the images of both Americans and Muslims.


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قصة أصحاب الكهف (أحدى قصص القرآن الكريم) 2


حكينا عن فى المقالة السابقة كيف كان أصحاب الكهف يعيشون فى بلد كافرة و تحت حكم ملك ضال، و كان الشباب أصحاب الكهف لا يرضون بهذه الالهه التى يعبدها أهل القرية. أتجه الشباب أصحاب العقول و القلوب المؤمنة الى كهف مهجور و قرروا ان ينعزلوا عن اهل الضلال، و بينما هم راقدون فى الكهف أنامهم الله عزوجل ثلاثمئة و تسعة سنوات و حينما استيقظوا من نومهم، ظنوا أنهم لبثوا فى نومهم يوم أو عدة ساعات. طلب الشباب من احدهم أن يأخذ النقود و يذهب الى القرية ليشترى بعض أحتياجاتهم فى صمت حتى لا يشعر أحد بهم أو بهروبهم الى الكهف.

عندما خرج الشاب المؤمن الى القرية، وجد أنها تغيرت تماما و تغيرت الأماكن و وجوه الناس، وحتى النقود التى يستخدمها الناس قد تغيرت. آمن أهل القرية التى كان يعيش بها الشباب أصحاب الكهف و هلك الملك الظالم، وجاء ملك صالح حكم بالعدل و تبدلت أحوال القرية التى كانت فى ضلال و أصبحت تنعم برضى الله تبارك و تعالى.

بالطبع فرح أهل القرية بهؤلاء الشباب لأنهم خرجوا من ديارهم خوفا من ان يفتنوا بدينهم، و كانوا أول من يؤمن من أهل القرية. بذلك ثبتت معجزة أحياء الموتى و أيقن اهل القرية ان الله عز وجل قادر على أن يبعث الموتى. مات أصحاب الكهف و ذلك بأمر الله و أختلف اهل القرية على ما يفعلون بالكهف، فمنهم من دعا الى بناء بنيان على الكهف و منهم من دعا الى بناء مسجد على الكهف و قد رجحت كفة بناء المسجد فى النهاية.

هناك الكثير من الأمور التى الغير معلومة عن أصحاب الكهف، فلا يوجد أحد يعلم عددهم الى الان، فيقول البعض انهم ثلاثة و رابعهم كلبهم أو خمسة سادسهم كلبهم أو سبعة ثامنهم كلبهم، كما انه لا يوجد أحد يعلم فى أى زمن عاشوا و لكن يقال أنهم عاشوا بعد زمن سيدنا عيسى. بالاضافى الى ذلك، لا يوجد من يعلم اذا كان هناك من دعاهم الى الايمان أم أن أحد دعاهم الى الايمان. العبرة فى قصة أصحاب الكهف ليست فى عددهم أو فى كيفية ايمانهم بالله، ولكن العبرة فى أن هؤلاء الشباب عاشوا فى زمن الضلال ولكنهم كانوا اصحاب عقول و قلوب طاهرة، فأستطاعوا تمييز الحق من الباطل و عندما أيقنوا الحق، أتبعوه و تمسكوا به و تركوا الدنيا لينالوا رضا الله عز وجل.

يا شباب و يا بنات، لا تتبعوا الدنيا حتى تنسيكم الاخرة و لكن تذكروا دائما أن عليكم أن تتركوا بعض ملذات الدنيا اذا كانت فيها ضلال. أعلموا أن الله تبارك و تعالى يرضى عن من ضحى بشهواته من اجل الحق و يرضى عن الذين لم يلتفتوا الى ضلال الدنيا، و تذكروا آخرتهم التى فيها حسابهم.

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The Holy Qur’an And Rain

on Thursday, September 27, 2012

ALLAH revealed the Qur’an Fourteen hundreds years back. The last holy book of ALLAH is full of guidance and knowledge that invites men to the reality. This last spiritual book will remain as the only guide for humankind. The Qur’an contains within its words countless miracles which verify it to be ALLAH’s words. It also contains the amazing number of scientific truths as one of these miracles.

We must not look at the Qur’an as a science book for it is first a book of moral and religious assistance. However several scientific facts are spoken in a very concise and thoughtful way within diverse verses of the Qur’an. Scientists have now discovered these realities with the help of technologies in the period of 20th and 21 centuries. These facts could not have been known at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an and this is still another confirmation that the Qur’an is the word of ALLAH.

Rain brings a dead land back to life. The Qur’an signifies this reality in its various verses.

“We drive down from heaven clean water in order that by it We can get a dead land to life and provide drink to many of the animals and people We created.”

Besides bringing water, an important obligation for living things to the earth, the rain also has a fertilizing property. The drops of the rain, which evaporates from the sea and arrives at the clouds, are full of certain substances which refresh dead soil. These raindrops with such revitalizing properties are called surface tension droplets. These forms from the top layer less than one-tenth of a millimeter thick are found large quantities of organic waste formed from the decomposition of microscopic algae and zooplanktons. Some of these wastes bring together and soak up elements for instance phosphorous, magnesium and potassium that are hardly ever found in sea water as well as in heavy metal like copper, zinc, cobalt and lead. Seeds along with plants on the surface of the earth get great amounts of the mineral salts and elements which they require to grow from these raindrops.

The Holy Qur’an refers to this as:

“And We sent down blessed water from the sky and made gardens grow by it and grain for harvesting. “(50:9)

These salts which go down with the rain exemplify the diminutive of fertilizers, which is usually used to improve output (calcium, magnesium, potassium and the rest). Heavy metals of the type originate in aerosols produce elements which enhance productivity throughout growth and making of plant. In a few words, rain is an important fertilizer. With the fertilizer provided by rain alone within a hundred years, a soil of poor quality can obtain all the elements necessary for the plants. Forests also grow and are nourished with help from these chemicals which originate from the sea.

