Do Work and Faith Contradict Each Other?

on Thursday, June 7, 2012

The modern societies we are living in nowadays are based on one primary aspect which revolves around “Work and Money”. This has become a huge problem because when people spend their entire lives striving to earn more and more money they end up not having sufficient quality time with their family, relatives and friends, and most importantly with God and the tendency to learn Islam. It does not only stop here, and people actually start to believe the fact that wealth brings happiness therefore more wealth increases ones state of happiness.

As a matter of fact wealth is not equivalent to happiness by any means, and when we learn Islam it would be proven more accurately. Another evidence to show this would be by examining the lifestyles of the rich soap operas ‘and other billionaires in the world along with the wealth of the people who commit suicide in the west everyday! A common factor that can be analyzed is that they are desperate and unhappy in spite of the fact that they have a lot of wealth which can buy absolutely anything they need in this world!

Also it’s not uncommon to note that there are Muslims who work effortlessly by neglecting their daily prayers in order to earn money and are also afflicted with depression, sadness etc. Therefore the only and the best solution to overcome this problem would be to learn Islam and determine the way by which we should live our lives. The preliminary change that we all must undertake is to ensure that we never give primary concern towards work and secondary concern towards establishing obligatory prayers. By doing so, we could not only see the fruits of our efforts in this world but we would also save ourselves from being touched by the Hell Fire. This is because the fire of hell would not burn the places of our body which used to prostrate (in sujud) towards Allah on the day of resurrection,

Some Muslims could claim that they do not pray in the workplace because there is no proper place for them to do so and also because it would make them look odd since no one else is doing so. The easiest way to refute such a claim could be done when we learn Islam and know that the hadith says this whole world is a place of prayer except graveyards and toilets. As a result there is no valid reason for somebody to claim that their office environment is not suitable to offer prayers as long as there is no filth or other garbage piled up therein!

Regarding the fact that other Muslims do not pray, could be refuted even more easily by examining this simple logic. For instance if there is a competition where the first three people are offered brand new limousines, would there by a single person who would not want to take part in such a competition? Similarly it’s not possible for a person who believes in Allah and the Last Day to say that they do not pray because others do not do so. This is in fact a trap from the devil, who has been warned against several times in the Qur’an.

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