The True, Peaceful Face Of Islam

on Wednesday, June 13, 2012

There are over 1.3 billion Muslims living in the world and Islam is the fastest growing religion all over the world.

If the disaster we saw in Septemper 11th was according to the faith of and Islam justifies the actions then the increasing number of Muslims in Europe and USA is terrifying – but fortunately that is not the case. This is in a way a sign that most people know that Islam does not support violence and it is a religion of peace.

The word ”Islam” itself expresses peace and brotherhood.Islam is an Arabic word and it means peace . When Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) brought the holy book Qur’an (sent from ALLAH) his major mission was to bring an end to the kind of slaughter and killing we witnessed in New York City.Arab before Islam was involved in a deadly culture,tribes were used to fight tribe and killing was going on in large number. Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) devoted his life to bring peace in the Arab.  Muhammad(PBUH) himself survived many attempts of murder him but he was always going to be safe as he was under the safety of Almighty Allah.As soon as Muhammad felt that his followers are safe now he started preaching Islam and peace at the full flow and no doubt he turned the life on it head in Arab with his devotions,love and kindness to every human not just Muslims. 

As we know that most verses of the Qur’an came in war times therefore Qur’an talks a great deal about war,fight and the conduct of armed struggle .Quranic verses say that fight the one who is very aggressive against you but do not fight with people who want to live with peace.There are many verses which orders to fight against enemies if they  fight you but on the follow up verse mostly there is a strong order about peace which says do not fight until there is no need to fight.”Thus, if they let you be, and do not make war on you, and offer you peace, God does not allow you to harm them” (4:90).

Therefore we can say that in Islam the only allowed war is the one which is fought for one’s safety that is defending.

Jihad is very talk about topic especially in West and many  people raise questions about it.I thought to clear this point also.Here is a fact,if you read Quran the most liked Jihad is Jihad Bin Nafs that means Fight against bad emotions and the follow ups are Jihad of pen, Jihad of struggle and the least emphasized Jihad is of fight,even then there are conditions mentioned in the Quran when to start fight.Shortly Quran does not allow to aggression it allows to fight in self defense and in case when here is a danger to Muslims from enemies.

Islam is not addicted to fight,So why the suicide bombing, the hijacking and also the massacre of innocent civilians? faraway from being endorsed by the Koran, this killing violates a number of} its most sacred precepts.however throughout the twentieth century, the militant kind of piety usually referred to as called fundamentalism erupted in each major faith as a rebellion against modernity. each fundamentalist movement I even have studied in Judaism, Christianity and Islam is convinced that liberal, secular society is set to wipe out faith. Fighting, as they imagine, a battle for survival, fundamentalists usually feel justified in ignoring the additional compassionate principles of their religion.however in amplifying the additional aggressive passages that exist in all our scriptures, they distort the tradition.

It would be as severe an error to see Osama bin known as an genuine follower of Islam as to consider James Kopp, the claimed monster of an abortion  in Zoysia, N.Y., a common Religious or Baruch Goldstein, who shoot 29 worshipers in the Hebron mosque in 1994 and passed away in the assault, a real martyr of Israel. Many Muslims, who are terrified by the atrocity of Sep. 11, must recover their trust from those who have so strongly hi-jacked it.

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