Thus, around 150 million tons of particles of fertilizer go down to the earth every year. Were it not for this fertilizing purpose, there would have been a smaller number of plants on the earth and the balance of being would have been disturbed. The information about the new life of plants in the verses is just one of the innumerable miraculous properties of the Holy Qur’an.

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اذا ارتكب عبد ذنبا وتاب ثم عاد و ارتكب نفس الذنب مرة اخرى وتاب هل سيغفر الله له؟


If a person commits a sin and repented, then returned and committed the same Sin again and repented will Allaah forgive him

كل إنسان يذنب ولكن هناك من يذنب ويستغفر وهناك من لا يستغفر فهل إذا اذنب الإنسان وتاب ثم ارتكب نفس الذنب مرة اخرى وتاب هل سيغفر الله له ؟؟؟
نعم إن الله غفور رحيم,ومن دلائل رحمة الله تعالى إذا اذنب العبد ثم استغفر الله وتاب اليه يغفر الله له وقد يعود مرة ثانية ويرتكب نفس الذنب الذي قد ارتكبه من قبل ويتوب مرة اخري فيغفر الله له وهكذا مادام هو يذنب ويتوب فإن الله تعالى يغفر له

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه عن النبي قال: ” إذا أذنب عبد فقال: رب إني عملت ذنباً فاغفر لي فقال الله: علم عبدي أن له ربا يغفر الذنب ويأخذ بالذنب، قد غفرت لعبدي، ثم أذنب ذنبا آخر فذكر مثل الأول مرتين أخريين حتى قال في الرابعة: فليعمل ما شاء ” .. يعني مادام انه كلما أذنب ذنباً استغفر منه غير مُصر… رواه البخاري ومسلم

وأخرج مسلم وغيره عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال { والذي نفسي بيده لو لم تذنبوا لذهب الله بكم ولجاء بقوم يذنبون ويستغفرون الله فيغفر لهم }ا

أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم { إن المؤمن إذا أذنب ذنبا كانت نكتة سوداء في قلبه ، فإن تاب ونزع واستغفر صقل منها ، وإن زاد زادت حتى يغلق بها قلبه فذلك الران الذي ذكر الله في كتابه: (كلا بل ران على قلوبهم ما كانوا يكسبون)ا

هل تعتقد ان الله قد يغفر لشخص قتل تسعة وتسعين نفسا بل واكملهم مائة؟؟

وفي الصحيحين عن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه أن نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال { كان فيمن كان قبلكم رجل قتل تسعة وتسعين نفسا فسأل عن أعلم أهل الأرض فدل على راهب ، فأتاه فقال : إنه قتل تسعة وتسعين نفسا فهل له من توبة ؟ فقال لا ، فقتله فكمل به المائة . ثم سأل عن أعلم أهل الأرض فدل على رجل عالم ، فقال : إنه قتل مائة نفس فهل له من توبة ؟ فقال : نعم من يحول بينه وبين التوبة ؟ ، انطلق إلى أرض كذا وكذا ، فإن بها أناسا يعبدون الله فاعبد الله معهم ولا ترجع إلى أرضك فإنها أرض سوء ، فانطلق حتى إذا نصف الطريق أتاه الموت ، فاختصمت فيه ملائكة الرحمة وملائكة العذاب ، فقالت ملائكة الرحمة جاءنا تائبا مقبلا بقلبه إلى الله تعالى ، وقالت ملائكة العذاب إنه لم يعمل خيرا قط ، فأتاهم ملك في صورة آدمي فجعلوه بينهم فقال قيسوا ما بين الأرضين فإلى أيتهما كان أدنى فهو له ، فقاسوا فوجدوه أدنى إلى الأرض التي أراد ، فقبضته ملائكة الرحمة }ا

وفي رواية فكان إلى القرية الصالحة أقرب بشبر فجعل من أهلها . وفي رواية { فأوحى الله تعالى إلى هذه أن تباعدي وإلى هذه أن تقربي وقال قيسوا بينهما فوجدوه إلى هذه أقرب بشبر فغفر له } . وفي رواية قال قتادة قال الحسن : ذكر لنا أنه لما أتى ملك الموت نأى بصدره نحوها ، وعند الطبراني بإسنادين أحدهما جيد من حديث معاوية بن أبي سفيان مرفوعا : { فوجدوه أقرب إلى دير التوابين بأنملة فغفر له }

وفي الصحيحين عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : قال الله عز وجل { أنا عند ظن عبدي بي وأنا معه حيث يذكرني والله لله أفرح بتوبة عبده من أحدكم يجد ضالته بالفلاة ، ومن تقرب إلي شبرا تقربت إليه ذراعا ، ومن تقرب إلي ذراعا تقربت إليه باعا ، وإذا أقبل إلي يمشي أقبلت إليه أهرول }

فرحة الله تعالى بتوبة عبده

عن أنس رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم { لله أفرح بتوبة عبده من أحدكم سقط على بعيره وقد أضله بأرض فلاة } وفي رواية أخرى لمسلم { لله أشد فرحا بتوبة عبده حين يتوب إليه من أحدكم كان على راحلته بأرض فلاة فانفلتت عنه وعليها طعامه وشرابه فأيس منها فأتى ، شجرة فاضطجع في ظلها قد أيس من راحلته . فبينماهو كذلك إذ هو بها قائمة عنده فأخذ بخطامها ثم قال من شدة الفرح اللهم أنت عبدي وأنا ربك ، أخطأ من شدة الفرح

(قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ)
سورة الزمر

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princess muslima

I hope to spread the teachings of Islam across the whole world.

اتمنى ان انشر تعاليم الإسلام عبر العالم بأكمله....

