Dallas men say restaurant chain fired them because they are Muslim

on Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Four employees of the IHOP restaurant chain with a combined 45 years experience claim they were fired in 2010 because of their national origin and their religious beliefs.

The men are Arab and Muslim, and they allege that that was the basis for their termination. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission agreed, determining there was "reasonable cause" that the men were harassed and terminated because of their national origin.

The men's attorneys filed suit Tuesday against IHOP and Anthraper Investments, which owns the four local franchises involved in Plano, Fort Worth, Arlington and Burleson.

Attorney Jay Ellwanger said the men experienced a hostile work environment for a long time. "I'm Christian; I'm white," Ellwanger said. "I couldn't imagine being fired for my job because that's who I am."

The lawsuit claims the men were all fired despite repeated positive evaluations from supervisors.

"It's shocking that in this day and age we're still going through this, and still fighting this fight," said co-counsel Sara Wyn Kane.

In their lawsuit, the men state that they heard repeated discriminatory remarks from Anthraper Investments owners, such as "Arab men treat women poorly and with disrespect, we're going to let these people go and have new faces coming in."

The lawsuit states that one owner equated Muslims waiting to break the fast during Ramadan to "dogs waiting for their meal."

Kane and Ellwanger will accompany their clients at a rally outside the federal court building on Wednesday morning.

WFAA, 17 April 2012

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