How the Arabs View the West?

on Tuesday, May 22, 2012

As I said in the end of the last post, I have decided to adopt a new point of view when looking on the East and West struggle and the misconceptions between them both, so instead of stating how wrong does the West view us Arabs, i will address the Arabs and the East this time, and how wrongfully the Arabs view the West, and America specifically. Because if you think that only the West has misconceptions of us, then you are terribly wrong, we Arabs also have a hefty set of misconceptions about the West, and how Arabs view the west and I will discuss them on this post.

One of the very famous misconceptions that some Arabs have regarding the West is that it is the land of sins!! You go to the west, and you will be able to indulge yourself in all kinds of sins in the world. And this is not that true, yes there are various places where you can pick your favorite sin, whether its drugs, prostitution or others, but this doesn’t mean that the whole country is like that. They have this concept, whether you agree with it or not, but they got freedom in everything, no one will force you to commit anything and you are free to do whatever you want providing that you don’t hurt the freedom of others.

If you think about it, you will find the same kinds of sins in Arab countries, but it is more hidden, you want drugs, you will find, you want women, you will find, but we just tend to hide it so people don’t see us doing it. Bottom of line, sin exists, whether it’s a conservative or an opened community, whoever wants to indulge himself in a specific sin, will find a way. So it is very unfair to judge a whole country’s population because some of them do something wrong. It is the same way how we blame the west for stereotyping us, so we should stop stereotyping them, everyone should judge the person he meets judging on the person himself, not where he is from or what his religion is.

Another misconception that is very common of how Arabs view the west, is that Arabs think that every single American is an Arab Hater, which is of course, not true, I have a lot of friends in the U.S, despite having some of the cultural misconceptions about us (camels and caves) but they don’t hate us or want to annihilation us.

If you have been reading the previous posts, you will notice that the whole misconception problem between the East and the West is an endless loop, their misconceptions and stereotyping towards us causes us to view them wrongfully, and we act according to it in a way which supports their misconceptions, you see what I am getting to? This is why this loop needs to be broken, this can be done through educations and research, whether you are from the East or form the West, go online, meet different people, build your judgments as a result of a personal experience. Try to tell others about what you have found. This is why I am doing this, I am trying to do my little part to break the chain and offer the real point of view to help break the stereotyping loop between the West and the East.

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