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أتعرف ما هو فضل تعلم القرآن وتعليمه ؟


لقد رغب الإسلام في تلاوة القرآن الكريم وتعليمه، وجعل ذلك من أفضل العبادات التي يتقرب بها العبد إلى ربه، فإن تعليم القرآن يفوق سائر الأعمال في الدرجات، فعن عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: ” خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه ” صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. ولذلك نجد ان السلف الصالح قد حرص على تعلم القرآن الكريم وتعليمه، بل إن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم حرص على تعليم أصحابه القرآن الكريم، إما بنفسه، وإما بتكليف أصحابه بهذه المهمة. وعلى هذا النهج صار الصحابة الكرام وصار السلف الصالح، فلم يخل عصر من العصور بعد وفاة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من محفظي القرآن وحتى الآن.

ونجد أن معظم الناس يحبون تعليم القرآن في الصبا،لأن الحفظ في الصغر أولى من الحفظ في الكبر، وأشد تعلقا بالذهن، وأرسخ وأثبت. ولا شك أن الجامع بين تعلم القرآن وتعليمه هو شخص مكمل لنفسه ولغيره، وهو يكون من جملة من عني الله بقوله : ” وَمَنْ أَحْسَنُ قَوْلاً مِّمَّن دَعَا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا وَقَالَ إِنَّنِي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ ” (فصلت: 33) صدق الله العظيم. و من المعروف أن الإبل كانت من أعز وأثمن أموال العرب في صدر الإسلام، فرغب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أصحابه إلى ما هو أفضل من ذلك، بأن يكون لهم رصيد من الحسنات عند الله اعظم من الإبل عند أصحابها في الدنيا.

إن لله أهلين من الناس. قالوا يا رسول الله:  من هم؟ قال : أهل القرآن هم أهل الله وخاصته” صدق رسول الله صلى الله عيله وسلم. وقد بين الرسول الكريم صلى الله عيله وسلم منزلة أهل القرآن وحفظته والعاملين به والداعين إليه، وأنهم أهل الله وأوليائه وأصفياؤه. وقد ثال صلى الله عيله وسلم: ” لا حسدإلا في إثنين؛ رجل علمه الله القرآن، فهو يتلوه أناء الليل وأناء النهار، فسمعه جار له، فقال ليتني أوتيت مثلما أوتي فلان، فعملت مثل ما يعمل، ورجل أتاه الله مالا، فهو يهلكه في الحق، فقال رجل: ليتني أوتيت مثل ما أوتي فلان فعملت مثل ما يعمل” صدق رسول الله صلى الله عيله وسلم.

وعن أبي موسى الأشعري رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عيله وسلم قال: ” المؤمن الذي يقرأ القرآن ويعمل به كالأترجة، طعمها طيب وريحها طيب، والمؤمن الذي لا يقرأ القرآن ويعمل به، كالتمرة طعمها طيب ولا ريح لها، ومثل المنافق الذي يقرأ القرآن كالريحانة ريحها طيب وطعمها مر، ومثل المنافق الذي لا يقرأ القرآن كالحنظلة طعمها مر وريحها مر ” صدق رسول الله صلى الله عيله وسلم. فالذي يقرا القرآن يكون مشغولا بلذة التلاوة وبحلاوة التدبر والتفهم لكلام الله عز وجل. وقد ينسيه كل ذلك من حوله وينقطع عنهم بقلبه وفكره وحواسه. فعن عائشة رضي الله عنها روت أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: ” الماهر بالقرآم مع السفرة الكرام البررة، والذي يقرأ القرآن ويتتعتع فيه وهو عليه شاق له أجران ” صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.

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Finns Party candidate called for Muslims to be cooked alive because he was 'extremely concerned about the spread of extreme Islam'


Police are looking into whether or not to launch an inquiry into Facebook posts made by Finns Party municipal election candidate Amon Rautiainen. The Kotka candidate reportedly criticised Islam and said it would be "patriotic" to eliminate Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen and Finance Minister Jutta Urpilainen.

Among the more inflammatory comments allegedly made by the Finns Party standing for election in the southeastern municipality of Kotka was a call for Muslims to be cooked alive.

He was also said to have written that it would be "patriotic" to execute Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen and Finance Minister Jutta Urpilainen, leaders of the National Coalition and Social Democratic parties respectively.

Rautiainen however removed the provocative texts Monday, claiming that he did not know that they would be publicly available on the social networking site. He said that he regretted the posts and that they had been written on the spur of the moment.

"I wrote the posts with humour and in the heat of the moment," he said. The Finns Party member said that he was not opposed to any ethnic group but that he was extremely concerned about the spread of extreme Islam.

Police are currently considering whether to open an investigation into the updates.

Yle, 24 September 2012

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New West Ham mosque will 'deal with needs of Newham residents'


West Ham is in need of a new mosque because of a lack of worshipping space for Muslims, religious leaders say. Tabilighi Jama'at, the Islamic group hoping to build a new facility in Canning Road, said it acted on a comprehensive study of the borough before submitting its plans.

The controversial proposals have finally been validated by Newham Council planners. The 6.3 hectare site will contain a mosque that is expected to treble the 2 to 3,000 of worshippers currently able to attend the temporary site every week. The group has also promised to include a library, dining hall, and sports pitches and a visitors' centre, all for the community.

A spokesman for the group's trustees said: "The centre currently provides much needed worship space but the current temporary outbuildings have been outgrown. There is a considerable shortage of worshipping facilities within Newham and surrounding boroughs."

He said a "comprehensive needs study" into the current and future worshipping needs of the Muslim community was carried out by Ecorys, a European research consultancy. He added: "Based on the findings of a severe shortfall in demand, an appropriate proposal was then commissioned by the trustees to effectively deal with the requirements of the Newham residents."

