Do women In Islam Get Beaten?

on Thursday, May 24, 2012

In almost any debate about Islam, there are some recurrent issues some non-Muslim fellows like to throw on table; one of these is “men are allowed to beat their wives”. There are many wily Muslim and Non-Muslim scholars who always try to distort the picture of Islam to Non-Muslims by claiming that women in Islam are like domestic animals, if they do not obey, they get beaten. If the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) said that “woman is fragile as glass”, would not it be utterly contradictory to what they allege?

Of course those who are convinced that beating is allowable have evidence from the Qur’an. This evidence is in the verse which says (what means) that if the woman does not obey her husband, he should first admonish her, if she insists, then he can forsake her and sleep in another bed, if she insists, then he can beat her. Before any explanation, Islam would not have been considered to be the religion of peace, if it does not provide dignified lives for his followers. Also, if women in Islam are beaten, then most of new converted Muslims would not been females!

Beating, which is as stated in Qur’an to be the last resort, is not in the least meant to be severe hitting that cause injuries, not even physical pain. I am not contradicting myself by saying that beating does not mean to be hurtful. What is meant by beating here, is one that cause emotional embarrassment. When the Prophet (PBUH) was once asked about the conditions of beating, he elaborated that it should not be done with a stick or even a man’s hand, but with the end of the clothes. This is far from being painful as it will cause the woman to be ashamed of herself; it will cause some pain in her heart.

Because Allah is the Most-Knowledgeable and Most-Merciful of his servants, he knows that women are sensitive and the only language they know is feelings. So, those men or scholars who think that marrying a woman, gives man the right to beat her whenever he pleases, are ignorant and heartless. The Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said in what it means that whoever treats women kindly is kind, and whoever treats them badly is mean.

Indeed, Islam encourages spouses to love each other and to treat each other affectionately. In her tales, A’isha, the Prophet’s last wife, mentioned how loving and caring the Prophet was as a husband. She once asked him “how can you describe your love for me?” he said “it is like the knot”, and each time she asked him fondly “how is the knot”, he replies” as it is”. The Islamic marriage system, as evident in the relationship of the Prophet (PBUH) with his wives, in his hadiths, or in the Qur’anic verses are brimful of love and mutual understanding, and at the same time void of any violence or wicked treatment. In other words, marriage in Islam is synonymous to happiness.

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