The group's intention to reach out to all residents has been made following accusations that Tabilghi Jama'at are isolationist and sexist. They have survived an attempt by Newham Council to remove them from the site, successfully appealing an enforcement notice served in 2010.

Former Newham Cllr Alan Craig, now co-ordinator of the Mega Mosque No Thanks campaign, said they will analyse the plans once they are made public.

He said: "Tablighi Jamaat is a fundamentalist sect that is hostile to all non-Muslim society, so they shouldn’t be allowed to build this huge platform to promote their divisive antisocial ideology.

"Further, they have a track record of deliberately creating Islamic enclaves around their mosques – which is what they've done for instance in the streets around their large mosque in the Savile Town area of Dewsbury, east Yorkshire.

"We will analyse the plans when they are published to see exactly what impact they will have on the neighbourhood and the borough."

Newham Recorder, 27 September 2012

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Islam: a complete code of life


Weighing and Measuring of Goods for Business

Allah Says (what means): “Give full measure when you measure, and weigh with an even (i.e., honest) balance. That is the best (way) and best in result.” [Quran 17:35]

Prohibition of Bribery

Allah Says (what means): “And do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly or send it (in bribery) to the rulers in order that (they might aid) you (to) consume a portion of the wealth of the people in sin, while you know (it is unlawful).” [Quran 2:188]

‘Abdullaah bin ‘Amr bin al-’Aas narrated that he heard Allah’s Messenger , saying: “Fornication will not appear among any people without their being punished by famine, and bribery will not appear among any people without their being punished by terror.” [At-Tirmithi]

Avoidance of Hoarding and Monopoly

The Prophet, sallallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Do not withhold your money by counting it (i.e. hoarding it), (for if you did so), Allah would also withhold His blessings from you.” [Al-Bukhaari]

Paying Salaries, Wages of Employees and Laborers on Time

The Prophet , said: “Allah says: ‘I will be against three persons on the Day of Resurrection: 1. One who makes a covenant in My Name, but he proves treacherous; 2. One who sells a free person (as a slave) and eats the price; and 3. One who employs a laborer and gets the full work done by him but does not pay him his wages.’” [Al-Bukhaari]

Prohibition for Fighting, Murder and Other Crimes

Allah’s Messenger , said: “When two Muslims fight (meet) each other with their swords, both the murderer as well as the murdered will go to Hell-fire.” It was said: “O Allah’s Messenger! It is all right for the murderer but what about the murdered? Allah’s Messenger, sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam replied: “He surely had the intention to kill his companion.’” [Al-Bukhaari]

Peace and Reconciliation

Allah Says (what means): “The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah; for Allah loves not those who do wrong.” [Quran 42:40]

Respect and Kindness to Women

Allah Says (what means): “O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should you treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the dower you have given them, except where they have been guilty of open lewdness. On the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity if you take a disliking to them it may be that you dislike a thing, and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good.” [Quran 4:19]

Kindness to the Family, Parents, Relatives, Orphans, the Poor, the Needy and the Weak

Allah Says (what means): “…Treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and give zakaah (poor due)…” [Quran 2:83]

Respect to Non-Muslims (People of the Book)

Allah Says (what means): “And dispute not with the People of the Book, except in the best way; unless it be with those of them who do wrong but say: ‘We believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; our God and your God is One; and it is to Him we submit (in Islam).’” [Quran 29:46]


This compilation, although far from being complete, proves that Islam as the perfect religion for the whole mankind is indeed complete. Allah Almighty has chosen Islam as the only religion acceptable to Him. Islam is the best way of life for all. It serves as the best solution to all sorts of problems no matter how perplexing they may be. Islam is the absolute answer to those who seek a perfect religion and a complete way of life. It guides us to a well-balanced life, one that makes us happy and contented in this world and in the life Hereafter. It is the way to attaining supreme success in the everlasting world to come. In short, Islam, as the complete way for all, is Allah’s Mercy to the whole of mankind.


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Momo Khan

Life has given you wings to fly, why to crawl through your life !!
Freelance writer and an agony aunt to my friends.
Dreamer, Love my family and is a peaceful creature !!

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Islamische Religion und Umwelt


Islamische Religion und die Umwelt um uns herum haben erhebliche Wechselwirkungen untereinander. Um unsere Umwelt sauber ist religiöse und moralische Pflicht. Die Erde, in dem alle Menschen leben, ist eine schöne Schöpfung Gottes. Der Priester heute betonen die Bedeutung von sauberen und grünen Umgebung in Predigten, aber die

Menschen haben, dass Sauberkeit unserer Umwelt bewusst wurde im Islam so früh hervorgehoben wie Quran auf der Erde schwelgte wurde.
Alles in der Umgebung um uns herum in einem ausgeglichenen Zustand erstellt. Überfischung, kann Missbrauch oder Zerstörung der natürlichen Wälder schaffen große Havocs auf den Menschen. Einige schmale weitsichtige Leute wollen immer, um diese natürlichen Ressourcen für ihre eigene persönliche Interesse als im Widerspruch zu den Lehren des Islam zu verwenden.

Religion und die Umwelt haben viele Links wie im Koran erwähnt. Es wird im Koran betont, dass der Mensch sollte sich bemühen, die natürliche Schöpfung Gottes und arbeitet für die Erhaltung der Natur zu retten. Jedes Element innerhalb und außerhalb der Erdkruste hat einen Zweck, der die glorreiche Zeichen des Schöpfers zeigen. Islam immer verbietet die Verschwendung von Materialien und Waren, die dass es empfehlenswert ist, um sie wieder verwenden zu irgendeinem Zweck und recyceln sie bedeutet. Recycling ist die Mittel, die wesentlichen Beitrag zur Umwelt Sauberkeit hinzufügen können.

Wasser wird als eine Frucht der Natur für die Menschheit. Ohne Wasser gibt es kein Leben auf der Erde zu sein. Wasser ist eine Quelle des Lebens, und auch die Funktion der Reinigung von Körper und Kleidung. Abgesehen von diesem Wasser ist auch ein Lebensraum für viele Fische und andere Lebewesen, die in den tiefen Ozeanen bleiben. Religion des Islam und die Umwelt sind miteinander verbunden, wenn die Ausgabe von Wasser kam geprüft. Zusätzliche Nutzung von Wasser ist im Islam verboten. Selbst wenn eine Person sich selbst bereitet Gebete, er ist nicht gestattet, die extra Wasser verschwenden, um sich selbst zu reinigen. Wenn Wasser an jedem Ort knappen dann wird es im Koran erwähnt, um es mit einem anderen statt Aktien zu Streitigkeiten über die Verfügbarkeit von Wasser haben.

Erhaltung der Tiere und Pflanzen ist auch ein Thema, das durch den Islam betont wird. In Quran ist es an vielen Stellen erwähnt, um Versorgung und Barmherzigkeit bei allen Tieren. Es ist wichtig für die Menschen all die Bedürfnisse von Tieren zur Verfügung zu und pflegen sie mit Vorsicht. Es ist im Islam verboten, die Jagd als Mittel der Sport und Spaß zu verwenden. Jedoch ist es erlaubt, wenn sie zum Zwecke der Nahrung ist. Islamische Religion und die Umweltprobleme sind nicht nur für Tiere wie Pflanzen sind auch darin enthalten begrenzt. Es ist im Islam verboten, Bäume zu fällen unnötig, da sie Unterstände könnte es sein, viele Tiere. Selbst im Krieg ist das Töten von gefangenen Bienen und Viehzucht als eine Sünde und eine Form von Korruption angesehen.

Islamische Religion und die Umwelt in vielerlei Hinsicht verbunden. Der Islam hat immer betont, dass alle Wesen, die von Gott geschaffen sind gewisse Bedeutung haben, und es ist rechtswidrig nicht, um ihnen ihre Rechte.

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Reaction of Muslims against the anti-Muslim films


In recent days, some films have been made against the Muslim religion. In these films, the religion of the Muslims is shows in a bad manner. These demonstrations caused much anger among the Muslim community, and many groups began to protest. “Blasphemous” and “Innocence of Muslims” are the titles of the movies which were most recently created, and they have since been banned amongst the Muslim countries. In fact, Saudi Arabia, and many other countries, have threatened to block all access to YouTube, some have even followed through with the ban.

In Islamabad, thousands of lawyers and people belonging to the civil society came out to protest against the film “Blasphemous.” Pakistani government has also declared Friday, September 12, 2012 as a black day against the anti-Muslim movies. This means there will be a holiday in Pakistan on Friday as a silent protest against the films.

Non-Muslim communities throughout the world are joining in to help the fight against such films. In Sri Lanka on Wednesday, Muslim men and women from the Buddhist community have decided they will not tolerate the movie as well. Several Muslims and non-Muslims gathered in the capital Colombo to condemn the recent movise against Islam. About 1000 protesters took to the torrent in eastern Afghanistan, jamming the key road of the country and chanting, “Death to America,” and, “Death to the opponents of Islam.” The demonstrations against the movie by the Muslim community is going to continue until the movie is banned from media across the world.

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Recent Crisis in Syria


Status and condition inside Syria:

Political fighting hits fresh heights in Syria in 2012. During an attack in Assad on July 18, many high ranking officers, defense ministers and the president’s brother in law were killed. Forces seized and controlled many border crossings and huge tracts of Syrian land.

Syrian opposition activities:

The major opposition movement, is the Syrian National Council (SNC) by the country’s Sunni population combined with an Islamic group similar to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Syrian National Council supports Assad’s opponents, but dislikes its familial counterparts.

The Public Coordination Commission is an opponent union of self-governing persons including the Kurdish activists. Hassan Abdel Azim led this group.

The Free Syrian Army is another set of army defenders that depose Assad by force.  Riad al-Asad led the Free Syrian Army. The Free Syrian Army argue that they have 15,000 fighters, but analysts suggest that they are no more than 7000.

Six tip plan of Kofi Annan:

Kofi Annan, a messenger to Syria, gave a six point harmony plan in 2012 to end the Syrian crisis. The points of the plan are given as:

  1. Work by the global messenger.
  2. End fighting under UN cease-fire, Syrian military to prevent using heavy arms and pull oout from inhabitant’s centers.
  3. Permit charitable aid.
  4. Free charged detainees.
  5. Guarantee lack of restrictions of movement for the media.
  6. Value passive demonstrations.

Initially, the government agreed to put up with by the points of plan; however, on April 8, they said that they would not remove their military from cities until armed revolutionary groups provided a written declaration to stop the fighting. The Syrian Army discarded this demand.

United State Sanctions on Syria:

The United State put down a range of sanctions that forbid aid and confined mutual trade. These include limitations on foreign aid, defense exports, and air travel of Syrian airplanes in United States. It also reduced diplomatic ties, enforced travel bans on Syrians diplomats, froze overseas transactions in Syrian property and many other miscellaneous restrictions.

Sanctions of European Union on Syria:

The European Union approved many sanctions on Assad in the 2011 revolution. Some important sanctions include:

Sanctions Impact:

The sanctions forced by the union of Arab States and European Union hit Syria the hardest. These sanctions prohibit transactions of government income with the individuals, state owned institutions and companies.

In the recent crisis in Syria, thousands of Muslims died and many are homeless. There is shortage of food and medicines for the victims and many houses are destroyed. Now it’s time to resolve the crisis of Syria. The international community needs to create a proper plan for an orderly transfer of power from the majority to the minorities on an equal basis. In Syria, the only condition of peace is the equal transfer of rights among human beings. There should be no difference on the basis of caste. Equality is necessary for peace.


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9/11 from American’s point of view



The most destructive event in the modern history that lead to massive killings and unrest in every region of the world was the 9/11 incident. The incident claimed around 2500 lives but afterwards it brought much larger destruction to the world peace. After 9/11 more than 2500,000 people have been killed in various parts of the world. All these people were the victim of the United States war on terror. The war on terror mostly claimed the lives of innocent men, women and children. Only in Pakistan more than 40000 people have died because of the American policies in the neighboring Afghanistan.  The support to American war on terror has claimed many lives whose number is higher than any other country. Contrary to all the things that happen before, on and after the 9/11 the Americas blame Muslims for whatever happed in 9/11. Muslims suffered the most because of the 9/11 incident as they are seen with hatred and were denied their basic rights. Americans believed that Islam teaches terror and violence and wish to conquer the world with its terror activities.

The situation nowadays is very critical and Muslims are not protected in America. Their businesses are kept under continuous investigations. They have one or more victim of racial violence in their families.  Muslims are even hiding their religious identity because it has become a reason of worry for them. Americans believe that Muslims deceived their country by committing treason. It is an allegation that Muslims used the charity given to them to support the terrorist’s activities. The fund given by the American was used wrongly in these activities without the consent of the people which comes under the charge of treason. It is well established fact that religion has nothing to do with the act of the individuals. There is no religion that promotes terror and violence. Islam is a comprehensive religion that allows Muslims to fight only in certain conditions. The condition is that Muslims can raise weapons when they are denied rights and they are most persecuted people. When they are not getting justice they can fight for their due rights. Even during the war Muhammad SAW ordered Muslims not to damage the green trees and property and also ordered not to kill the civilians.

Muslims charities were blamed to support the terror activity of 9/11 because of which these charities are facing bans in America. The relief work that was providing by many of these charities is halted since 9/11. American believes that Muslims are preached to take over the world but they don’t know that Islam never teaches to do so by terror activities. Islam promoted its message of one god peacefully. This is the reason that Muslims are increasing at a faster pace throughout the world. The gap between the religions is increasing with every single day and it can bring more destruction if this issue is not addressed. Americans should learn the religion of Islam before they make perception about Muslims and Islam. Everything that appears in media is not right and you need to get a proof before you believe it.


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Racist grandmother Margaret Walker gets lifetime Asbo for offensive letters


A Hampshire grandmother has today been handed a lifetime ASBO for a "racist" and "frightening" poison pen campaign.

Margaret Walker, 73, from Walnut Drive, Hill Head, has been ordered by magistrates to stop sending "foul" and "abusive" letters. She has also been ordered to sign every piece of post she sends and supply a return address.

The order came after Walker carried out a five-year campaign of hate – sending around 500 racist letters all around the country.

MPs, pubs, parish council, shops and individuals were among those that received the "extreme" leaflets, which used a variety of racist slurs and graphic hand-drawn images.

Among other insults, Walker referred to people from Pakistan as scroungers and implied that all Muslim men were "paedophiles".

The letters also included rants against Scottish people, who she referred to as "scum" and various politicians.

Walker was also ordered to pay £5,000 costs.

Southern Daily Echo, 25 September 2012

See also Daily Mail, 26 September 2012

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Merkel: Islam is part of Germany


Angela Merkel has said Islam has become a part of Germany and is urging her fellow citizens to show tolerance for Muslims.

The Chancellor told members of her conservative Christian Democratic party that the great majority of Muslims in Germany had distanced themselves from the recent violence during protests against an anti-Islam video that ridiculed the Prophet Muhammad.

Ms Merkel said Germans "should be open about it (Islam) and say, 'Yes, it's part of us'." She added that Christians should perhaps start thinking and talking more about their own religion again, "rather than having fear of Islam".

Germany is home to an estimated four million Muslims.

Ms Merkel's comment follow former president Christian Wulff's remarks who surprised many in 2010 by saying that "Islam now also belongs to Germany".

Associated Press, 27 September 2012

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EDL sets date for first march in Norwich


The English Defence League will hold its first march in Norwich this November, citing a decision to ban a Christian bookstall as a reason for the demonstration. Police confirmed they had been approached by the EDL about the protest for Saturday November 10, although a route is yet to be decided.

The EDL, which has 81 members on its Norwich Facebook page, listed the banning of Reverend Alan Clifford of the Norwich Reformed Church from using a market stall on Hay Hill as a reason for the march. They believe the decision by Norwich City Council, following a complaint about anti-Islamic leaflets, violated freedom of speech.

On its website the EDL says it protests "peacefully", but some marches have been marred by violence.

A campaign group called We are Norwich said it will hold a counter-protest to celebrate the city's diversity. Nick O'Brien from the group said: "The EDL do not represent the diverse, multi-cultural city."

A police spokeswoman said: "We understand there may be concerns and feelings of vulnerability within a number of communities and we will be looking to work closely with the organisers, our partners and community leaders to help address these."

Green Party councillor Lucy Galvin added: "Communities in Norwich have a long tradition of religious acceptance and living together respectfully."

Norwich Evening News, 27 September 2012

This demonstration has been a long time in coming. A protest in support of Alan Clifford and his church was first proposed by the EDL back in May and it was originally set for 20 October. However, in a desperate attempt to counter the demoralisation that has set in following their disastrous visit to East London earlier this month, a recent meeting of the EDL took a decision to return to Walthamstow for a repeat demonstration on 27 October. Consequently the Norwich demonstration had to be rescheduled.

In their advert for the demonstration the EDL's East Anglian Division asserts that Clifford's church has been victimised by a politically correct council for "daring to question the validity of Islam" and distributing "a leaflet which asks questions about political Islam and it agenda in the UK". As we have previously pointed out, Clifford's publication "Why Not Islam" is in fact a hate-filled screed that accuses govenments of "ignorantly distinguishing between militant and moderate Islam", denounces "Islam's appeal to the baser instincts of human nature", and warns that "seemingly-benign Muslim communities will always be breeding grounds from which their more militant members can recruit jihadists". Norwich council was entirely justified in banning such literature from local authority premises.

The decision to stage the Norwich demonstration on 10 November has had the happy side-effect of further dividing the Islamophobic far right, since this is the same date that the ex-EDL splinter group the Infidels had already set for their planned protest against the so-called mega-mosque in Newham. Not surprisingly the Infidels have vigorously expressed their dissatisfaction with this situation. Looks like Stephen Lennon's appeal to his far-right critics to put aside their differences with the EDL leadership and unite around the forthcoming Walthamstow demonstration isn't going down too well.

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Anti-fascist protesters We Are Waltham Forest organise meeting ahead of planned EDL march


An anti-fascist protest group is due to hold a public meeting ahead of a proposed march by the English Defence League (EDL) in Walthamstow.

We Are Waltham Forest (WAWF) will discuss plans to oppose the march planned for October 27 after 3,000 people successfully diverted a previous EDL march of up to 300 people earlier this month.

The EDL has vowed to return to Walthamstow because of the diversion, and claims to be against Muslim extremists, rejecting claims it is a racist organisation.

Stella Creasy, Walthamstow MP, will be present at the meeting in Harmony Hall, in Truro Road, which starts at 7.30pm.

Organiser Sophie Bolt said: "Saturday, October 27 falls on Eid, a holy Muslim festival. This is why the EDL want to march. They plan to show 'Innocence of the Muslims', a poisonous film that attacks Islam and has provoked world-wide protests. We want to work together to wage the most effective campaign possible to keep the EDL out of Waltham Forest."

The Guardian and Waltham Forest Council have launched a joint campaign to get the march banned, called 'Waltham Forest - United. Together. Strong.'

A joint petition has already garnered more than 700 signatures and council leader Chris Robbins has met with assistant Met commissioner Mark Rowley to discuss his concerns.

To sign it please click here.

Waltham Forest Guardian, 27 September 2012

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Holy Quran, Big Bang Theory and the universe

on Wednesday, September 26, 2012

From ages, astronomers argued about the existence of the universe without any change. But in 1912, American astronomer Vesto Slipher changed this concept by stating galaxies as moving away from earth. This was something new and surprised many people. This laid down the foundations for expanding universe theory.

In1916, Einstein presented Relativity Theory to explain earth’s expansion or contraction and in 1929 American astronomer Hubble confirmed it as getting expanded.

Hubble’s law mentioned galaxies as moving bodies going away from earth with a speed proportional to earth’s distance. This velocity-time relation approach laid the basis for modern cosmology.

However, hundreds of years ago, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told about earth’s expansion by reciting this Quranic verse:

“And the heaven We created with might, and indeed We are (its) expander.” (Quran 51:47)

During that time heaven was reckoned to what actually is above us and this what the scientist discovered.

Holy Quran mentioned this fact when telescope was not even invented.   Holy Prophet (PBUH) recited what was only known to Allah before.

The Big Bang Theory

Hubble also discovered that galaxies are not only moving away from earth but from one another as well, explaining the expansion of whole universe like a balloon. This discovery was regarded as Big Bang Theory.

According to this theory, universe came into being 12-15 billion years ago from the explosion of an extremely hot point and is continuously expanding.

In 1965, radio astronomers Penzias and Wilson confirmed the Big Bang Theory by discovering the heat traces of that hot point which created the universe. They discovered a 2. 725 degree Kelvin Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation around the universe.  This theory is accepted by astronomers and scientists. In the Holy Quran it is stated:

“He (God) is the Originator of the heavens and the earth…” (Quran 6:101)

“Is not He who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the likes of them?  Yes; and He is the Knowing Creator. His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is.” (Quran 36:81-82)

Honestly speaking these verses actually laid the foundation of the beginning of the universe. Allah only said Be and everything came into existence.. Can this be an explanation of what led the explosion to begin universe this?

Holy Quran says:

“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We separated them, and made from water every living thing?  Then will they not believe?” (Quran 21:30)

According to the Muslim scholars heaven and earth were under the command of Allah and he split them to create 7 other heavens.

In the above verse, Arabic words “ratq” refers to entity or joined together and “fataq” means We separated, explaining the creation of universe through a split.

The Big Bang Theory confirms the creation of universe exactly as mentioned in the Holy Quran. This is a clear proof that the Holy Quran revealed on Holy Prophet (PBUH), is the Book of God, The Creator of the Universe.


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Walsall Labour Party backs rally against EDL


Walsall Labour Party is giving its full support to a peaceful demonstration celebrating community strength and tolerance being held in Gallery Square on Saturday at 11am.

The "We are Walsall" rally is being held to counter the racism of the English Defence League who are bussing in people from across the country to incite hatred of the town's Muslim community.

Cllr Tim Oliver said it is fantastic that so many community groups, churches, temples and members of political parties are joining together to oppose the EDL's message of hate, and instead celebrate the town's tolerance and understanding.

"We in the Labour Party were the first to warn about this vile group and its plans to come to Walsall in July.

"Since then the leaders of all the borough's main political parties have condemned it and people from so many diverse and varied backgrounds have come together to organise this peaceful statement to show our communities won't be divided by the hatred of outsiders.

"As a party we have made representations to the council and the police on how we can minimise the threat and disruption the EDL want to bring to our streets. 

"Given that past protests by the EDL in areas like Dudley have become drink-fuelled, violent rampages we are very concerned that the site of their demonstration will take place so close to bars and we would urge that landlords either shut for the day or refuse to serve them."

The "We are Walsall" rally will be joined by local Labour MPs David Winnick and Valerie Vaz, who will stress the rally's message that the people of Walsall won't be divided."

Cllr Oliver added "The best response to the EDL is for the people of borough to join the peaceful rally and send an overwhelming message that they are not welcome in our town."

Walsall Labour Party press release, 25 September 2012

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The impacts of drone attacks on Pakistan


The year the first drone attack was made on Pakistan was 1024 A.D and was performed by the Jews against Mahmud Ghaznavi’s army. Innocent Pakistanis as well as their camels were killed in portions of North Waziristan. These drones were first invented by Albert Einstein, a very popular Jewish scientist. Due to drone attacks, more than 3 billion Muslims in Pakistan have been killed since 1024 A.D.

There are rumors that the Pakistani Military has allowed Americans to plan drone attacks toward Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan, but the country has never allowed them to make such attacks as they too suffer when attacks are made. The military is in fact fighting against these drone attacks. It doesn’t mean that they are supporting the Al-Qaeda or the Taliban, but they just need to stop these attacks for the safety of innocnet Muslims who want to live peacefully in Pakistan. It is only the civilian Government that has allowed American to complete drone attacks, and President Zardari is the one who is especially responsible. The president owns a large number of such factories that are making drones in Switzerland.

The American government has made a false statement that they are using drone attacks against the militants who are being protected by the Pakistani Military. Recently, many innocent people have been attacked and have suffered due to these attacks. There is now a need for us Pakistanis) to protest against these drone attacks before they become the reason of complete destruction in Pakistan. We are currently protesting for common issues like the cases of gang rape, blasphemy and suicides. Instead of spending so much time on these issues, we should now protest to stop these drone attacks and create peace in our living place. The drone attacks have killed billions of Pakistanis, and we need to protect ourselves before more are lost.

Americans are now bribing the Chinese to make the weapons and accessories needed to create the drones and export them to Pakistan. These toys can kill our children and innocent families. Drones are considered the major reasons for the devastating floods that occurred last year in Pakistan. The horrifying and destructing earthquakes in Islamic emirates are again caused by these drone attacks. Along with these destructive events, drone attacks are becoming the cause of much corruption, energy storage problems and health problems among the Pakistanis. We need to stop them, and we need to protest against these attacks so we can keep ourselves and our children safe.

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The current situation of Muslim killings in Assam (India)


The ongoing problem of the killing of Muslims in Assam, India have been described as a, “planned ethnic cleansing of Muslims.” The minority community of Muslims in Assam is being cruelly killed. Muslim leaders have been greatly moved by the present conditions in Assam and are demanding the intervention of the Central Government. According to these Muslim leaders, Tarun Gogoi’s state Government has failed in protecting their innocent citizens in Assam. These Muslim leaders have condemned the Bengali speaking citizens and Bangladeshi settlers.

The police of Northeastern parts of the Assam state in India are arresting some local politicians as they are involved in some violence cases that have taken place recently in the state. BBC reports have announced that Pradeep Bharma, legislator of the state assembly, has been arrested recently in his own home. He is also the leader of the regional Bodoland Peoples Front (BPF). Almost 87 innocent people have been killed due to the ongoing fight among aboriginal Muslim settlers and the Bodo tribes in the state of Assam.

The members of the proscribed National self governing front of the Bodoland have killed a number of Muslims. At the same time, Muslims are going through violent demises similar to these in neighbouring Myanmar. Many Muslims of Bengali origin were killed in the uprisings of four western Assam districts. The Indian government has now called on the army and issued orders to control the violence now being faced.

There are a number of educational and social National Group Organizations (NGOs) involved. along with their leaders who strongly condemn the violence issues in Assam. They are urging central government immediately to take strict, strong actions to control the burning of Muslim villages and the killing of members of their communities.  The leaders of the NGOs who are administrating these actions have decried those unbalanced reports made by the media houses at Kokrajhar in Dhubri. They are intentionally making efforts to show that Muslims labeled as illegal settlers are actually the victims.

According to recent reports, when Muslims were attacked, killed and driven away from their residences in 1993 and 1994 from the Bodo trial, they were settled in these places after taking permissions from the Government. After some time, they built their own villages at these places. Later, homes were burned and people were killed. Now, the same conditions and same situations are faced by the Muslims in Assam.

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What steps should be taken to bring harmony among religions


Everyone is aware of the word religion, but can anyone explain the exact definition of it? Religion is an extremely motivating force that motivates its followers. Religion is not limited to rituals and festivals. It is a mechanism that shows it followers the right way to live. Religion means laws, both moral and social that encourage the right way of living.

Humans are the only creation that have the power of transforming ideas, information and knowledge from one generation to another. That is how history is developed and civilizations are evolved. Today, when everyone is busy in a rat race of exceeding each other, and the world is at the verge of atomic destruction, religious harmony is the only solution. Religious harmony is the only way in which people around the world will be at peace and harmony with each other.  Every person has deep emotional roots with their religion. No matter what your religion is, you love and respect it and want it to be respected by others.

Human beings have been created equal and should not be discriminated against on any basis. In order to keep peace in the world, we all should make an effort to look into each others’ religion and find what is common between them. When this happens, we will be able to understand the basics of each belief and gain a sense of respect and dignity. When each religious group receives respect, they will ultimately agree to compromise, and a sense of universal brotherhood can be developed.

Prophets, saints and sages have appeared in different corners of the world in different ages. All of them have spread the message of love and peace. The government of every country should put their efforts toward bringing the people of different religions closer to each other. Peace and harmony acts have been passed, and many conferences have been held in many countries with the intention of promoting harmony and peace among different religions. If we can keep up with these, and the governments of every country take steps to protect every religion and its people, peace and harmony can be granted to everyone.


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